posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 03:20 PM
My thoughts are with you hun....I'm hoping once the shock of this news wears off a little, all the fight you still have will surface again, and you
will see a way out of the panic I'm sure you must be feeling.... damn sure I would be in your shoes.
Not that I've had anything this serious to deal with myself... but please... investigate every possible cure or solution you can, conventional,
complimentary, dietary, hippy, witchy, any weird thing that may work, or even just makes you feel better and stronger to cope with recovery. The
solution you need might come from the strangest angle, and maybe a combination of things that you didn't expect. The turmeric cancer cure mentioned
by another poster has a lot of history and information out there, and perhaps is worth looking at.
I wish you the best, I'm sending you love too, and I know you will find what you need.... please keep us posted on your progress.