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There is no NWO

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posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 11:47 PM
I really do not believe there is a NWO or TPTB or Antichrist puppet master out there pulling all of our strings. I do believe there have been several major conspiracies in recent history. I am not of the opinion these are all tied together in order for some secret society to come into power.

I do believe that eventually the world as we know it will come to an end. There are far too many things out there that could cause it: Climate Change, Large Asteroids, Comets, Super Volcanoes, Countless Viruses, Nuclear Armageddon, the list goes on and on...

I also believe that every nation will eventually fall: Rome fell, the British Empire fell apart, the ottoman empire fell, the persian empire, the mongol empire... They all fell and were eventually replaced by other empires.

I think everyone wants this to happen. Especially in times like we are now having when we are all facing the worst economic crisis of all time. Wouldn't it be great if we could all start over. I think deep down we all want this to happen hoping that when the smoke clears we will remain and can build everything anew. WE hope when it happens we can do it better....

I will write more later.

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 11:49 PM
Says the NWO overlord.

Why don't you just run back to your underground NWO lair and tell your rich friends that your disinfo campaign was foiled immediately!

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by crazyguy2012

Every one of those empires is the same people running it, Gee i wonder how ? Fun !

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 11:58 PM
I agree with everything you said.

If the NWO they suck. You'd think the most powerful men in the world would do a little more then put symbols of their future plans in Rihanna music videos and Simpsons cartoons. They'd also probably have had an easier time of establishing their NWO way back in pre-American times then now, especially considering Washington was NWO master.

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 11:58 PM
MEDIC!!!!!! The OP has been drinking the kool-aid again!!

I tend to agree with you more than not. I think we want an answers for how messed up things are, and this is an easy place to lay the blame. Don't get me wrong... I think there is power behind the power, but not reptilian NWO overlords.

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 12:01 AM
I've always wondered if the truth is much simpler and more horrifying: Our leaders are regular people that are just as clueless as us.

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 12:02 AM
reply to post by AkumaStreak

I wish you were correct about me. Unfortunately, my student loans, child support payments, credit card debt, car payments, say otherwise. I am by no means one of the "elite"... I am a lawyer but I am pretty much see my paychecks disappear the minute I receive them. I think most of us are in the same position. I do believe that less than one percent of the population controls 99% of the wealth on this planet. I do not believe that is a conspiracy to create a NWO or to keep us under control for some malevolent purpose. I do think those with wealth (at least 99.9% of them) want to keep their wealth. But maintaining wealth and power has been the objective of the haves since recorded history. I do not believe that means they are planning a new one world government with them at the top.

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 12:05 AM
"There is no NWO"

it was swamp gas getting smushed and mished and mashed and mooshed by a failed russian missle launch crashing into a weather balloon manned by rocky and bullwinkle while they shot camera artifacts at chinese lanterns.

honestly, your right. there is no NWO, it ain't new.


posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by GrinchNoMore

Attila the hun is still live? The Egyptian Pharoes still exist? Alexander the great? Napolean? Hitler? no they are all dead I am sure. Those like them are alive and those with the same goals: to obtain wealth and power... But no i do not believe they have created a secret society of some hidden knowledge and a master plan. They all wanted power and fortune. They obtained it and created vast empires. Then eventually those empires feel and they died (not necessarily in that order).... It doesn't make sense that a NWO would have planned these empires to fall on purpose. They pretty much controlled the entire known world when they existed. Why let it fail on purpose to later come back and start over. If anything it goes to prove that a NWO would never succeed.

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by crazyguy2012

Dear crazyguy2012,

I really do not believe there is a NWO or TPTB or Antichrist puppet master out there pulling all of our strings. I do believe there have been several major conspiracies in recent history. I am not of the opinion these are all tied together in order for some secret society to come into power.

Neither the question nor answer are as simple as you make it out. Do you believe any of the following?

1. Control over most business remains in the hand of a very few.
Revealed – the capitalist network that runs the world

2. The most powerful people in the west want to see global government and they don't talk to the people about it. YouTube - World Federalist Association - Walter Cronkite, NWO, WTF

These things have never been hidden, it is just that most people are ignorant and didn't want to hear that they were in fact controlled by a system. We call it denial and see it today as people claim that they are not sheep; but, still act like them. They are sheep and that is why the system is what it is.

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 12:09 AM
Paul Simon said it pretty well:
"...a loose affiliation of millionaires and billionaires.."

Sounds a bit more likely than a well orchestrated, far reaching, unifying conspiracy.

Sometimes I think we give these ass-clowns way too much credit

A little palette cleanser:
edit on 07/27/12 by glasshouse because: (no reason given)

edit on 07/27/12 by glasshouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by Bodhi7

Yes it is isn't it. We are all pretty much clueless. Living on a big hunk of rock spinning around a big burning ball and nothing but randomness dictating what will happen to us. The thought that there is no Master Plan is a scary one. That is why we have religion as well as all of these conspiracy theories about a NWO.

I also think that the thought that the world as we know it will not end is also terrifying: "You mean I will actually have to pay my student loans?" "OH CRAP!" Where is the apocalypse when you need one????

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 12:20 AM
I hope there is a New World Order... since the Old one, from what we've seen so far, isnt quite working very well now is it?

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 12:20 AM

Originally posted by Bodhi7
I've always wondered if the truth is much simpler and more horrifying: Our leaders are regular people that are just as clueless as us.

