posted on Oct, 10 2004 @ 12:12 PM
Bush's plan for the future, as stated in the 2nd debate:
we're going to train troops [125,000 by 2005] ... we're spending 7 billion [to train the troops] ... we're going to find Osama Bin Laden ... get
the Brits, Germans, and the French to pressure Iran to give up its nuclear ambitions ... we're paying attention to the Axis of Evil ... removing
troops from Korea and Europe and replacing them with modern weapons ... no draft ... a lot of good people working hard to stay on the offensive ...
spread freedom ... get seniors to sign up for drug discount cards ... 2006 prescription drug coverage is offered in Medicare ... continue lowering
taxes, but still spend whatever is needed to protect our country, while lowering the deficit by half in 5 years ... make sure Congress doesn't
overspend ... increase the economy by having an "energy plan" and a "litigation reform" (he mentions no specifics) ... increase wetlands by 3
million ... proposed the Clear Sky Initiative ... continue to push clean coal technology ... spend money on development and technology that will help
the environment ... allow small businesses to join to purchase healthcare ... spread health savings accounts ... won't spend anymore money on
stem-cell research beyond the 70 lines already out there ... no tax payer's money will be spent on abortion ... enforce parental notification laws
... promote maternity group homes
Kerry's plan for the future, as stated in the 2nd debate:
Fully fund the "No Child Left Behind" Act ... allow NATO to help (or completely take over) the training of Iraqis, something the group brought up as
a possibility in a meeting a couple weeks ago, but was ignored by Bush ... implement a process to reduce Russia's loose material in four years rather
than the 13 years it would take under Bush's plan ... work on a massive global counterproliferation effort which would include scrapping our own
plans for bunker-busting nuclear bombs in an effort to hold ourselves to the same standards we ask of other countries ... increase active duty
military spots by 40,000 so that we don't need to use a backdoor draft of National Guard reservists or a reinstated draft to fill our military needs
... remove catastrophic cases out of the healthcare system and pay for them via a federal fund so that they don't artifically impact healthcare
premiums, which will allow more affordable personal plans, as well as allow small businesses to offer healthcare packages, which will increase the
number of Americans covered ... raise the child-care credit by $1,000 for families to help them be able to take care of their kids ... have a $4,000
tuition tax credit that goes to parents -- and kids, if they're earning for themselves -- to be able to pay for college ... implement tax cuts for
people making under $200,000, while repealing tax cuts back to the Clinton level for people making above that ... currently sponsoring a bill along
with McCain that will eliminate tax loopholes for businesses that outsource jobs overseas ... create a manufacturing jobs credit and a new jobs credit
for people to be able to help hire and be more competitive here in America ... reevaluate the Patriot Act so that it cannot be used in a way to
deprive American citizens of their most basic rights ... put the 100-200k frozen embryos already stored away in fertility clinics to use by using them
for stem cell research
None of the Bush supporters took me up on my offer to go thru and post what Bush plans to do in the future to put America on a better course, so I did
it for them, using the same guidelines I did with Kerry. Actually, that's slightly wrong as I mainly posted specific future plans with Kerry,
whereas Bush spoke in more generalized terms so I had to include plans such as "find Osama Bin Laden." I should go back and list the more
generalized plans of Kerry as well, but I think you get the picture as is.
Reading these two plans for the future, you tell me which is full of substance.
I will give Bush credit, at least towards the end of the debate he did come up with some specific plans like Kerry had been providing the entire time.
Bush's plans for healthcare were specific, I only wish his plans for Iraq, and Al'Qaeda, and the economy provided the same sort of
[edit on 10-10-2004 by W_HAMILTON]