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Originally posted by itsthetooth
reply to post by rhinoceros
Do you have any links that explain more, what your talking about. It's very interesting, and I would like to look at that.
How would you go about explaining the fact that human and chimp mtDNAs share common mutations not present in gorilla mtDNA, and human, chimp and gorilla mtDNAs share common mutations not present in orangutan mtDNA, and so forth? Same story with nuclear DNAs including integrated viral sequences and such. How do these observations fit your idea of us having been "frankensteined"?
Not to jump to conclusions but it has been a thought that gorilla DNA is what was used to frankenstein us. I guess its possible. I never heard that we share common mtDNA with them. I did know that our nuclear is almost identicle but a creator could have done that just as much as evolution could have.
Originally posted by itsthetooth
reply to post by rhinoceros
I think perhaps another nail in the coffen that proves we aren't from here, is how humans have a blood type that isn't found anywhere else on this planet.
Now there is speculation that this was a mutation but we all know that an offsprings blood will always match the fathers.
And what exactly does this mean?
Of course we share common mtDNA. We share common mtDNA with virtually all animals, plants, fungi, and other eukaryotes.
I took a quick look, it looks like we are still faced with the same problems that could mistake evolution for proving relation. There is still no proof of relation. In addition we can't even make any assumption based on timelines because we don't know if we populated bilateral or unilateraly.
Mitochondria were only acquired once in the course of evolution, about 1.5 billion years ago. For a comparative study of primate mtDNAs, look for example here. If that doesn't convince you, you could also read about for example nuclear DNA sequences of mitochondrial origin in humans and chimps.
Most sites are saying that you can get it from either the mother or the father. Which still doesn't explain where we got this odd blood type from.
No. For example in the AB0 system people can be AA, AB, A0, BB, B0, or 00. One gene from mother, one from father. E.g. AA father and BB mother means that the kid is AB.
Originally posted by Confusion42
reply to post by flyingfish
Nice to know other's are also explaining to Tooth that Evolution is a process, not a person
Originally posted by itsthetooth
I have offered the example of anteaters and ants. Ants and termites are a main staple for the anteater. Don't confuse the fact that hes called an anteater with it fitting either. He has special claws for tearing up ant hills, special ears for hearing ants in the ground, and a special tounge to reach in hard to get places and pull ants out to eat them. They also eat soft fruit, and other insects, but ants and termites would be a target food.
Apes eat fruit, so bananas, apples, and nuts. Fruit is obviously a main staple. If apes prefered bananas, and it could be proven that it wasn't a replacement to anything else that went extinct, it could be a target food. Keeping in mind that study would have to be done to prove that bananas, yelid high nutrients for apes, and that it is a main staple.
Originally posted by itsthetooth
reply to post by flyingfish
A process that has created over 5 million unique species, right, I get it.
Thanks... but there is no less than a dozen others that have tried explaining to Tooth what Evolution is.
It's futile.
I'm just here to keep some resemblance of sanity
But none of these give us an indication that they are food made for us specifically. We don't rely on any of them, and none of them yeild high nutrients for us.
I have offered the example of meat and plants. They are a main staple for the human. He has special hands with opposable thumbs, perfect for harvesting fruits and vegetables. He has a special tongue that can taste sweet and bitter as well as warn of rotten food, and a special brain capable of learning how to cultivate his own food, as well as design tools for hunting and farming.
I was being general, but trying to be specific. There would be specific fruits, not just a fruit group per sey.
Various apes have different diets, but why are you able to count fruit for apes, but not for humans? We know the nutritional value of bananas. They are high in potassium and very healthy for humans. Humans could live off fruits if they had nothing else. Why do fruits not count as a target food for humans? Please answer that.
You do realize that with 98% of our populas going extinct, its possible that evolution is responsible for creating billions of species. But your still going to take the side that evolution is just a process and not a creator.
That's a all you need to do is understand the process for what it is, not what you think it should be- to fit your imaginations.
Start with the basics, you will find that through Google.
Once you can understand the basics then we can get into more detail concerning Speciation and other evolutionary processes
Originally posted by itsthetooth
reply to post by flyingfish
You do realize that with 98% of our populas going extinct, its possible that evolution is responsible for creating billions of species. But your still going to take the side that evolution is just a process and not a creator.
That's a all you need to do is understand the process for what it is, not what you think it should be- to fit your imaginations.
Start with the basics, you will find that through Google.
Once you can understand the basics then we can get into more detail concerning Speciation and other evolutionary processes
Doesn't it seem odd that this process seems to have intention or motivation?
Originally posted by itsthetooth
But none of these give us an indication that they are food made for us specifically. We don't rely on any of them, and none of them yeild high nutrients for us.