If they were really as clueless as "us" they would be in the same boat as "us" clearly they are not, we are in a row boat and they are in a yacht and have been in a yacht for ages...

You don't get to be in a yacht by being clueless and even if you did, you wouldn't be able to stay there for as long as they have.

I think its quite obvious they are not clueless, nothing about them says they are clueless...clueless people don't build fortunes that last for generations upon generations. Clueless people don't control and maintain positions of power throughout the world for generations and generations. Clueless people don't rob people blind and convince them that, that money was owed to them in the first place...

They are anything but clueless. Narrowing in on who THEY are is the tricky part but I would bet its the people who "own" everything and have since the creation of "currency".

I think they use incompetence as an excuse to pacify people.

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 12:23 AM
Ummm... yeah, there is...

The NWO isn't 3 or 4 guys around a table... it's an ideal, ran under a single entity.

It will emerge as a result of all of us... regardless of who wins, a 'NWO' will emerge. The dollar is sacred and has the power of God... You control the cash flow, you control what culture, what image, what means will evolve and be the new 'standard' or 'order'. Obviously, all of which is rooted in politics, governance, foreign relations and corporations.

Everyone pretty much makes up the NWO, we create it after all. There's always going to be someone at the top in both a world of commerce and government... Put the two together, then add in time... an NWO will manifest. The problem is... when the NWO collapses.

'They', I'd imagine... do want the best for 'humanity', 'they' just have a funny way of going about it while taking all of our money lol.

I guess you can deny that the Bilderberg Group exist... NWO is EXACTLY what they're about. Some people trust them, many don't... and it's hard to trust any ruling party for they have always fallen or failed the people eventually. One single entity, when falls... and governing the worlds activities, could collapse a civilization.

As the world becomes 'flat' a NWO has to emerge for the good of the world IMO, it just needs some serious checks and balances.
edit on 2-8-2012 by FractalChaos13242017 because: error

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 12:28 AM
The NWO is a concept. There is a power struggle going on at all times behind the scenes on our planet where multiple factions, Dynastic families, Illuminati type people used to have complete control. But for many reasons their control is failing.

Looking throughout history many secret societies have sought to gain control of the masses and aim for global domination. That's not a conspiracy theory that's fact!

The question is, Is that crap still going on in todays world? Sadly yes however indeed they suck and are failing before our eyes.

If you analyse many illogical parts of society there's no way we got here by accident and stupidity.... No no. Indeed it was many different forms of specific evil that brought the human race to the quagmire we live in.

to list some feels like placing the whole blame on them but its far reaching. The Rothschild's and Rockefeller's are amongst the list. as with the Jesuits, Khazarians, Illuminati factions blah blah.

This house of cards has many players holding it up. Bastards that suppress technology and impoverish the world.

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by AQuestion

Neither the question nor answer are as simple as you make it out. Do you believe any of the following?

1. Control over most business remains in the hand of a very few.
Revealed – the capitalist network that runs the world

2. The most powerful people in the west want to see global government and they don't talk to the people about it. YouTube - World Federalist Association - Walter Cronkite, NWO, WTF

1. Yes. Most definitely that is true. But you are giving these people too much credit. They have power and money and don't want to loose it. Maybe some of these people do want to help make the world a better place BUT NOT AT THEIR OWN EXPENSE... It is human nature to desire these things. At least for some. If we all lived like the Dali Llama or like Jesus or Ghandi well that would be different. But there are many more Hitlers and Attilahs than true leaders. Without the government crime would run rampant. Even with government there are many mafias in almost every culture... Triads, Yakuza, Russian Mobsters... I think every nationality has its own crime syndicates. Although they do have some influence on the government the government does attempt to keep these organizations in check. To some extent these organizations do provide things that are beneficial.

2. A worldwide government might not be a bad thing in the distant future. But now I do not think it would be possible. It would take a lot of factors coming together for this to happen. Right now there are too many factions people are too different in their religious, political and ideological viewpoints. There would have to be a disaster that would wipe out a significant portion of the population. There would have to be something that would bring mankind together as well. Also, you have to remember that everyone (well almost everyone) wants power and wealth. Those with it will not want to give it up. Get rid of old factions, religions, governments, and new ones will pop up in their place. Unifying the world is possible but not very likely. It cannot be done by force. Eventually those being oppressed will rise up against the oppressors and take over. No empire has ever lasted and probably no empire ever will.

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 12:46 AM
There was an NWO at one point

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by FraternitasSaturni

I guess if you view it that way there will always be a new world order on the horizon getting ready to replace the old one... After all didn't the roman empire replace the persian empire.... Then when the roman empire fell.. What happened... something else took over... Eventually spain pretty much had everything... Then the British empire... The russian empire fell. There will be more empires to come. They will fall and new ones will take their place. I am not sure what I would title the current empire... Probably I would call it the elite empire... What are countries anymore??? Wealth pretty much rules. The wealthy want to keep their wealth. I think I would call this age the "Corporate Empire" Corporations have pretty much taken over all countries...

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 01:25 AM
reply to post by Mandrakerealmz

Another good point. But if there are so many different "secret" societies all vying for power how can any one of them succeed. I think now (and for some time) the true powers that be are corporations. So how do we fight against that. We have a government to keep them in check. Well we have the people to keep them in check... A corporation will not succeed if we do not purchase its products. a government will not succeed if we do not follow it...

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