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So What Would You Do if Everything Collapsed Tomorrow?

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posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 08:40 AM
Today the USA, Europe, Australia, Canada, and many other countries have solid infrastructures, not like years ago.

What does this mean? Well if everything actually crashed and people could actually grasp the concept that everything is actually still the same as it was yesterday, then cool heads would be able to work through a situation of NON-EXISTENT MONEY. And that we can still survive because everything is still in place.

Seriously folks! The money doesn’t exist in the first place, well except for our sweat equity.

So we wake up, one morning and they announce, all over the news, that the markets just crashed and we lost everything, (Fiat Money, in our bank account that never existed).

First thing to do is run around in circles and smash everything in the house, yell, scream, look for a New War to be announced, so we can run around and shoot each other (WWIII), and we can get our minds off of money (that was not there in the first place). See my point?

Now we need to run to the bank to withdraw money that was never there, we need to be fast so the others don’t get there before us to get what’s left of the non-existent currency.

Since I lost everything in the bank, “now I don’t exist”. Repeat after me.

Is the illusion of money that strong that people can’t exist without it?

Is everyone socially and career wise so neutered, that if everything did come to a complete halt, that they wouldn't know what to do, or how to survive because money (That didn’t exist in the first place) is now gone because they woke up and realized the truth?

In closing, we have everything around us to survive. And we are not really looking for a collapse of money, but rather the people, at the top are accountable, for their current disregard of our sweat equity by manipulating currencies to control us.

If we all decide to work together we can actually change our current Modus Operandi and one that could allow us all to live happier lives, but the question remains "What would you personally do?"

Peace out,


edit on 1-8-2012 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 08:50 AM
In an ideal world I would love to see some true bonafide socialism spawn from the mega capitalism crash which is inevitable. Societies ran like towns, for towns BY towns.

In other words.. people, people people.

Not Puppet masters, bankster gangsters and sock puppets..
edit on 26/10/2010 by TechUnique because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 08:54 AM

Originally posted by TechUnique
In an ideal world I would love to see some true bonified socialism spawn from the mega capitalism crash which is inevitable. Societies ran like towns, for towns BY towns.

In other words.. people, people people.

Not Puppet masters, bankster gangsters and sock puppets..

None of the "ism's" work IMO, because they are all tied to the "Fiat Currencies"

As long as there are strings in place there will be puppet masters.

Money is a faith based system, as long as people believe it's there then they are OK, but lose the faith and it's all downhill regardless of the political structures in place.
edit on 1-8-2012 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 09:35 AM
If everything collapsed tomorrow, I'd wake up and make breakfast.
Then I would go get all of the useless fiat papers that I could and pay off my families debts.
Their debts are in USD, so the banks would have to accept them.
I would then go home, make a drink and relax.

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 09:42 AM
I reckon I would boil some water and fix some coffe and oatmeal...maybe some wholegrain taost...have homemade blackberry preserves.

Then feed and water the animals... check on my new baby piglets and take a headcount. Check the goats and kids... move the horses to another pasture.

Then split some firewood... mend a few fences... work in my garden and get in some fresh melons, peppers, beans, corn, and big ol' homegrown 'maters...then build another pig tractor...(mobile pig pen)..

Drink some coffee... and kiss my wife during a break about 1030am... and thank the Lord for givin me the skills to live like grand daddy...

Hold on... that's what I did today...LOL

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 09:58 AM
Best of luck to all who find themselves on the path to destruction. It will terrify even those who know darkness.

edit on 1-8-2012 by usernamehere because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by AlreadyGone

Great answer!

And that is the way things should be, our lives should not be dictated by currency, but by our abilities to handle life on a day to day basis.

You sound like a person that knows how to truly provide for themselves.

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by Realtruth

Originally posted by TechUnique
In an ideal world I would love to see some true bonified socialism spawn from the mega capitalism crash which is inevitable. Societies ran like towns, for towns BY towns.

In other words.. people, people people.

Not Puppet masters, bankster gangsters and sock puppets..

None of the "ism's" work IMO, because they are all tied to the "Fiat Currencies"

As long as there are strings in place there will be puppet masters.

Money is a faith based system, as long as people believe it's there then they are OK, but lose the faith and it's all downhill regardless of the political structures in place.
edit on 1-8-2012 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

The problem isn't fiat money, its fractional reserve debt fiat currency and compound interest that's breaking both the people, small businesses AND the banks. We've never known any other kind of fiat money, so we think that's the only kind that ever existed and it must be at fault.

In the 1750s, the Colonies were very prosperous. There was no income tax, no unemployment, and stable prices. When asked to explain this prosperity to leaders back in the motherland, Benjamin Franklin replied;

“That is simple. In the Colonies we issue our own money. It is called Colonial Script. We issue it in proper proportion to the demands of trade and industry to make the products pass easily from the producers to the consumers. In this manner, creating for ourselves our own paper money, we control its purchasing power, and we have no interest to pay to no one”.

1764, the production of Colonial Script was made illegal by the Currency Act, passed into law in England (of course due to pressure from the Bank of England) prohibiting the Colonies from issuing their own money, ordering them to use only the money that was provided (in insufficient quantities) by the English bankers. Benjamin Franklin said,

“In one year, the conditions were so reversed that the era of prosperity ended, and a depression set in, to such an extent that the streets of the Colonies were filled with unemployed”.

The effect that the English bankers were having on the Colonies was by far the most significant reason for the Revolutionary War in 1775, in contrast to what is taught in our history books. Benjamin Franklin was clear about this;

“The colonies would gladly have borne the little tax on tea and other matters had it not been for the poverty caused by the bad influence of English bankers on the parliament which has caused, in the colonies, hatred of England and the revolutionary war”.

