Let me start by stating that I've explored most of the subjects included within most ATS forums since the early seventies. I don't pretend to be an
"expert", just a curious observer. While reading a thread on global warming on ATS the other night, something clicked. It seemed to tie everything
together in a way that I had not perceived before.
As this thread has the potential to be quiet long, I'll supply to links for readers to do their own research, but I suspect many will already be
familiar with the information.
So let me set the stage for my conclusions:
Climate change and global warming. Debate seems to revolve around man made or natural sun cycles. The arguments have been which scientific
measurements of atmospheric conditions or solar cycles are the "culprit".
Then I remembered reading about scientific reports of all planets in our solar system are heating up.
A google search will supply many more.
Then I remembered something about our solar system moving into a highly charged cosmic cloud.
Also much more available if searched.
Some scientists speculate that the result could produce dramatic climate change or even a catastrophe of biblical proportions.
From the UFO camp we have channellers, contactees, abductee's etc. that for the most part, present a fairly consistent picture of impending global
disasters, and they (aliens) are here to assist us with the approaching earth changes and difficulties etc., as well as the possibility of moving into
a 4th dimensional consciousness.
I realize that presenting the above links is still controversial, and I'm not presenting them as facts, but to indicate
the trend of thought as being consistent with the final hypothesis. I'll strive to tie them together latter, so wish me luck. Hope none of you
leave before getting to the end
Then we have the End of Times, Apocalyptic perspective, that in their own way points to a similar "future" for mankind.
Throw in the Mayan Calender with the 12/21/2012 date that also jives with some NASA warnings.
Now suppose that NASA discovered this cosmic cloud soon after we began the space program and quietly submitted the info. to a "select group" with
the conclusion that the only way to survive the impending crisis would be to go underground for an indefinite period of time. We might call this group
the global elite or TPTB or whatever. In any case, there would a great necessity to acquire unprecedented amounts of capital to fund the construction
of their underground "city bunkers" and to supply these with enough food, water, medicine etc. for "them" to survive. Also seed vaults to start
So how do they acquire that much money, "likely in the trillions of dollars", without the public, taxpayers, or sucker investors catching on to
there plan. A likely scenario was put together in The Report from Iron Mountain, that is still controversial today. But in short this report was about
what would the government would do in the event "peace broke out" and concluded that peace was not in the national interest of America. but it also
speculated on what diversionary "threats" would be a plausible excuse to instill fear and create an identifiable
enemy that the gullible public could rally against. The solution, man made environmental pollution. It fit with what they already knew about the
coming global warming problems. They programed our kids, coerced scientific research, funded multiple environmental organizations and radical
activists groups, expanded EPA powers and regulations that drove manufacturing overseas, in an effort to financially gut the middle class (those who
may have the means to politically influence some of the diabolical schemes they would later come up with.)
Those of us who have been saying "follow the money" will understand, but we always thought it was just about greed. Maybe it boils down to
"their" survival at our expense. As the time of the predicted disaster
approaches, it would be necessary to implement greater and greater restraints on a growing number of the disgruntled populace, who have seen their
jobs disappear, their retirements and investments wiped out, their homes foreclosed on and their children's future comprised. More diversionary
events needed to take their minds off of them. Colorado maybe? Travon Martin? (Guns and Race always worked).
9-11 was the excuse for the Patriot Act and the creation of HLS. We all know the results of that. Unprecedented
surveillance to thwart any uprising of the public when word gets out. FEMA camps/// and on and on and on.
By this time you should know where I'm going. So am I nuts? Or am I now a target?
I eagerly await you opinions.