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Chick-Fil-A, Standing Up Against a Liberal Agenda

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posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by torqpoc

Woah...that Forbes article really says it all.

I mean, I guess they can practice discrimination and institute policies to ensure that everyone toes the exact same line. As people have said, they have a right to be hateful. What surprises me though is that while people keep touting "free speech" and "constitution" and all these very American things in their defense, the fact of the matter is this way of running a business sounds suspiciously un-American to me. Read the Forbes article that was posted and then tell me there isn't a little bit of this going on:

Wiki Entry for Fascism

To achieve its goals, the fascist state purges forces, ideas, people, and systems deemed to be the cause of decadence and degeneration.

Exclusionary, centralized codes of morality, with a rigid agenda of oneness. I know it's a business but you can't deny the parallels here. This is a dangerous game to buy into. Even if it is only chicken.

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by otherpotato

Originally posted by luciddream
reply to post by otherpotato

The only business you gonna get is from people that hate gays and are christian. Fortunately that combination of people are slowly dying out.
edit on 8/2/2012 by luciddream because: (no reason given)

Thank god for that!

(pun intended)

Hmmm...record profits tells me that people are waking up.

This really doesn't have anything to do about religion, but rather free speech.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, just as I vehemetly disagree with yours.

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by lambs to lions
It is not often that a company chooses 'core-values' over profits. Chick-Fil-A is one such company. In a time where companies will do anything and everything to grab as much money as possible, Chick-Fil-A chooses to close it's doors on Sundays, which they feel should be observed as a holy day of rest. To me, this is very, very refreshing.

Recently, Dan Cathy, the company's COO, made some comments during an interview with the Baptist Press concerning his beliefs on gay marraige. Cathy said, "We are very much supportive of the family-the biblical definition of the family unit, we are a family-owned business, a family-led business. and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that."

In choosing to exercise his right to free speech, Cathy has found himself , along with his company in a heated controversy. In this day and age, Cathy's opinions are considered bigoted, hateful, backwards, and primitive.

Mr. Cathy, I salute you.

You once again stood up for what YOU felt was right knowing that it would land you and your company in hot water publicly.

Liberal agendas are constantly being forced down our throat and we are constantly being beaten over the head with them. He wasn't being hateful, he was stating his opinion, and doing so at the risk of his company's well-being. We know what happens when a company is perceived to be an enemy to the social equality movement of the gay community. The media organizes into an army and attempts to maim and destroy.

I happen to work in a shopping center adjacent to a Chick-Fil-A location. This morning driving into work I noticed lines 50 yards long stretching out of Chick-Fil-A's main entrance. Also, cars were stretched halfway down the block and there were dozens of people outside in the parking lot. Living in Tulsa, where there is a above average population of gay people, I just knew that all the people must have been involved in a protest against Dan Cathy's stance. I was pleasantly surprised when some of my colleagues went over to check on the situation and reported that the crowd was there to show silent support of Chick-Fil-A. Again, this is very, very refreshing. I will continue to choose Chick-Fil-A over other 'fast food' businesses because I appreciate how the company stand's behind its principles. Honestly, I wouldn't care if they chose to champion the rights of insects. If that meant that they chose their beliefs over the security of their profits, I would respect that.

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 01:50 PM
Though I myself tend to favor marriage between a man and a woman, I would never discriminate against a same-sex couple. Believing in God and being Christian, I believe God works in mysterious ways. Gay people were made by God just as much as straight people and they have the right to their own opinion just as much as straight people do. The Constitution gives all the right to their opinions and I stand behind the Chick-Fil-A executive's right to say whatever he pleases, it's his constitutional right. Now, if they denied hiring someone who is in favor of same sex marriage or discriminated against a homosexual in anyway shape or form, that should be in the mainstream media news headlines and they should be boycotted, but if they're simply expressing their opinion on how they feel, leave them alone. Constitution gives him the right to his opinion just as much as it gives gay people their right as well. This statement sums it up perfectly:
"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
Evelyn Beatrice Hall

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by whywhynot

Originally posted by lambs to lions
It is not often that a company chooses 'core-values' over profits. Chick-Fil-A is one such company. In a time where companies will do anything and everything to grab as much money as possible, Chick-Fil-A chooses to close it's doors on Sundays, which they feel should be observed as a holy day of rest. To me, this is very, very refreshing.

Recently, Dan Cathy, the company's COO, made some comments during an interview with the Baptist Press concerning his beliefs on gay marraige. Cathy said, "We are very much supportive of the family-the biblical definition of the family unit, we are a family-owned business, a family-led business. and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that."

In choosing to exercise his right to free speech, Cathy has found himself , along with his company in a heated controversy. In this day and age, Cathy's opinions are considered bigoted, hateful, backwards, and primitive.

Mr. Cathy, I salute you.

You once again stood up for what YOU felt was right knowing that it would land you and your company in hot water publicly.