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 11:12 AM
I would watch people panic and go in shock. If the Economic Matrix, system that defines the who and what they are and all they know was to evaporate before their eyes you would see allot of malfunctioning Human beings running around like those crazy homeless people you see on the side of the road at times just mumbling to themselves

Yet I believe a Police state would occur, the ARMY AKA Government would create a controlled environment utilizing the new power WEAPONS OF VIOLENCE... Wars over resources would occur Anarchy of course will exist until a new system could be created to replace the one that is out dated. Which would and therefore create the NWO, one scenario at least, would also see more then likely one hell of a Cataclysm as well once all the Christians realized they did not get saved or beamed to heaven on a religious scale.

Yet what I would do is hop on a sail boat designed to create its own energy and fresh water and set sail to the great oceans and push my luck with exploration. Maybe find a Island somewhere and live in paradise for the rest of my life..

Considering a nuclear exchange will be highly likely to occur after a economic collapse, within days if not then weeks for sure.

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 11:21 AM
A great many of know it's coming. We've been preparing as best we can to carry-on afterwards. Some of us have detailed, written contingency plans to act as guides and checklists to follow when it hits. We'd pull out the plan, fire-up the comms, assess the situation and get to work organizaing ourselves and our neighbors.

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 11:23 AM
The new currency will be "time". As in, your personal time invested into a given task. Many will surpass others with their efficiency & skill - hence they have a stronger form of currency (time).

Currently our fiat trade system and/or way of exchanging our energy (cash) is inhibiting our evolution. The signs are all around that these days are numbered, yet so many people are clinging to the old, not yet embracing the new.

Oh you'll be embracing the new in no time. just watch.

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by survival
The new currency will be "time". As in, your personal time invested into a given task. Many will surpass others with their efficiency & skill - hence they have a stronger form of currency (time).

Currently our fiat trade system and/or way of exchanging our energy (cash) is inhibiting our evolution. The signs are all around that these days are numbered, yet so many people are clinging to the old, not yet embracing the new.

Oh you'll be embracing the new in no time. just watch.

I have to agree with this take. I think it will be skilled workers that will fair well.

Things are way out of balance and the scales are tipping right now.

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by Realtruth

If everything collapsed I would wine and complain about it on ATS

But in all seriousness i probably would get some guns and lock myself in because when people hear the word collapse they think they can do whatever they want and that includes looting and rioting

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 03:51 PM
What would I do?

Jump for joy!
No need for me to go to the bank, either...they can have my $200.

I'm serious.

And then look forward to a new economic that is not based upon worthless futures or whatever it was those stupid federal notes were supposed to represent.

One that is based upon the barter system and true supply and demand, and most importantly, imo, CRAFTSMANSHIP and human ingenuity/talent.

An economy wherein everyone has the potential to be productive for themselves...not a slave to the paper representation of 'futures.' There is no future in futures, as we have learned. Are learning.

What is truly valuable with then be appreciated and I don't see an artificial system supplanting it ever again since we are experienced now in what is NOT valuable.

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by queenannie38

lmao! You make me laugh.

Here is what I find truly interesting.

I know deep down something is transpiring, we only need to look around and admit it to ourselves.

The interesting thing is what will replace the old ways? Maybe barter like you say and what is even more exciting is maybe free energy will have a chance to surface again, like when Tesla tried back in the day.

edit on 1-8-2012 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 04:14 PM
We'd have to wait for all the money hungry to kill each other, and anyone else as their illusion of control evaporates like an ice cube on a hot parking lot... And then the rest of us (poor folks) who didn't have enough of the crap to really give a flip can see about FINALLY contributing to the world with their time, talent, and compassion!

Think about it- the SOBs who own the flashy cars, the fancy clothes, the druggies, rappers, gang bangers, and trash of the species who have their "mind on their money, and their money on their mind" self destructing.

What will be needed will be a hole to hide in till this blows over...

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 04:28 PM
Would be just another day ... wake up ... practice martial arts then meditate , after that maybe go fishing or work in garden awhile ...
let the entire corrupt system there in the west collapse .

only bad thing is once it does collapse is that we will probably end up with refugees from the west trying to come to asia...

stopped accepting western currencies a few years ago and dont use banks have no need of those bloodsucking leaches ...

only other thing that possibly would be good is the rest of the world wont have to worry about americans invading and murdering them for resources once the corrupt system there in the west collapses...

as for me have everything I need and fully self sufficient will be just fine here

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 04:40 PM
I would probably feel like a burden has been lifted, no system means no formal job to go to, and no more bills, I would get to work on splitting wood for the woodburning stove, and have some family time, and get the neighbors together for some planning.....

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 03:33 AM

Originally posted by Expat888
only bad thing is once it does collapse is that we will probably end up with refugees from the west trying to come to asia...

Just out of curiosity... What gives you the idea that people would start heading to Asia? How would that even be possible? I could be grossly misinformed but I've been studying sites like ATS as well as survival groups and blogs across the Internet for about 7 years now and never once have I seen anyone indicate that as soon as TSHTF they're plan of action is to hightail it to Shanghai... Again, I admit this could be a huge oversight on my part, and all sarcasm aside if I am wrong by all means please enlighten me.

Oh so eagerly awaiting your response...

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 03:57 AM
I would do nothing...immediately anyway.

I would secure a tank of gas, load up and move on out of the city. Since I dont have much money to begin with, it wouldnt be a huge loss....besides Ive been prepared for such for a long time now.

All I would have to do is get my family north...dont much care what happens to me. Once they're safe, I would go back to pick a fight.....iim like that.....always the antagonist.

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