Your kidding me, you actually don't see how a process that is responsible for possible billions of species, doesn't have an agenda?
The only process I see that seems to have intention or motivation is your posts.
Well then you should have no problem providing information that proves it wrong. And BTW evoluiotn doesn't prove target food wrong, evolution just assumes that species eat what ever they can, and that that is normal. I never found anything that claims it to be proof. Then again most of the hypothesis and theories of evolution work on that frail system anyhow.
You can run from the truth all day long but you can't hide from it when you put it in writing.
Don't you realize your posting incorrect information and any one can see that it's folly.
I'll give you another chance, are you going to come clean or are you going to continue pretending you don't know what evolution is.
Evolution, the overarching concept that unifies the biological sciences, in fact embraces a plurality of theories and hypotheses.
If that were true we wouldn't be plagued with super supplement stores and diets, and dieticians, and the plethora of food related sickness that we do have. Instead its the opposite and we keep adding food to our menu as though we are in search of a better food.
We CAN rely on any of them. Bananas included. Humans could live off nothing but meat and still be in top physical shape. What you don't understand is that the food does not adapt to the species. The species adapts to the food or it goes extinct.
And that would be the key word right there. We are surviving. We aren't thriving, and we obviously aren't as healthy from the choices that are available. If I'm wrong that you need to contact all the suppliment stores and let them know they have no reason to be in business and also contact all the deiticians and doctors to let them know that our diet is perfectly fine.
It's always been that way, humans included. Our ability to survive on a large variety of foods is one of the reasons we're still here.
I'm an equal opportunity believer. If your going to preach about how well the ant eater evolved into eating ants, then you should have no problem explaining what we evolved into eating. Surely out of all of the food we eat, we had to evolved into something.
The reason the ant eater has all the features you named is because it has evolved to efficiently eat the insects that live in its environment. Food isn't designed specifically for any species, although humans are smart enough to manipulate them on a mass scale.
Obviously food that has to be treated and processed for eating was NOT intended for humans to eat it. Food that has to be cooked, to protect us from getting sick, was obviously not intended for us to eat. Cooking is a process.Smoking is a process, and BTW they are all unnatural processes. Just another form of adaptation.
Tell me that food wasn't specifically designed for humans
Originally posted by flyingfish
Originally posted by Confusion42
reply to post by flyingfish
Nice to know other's are also explaining to Tooth that Evolution is a process, not a person
Thanks... but there is no less than a dozen others that have tried explaining to Tooth what Evolution is.
It's futile.
I'm just here to keep some resemblance of sanity
I used the word pretending because what most people on ATS are pressing about what they believe, don't match up with what I read about evolution.
According to your post, your going with pretending you don't know what evolution is.
Good luck with that.
There have been over a dozen variations in the belief of evolution so I know its been over a dozen.
Only a dozen? Oh, just this thread. Your not counting that other thread
I don't think its the appearance that matters on here, you know I forgot to comb my hair this morning, so shoot me. I think the sharing of information and truth is more important.
Tooth doesn't appear dumb (well, he does in some ways but not in others lol.... )...
I believe in sharing the truth, thats all.
Assuming he doesn't somehow profit from doing this, he's been going strong for countless pages over 500?
What's the motivation? He's not trying to convert people to a religion, he's not creationist (similar, but no), and he aint offering us any chance to hitch a ride on a space ship back to (according to his belief) "original home"....
Gotta wonder whats the motivation behind writing, reading, and pretending not to read so many pages
Originally posted by itsthetooth
reply to post by flyingfish
There is no evolution cycle or extinction cycle.
Evolution does not create new life it's not an's not an entity.
Evolution is a word that describes change across successive generations.
There is no proof that once life gained a foothold that it was ever wiped out. None is omitting life on this planet has been wiped out in the past and outside life brought in but you. This is just fantasy talk.
Your last quote is just some sort of lack of understanding.
Do a little research on evolution so you can understand what it is your talking about.
No its just the way that I emphasize how it must be.
I still don't understand how something can be responsible for creating over 5 million species and you claim that it has no intention. Do you not know how large of a number that is? If you do the math on the aleged creation pattern of evolution, there is roughly about one million species being created every billion years. Thats still a lot. And why is it that we are never finding these new species that this so called process, would still be creating? In addition to this, because evolution happens unilaterally and bilaterally we should be seeing new species hand over fist, but its not like that. Someone offerd to me that its because not all new species succeed, but if that were the problem we would also be able to see failed species and we aren't seeing them either. The only thing we have close to that is species going extinct, but they used to be a successful species before.
So where are our new species, hand over fist?
No its just the way that I emphasize how it must be.
No its just the way that I emphasize how it must be.
I still don't understand how something can be responsible for creating over 5 million species and you claim that it has no intention.