Liberal agendas are constantly being forced down our throat and we are constantly being beaten over the head with them. He wasn't being hateful, he was stating his opinion, and doing so at the risk of his company's well-being. We know what happens when a company is perceived to be an enemy to the social equality movement of the gay community. The media organizes into an army and attempts to maim and destroy.

I happen to work in a shopping center adjacent to a Chick-Fil-A location. This morning driving into work I noticed lines 50 yards long stretching out of Chick-Fil-A's main entrance. Also, cars were stretched halfway down the block and there were dozens of people outside in the parking lot. Living in Tulsa, where there is a above average population of gay people, I just knew that all the people must have been involved in a protest against Dan Cathy's stance. I was pleasantly surprised when some of my colleagues went over to check on the situation and reported that the crowd was there to show silent support of Chick-Fil-A. Again, this is very, very refreshing. I will continue to choose Chick-Fil-A over other 'fast food' businesses because I appreciate how the company stand's behind its principles. Honestly, I wouldn't care if they chose to champion the rights of insects. If that meant that they chose their beliefs over the security of their profits, I would respect that.

Yea! Bug Power!

Wait a second, they already have that.

A beetle is being used as possibly denying the Keystone XL pipeline. Apparently it's rare.

The left had best beware of the "Silent Majority" as we are waking up to their shenanigans.

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by otherpotato

Originally posted by rgzing
reply to post by jtap66

My problem is the manner in which the gay community seems to have a need to advertise their lifestyle choice.

You know I feel the very same way about the Christian community. All those big obnoxious churches, holier than thou messages I'm assaulted with when I drive past one of their signs, nativity scenes and crosses and weeping Jesuses in public view, friggin bells ringing to call them "worship," people congregating before and after their masses and tying up traffic. I mean they broadcast their services on TV!! How is that OK?? ....It's quite sickening really. So I get your point. People should keep their beliefs to themselves and in the privacy of their home where it belongs. Christians should not be allowed to celebrate their beliefs publicly so that I have to be subjected to it. I mean I have children being exposed to this stuff.

You see what I did there? What's good for the goose has to be good for the gander.

You feel the same way about Islam? Why do leftists group ally with Islamic groups that are expressly anti-gay? Why are people like you always so vocally anti-christian, but don't have # to say about how barbaric Islam actually is to gays?

I'm not Christian either, so dont try that cop out. I don't believe in organized religion.

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by TDawgRex

Originally posted by TDawgRex
This really doesn't have anything to do about religion, but rather free speech.

I support free speech, too.

Tomorrow is "Same-sex Kiss Day" at Chick-Fil-A. Protesters will be kissing each other and taking pictures in front of the store, as their form of protest. Tell me... Will you be supportive of their free speech rights as well?

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by PvtHudson

Christians are everywhere - on this thread and where I am... if Muslims were in my face I assure you my outrage would be entirely of an "equal opportunity" nature...

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 03:13 PM
I have been intrigued by the comments both here and other places about the chick-fil-a day of appreciation. What is impressive is the incredible outpouring of support for Dan Cathy's right to express his views. My local chick-fil-a had hour-long and more waits from 10:30 am until it closed at 10:00pm. The crowds were polite, friendly and considerate. They included both gay and straight individuals who, together, expressed a willingness to support a person's right to free speech. They were not characterized by shouting, sloganeering, or denigrating the views of other. There were no pre-printed posters or bussed in protesters. This was, from my perspective, a truly grass roots response to the call of Mike Huckabee to show support for Chick-Fil-A.

What is lost in the discussions is the fact that Mr. Cathy did not speak unkindly of homosexuals. He did not suggest that they should be mistreated or disrespected. In fact, it is his company's position to promote respect for all. The company has been amazingly successful by promoting, traditional family structures, debt free operations, and a day of rest so that employees can spend time with family and worship as they see fit. Moreover, his comments were made in the context of an interview in a Christian media outlet and reflected a company philosophy that has been present since its inception and freely available on its website. They were not made as a part of a national media blitz or campaign. Sadly, this fact has been lost on many of those who are demanding boycots and limitations on the business's right to operate. Since the information has been freely accessible for years, I question why has this issue been used at this time and in this way. What is the real agenda?

I think that this nation is desperately seeking something in which it can believe and hold onto. We need to stop finding ways to divide us from each other and need to instead find the common values which allowed this country to become the world's leader in promoting liberty and justice for all.

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

yes, free speech rights should be honored. However, those who chose to express their views should not be rude, obnoxious to customers, or impair access to the restaurant. When you bully, trespass and harm you have crossed the line from free speech to improper action.

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by Juridicus

Originally posted by Juridicus
yes, free speech rights should be honored. However, those who chose to express their views should not be rude, obnoxious to customers, or impair access to the restaurant.

