posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by taoistguy
I'd love them to show up, and when confronted with all the alien mythology about greys, reptilians, andromedans, pleiadians, and other such, reply
with the alien equivalent of "WTF? Who?"
Yes, discounting all the mythology that's grown up around UFOlogy and supposed aliens visiting would indeed be a wonderful joke by the universe
played well.
I suspect, if ever there is alien contact, everything we ever thought we knew about aliens will be found to be entirely in error.
Ahh I wish, and wish and wish it would happen, just to see the rug pulled out from under all the pretenders, charlatans, liars, kooks, nut jobs, and
total freak show Alien religion revivalist types.
If for some strange odd reason, the mythology is actually true, well, that'd be hilarious too.