And that is no less that I expect from the anti-gay contingent. Because that's they way they think... Gay people don't have the same rights to marriage OR free speech, according to them. Of course, it's all right for Dan Cathy to express himself, give millions to anti-gay corporations, discriminate against minority groups, etc., but if gay people express themselves, they're going to be called "rude and obnoxious".

My prediction is that tomorrow, there will be arrests of gay people for exercising their right to free speech, even if they AREN'T rude about it. Mark my words!

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

it's all right for Dan Cathy to express himself, give millions to anti-gay corporations, discriminate against minority groups, etc., but if gay people express themselves, they're going to be called "rude and obnoxious".

Please note that I did not call gay people "rude and obnoxious" Similarly Dan Cathy did not discriminate against gay people to the contrary he and his company say that respect should be paid to everyone. What I said was that those who chose to protest on Friday should be respectful of others. That is what I found happening at my local chick-fil-a yesterday. Everyone was pleasant, kind and respectful and that included several gay couples who chose to express their support for Dan Cathy's right to speech.

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

Not to mention the millions in contributions to anti gay groups since 2002. This is more than someone speaking their views. This is an agenda.

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by nixie_nox
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

Not to mention the millions in contributions to anti gay groups since 2002. This is more than someone speaking their views. This is an agenda.

All Christians have an agenda. Most people have agendas. The gay movement has an agenda. Are you hoping to use the word "agenda" as a pejorative, would that be your agenda?

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by TDawgRex

I sometimes feel that the people who keep waving the free speech flag around - as if having an issue with what Cathy said automatically means you deny his right to say it - are doing so because they are opposed to gay marriage themselves but realize it is totally contradictory to say it when they are also shouting about freedom of speech. Because you know - that's using one right to help deny another.

And of course it's "about religion." The only reason gays cannot marry is because of religion and the narrow-minded opinions it creates in people. I mean hello - look at the very man we are talking about! Religion is the only thing preventing the full exercise of the constitution the way that it was written. Where does it say "all are created equal...except gay people who want to marry each other. We have a problem with that." The personal beliefs of some are denying rights to others. That seems pretty self apparent to me and I feel a sense of obligation to challenge those who use their money and influence to try to perpetuate that injustice, like Cathy does.

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by drwizardphd
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

To be fair,

Chick-fil-a has donated money to anti-gay rights groups.

If gay people do not have the right to marry who they love, then they are second class citizens.

Again, I support the right of a private company to do whatever they want with their money. However, his logic does follow. Chick-fil-a has donated money to the cause of creating second class citizens.

EDIT because I don't want to make another post: Thanks for that info BH, I guess I won't be eating there at all ever. I tend to avoid fast food altogether, I always thought Chik-fil-a was one of the better ones but I guess not.
edit on 1-8-2012 by drwizardphd because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-8-2012 by drwizardphd because: (no reason given)

That you believe that makes them second class citizens is not fact, that is your opinion. If they and you choose to see themselves as second class citizens that's on you and them. I see it as maintaining the nature of marriage and not redefining it on a whim. If you want equal legal rights for gays under the law, then push for legislation eliminating any legality regarding marriage, since there is NOTHING stopping someone from starting a religion for gays and performing a gay religious ceremony that they can call whatever they want, even marriage...


posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by Masterjaden
. I see it as maintaining the nature of marriage and not redefining it on a whim

But marriage has been refined continually look during biblical times where one could have multiple wives and a woman had to marry her rapists etc,etc. Marriage has been rearranged and transformed continually through time i dont see the point of maintaining it in a certain form because one has a romanticized notion of how things were done in the past and think they have to preserve it

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by lambs to lions

Ah yes. The "liberal agenda". That's the one that tries to ensure that everyone eats, has a place to live, is treated decently and has health care. And you are expressing admiration for bigotry that stands against that? Says a lot about you . . and none of what it says about you is good.

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by FeatherofMaat
reply to post by lambs to lions

Ah yes. The "liberal agenda". That's the one that tries to ensure that everyone eats, has a place to live, is treated decently and has health care. And you are expressing admiration for bigotry that stands against that? Says a lot about you . . and none of what it says about you is good.

Ah yes. That "liberal agenda" that declares that plundering others is justified because a slight percentage of the plunder will be placed into programs that ensure that the bureaucrats eater better than those they serve, that the bureaucrats have homes while they hand hotel vouchers to the homeless granting them a two week stay in a seedy hotel, and a health insurance policy that has no nutritional value what-so-ever. They plunder and plunder and to distract from their plunder they point the fingers at those they disagree with and scream "Bigot!" at the top of their lungs and smugly pat themselves on the back so sure that all they say say's nothing but good about them.

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

Correct JPZ, but it's far better than a despotic state, fascist state, communist state etc..

So if you're going to bash, bash them all. At least it's not open warfare and let's kill the educated, students, of a specific colour, of a specific religion etc...

Slightly narrow minded bashing there.


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