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The US/West?

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posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
reply to post by benrl

Shotgun response

The US/UK/Russia have all the oil [Or most of it ] locked up

Yep - with sight on claiming the thawing Arctic region, as well.

Where does that leave China?

Creek and no paddle...

What about India, btw? Where do they fit?

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 09:57 PM
The movie's title that I forgot earlier is called ' Iraq For Sale: The War Profiteers'.

Watch it.

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by LadySkadi

That exactly how I was thinking

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by beezzer

Originally posted by SLAYER69
reply to post by benrl

Shotgun response

The US/UK/Russia have all the oil [Or most of it ] locked up


Oil is the Achilles Heel of China. It's national reserves are weeks long at best. It'd be nothing in a concentrated wartime effort.

Makes sense. No war if you can't move your standing armies artillary, heavy armor, ships and aircraft. They just sit there all pretty like and are less useful than a paperweight, because you can throw a paper weight and do some damage when you can't get a tank to budge.

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 05:48 AM
Shameless thread bump then off to the abyss

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by W3RLIED2
reply to post by SLAYER69
That's all fine and good for appearances sake. I think the reality of the situation with China is far worse ( or better depending on where you stand). I think that the US has already sold out to China. Without making any public announcements about the goings on the US/China relationship is a I talk, you listen deal. Meaning the Chinese have the west by the balls.
They both embrace each other more closely to ensure that they support each other. China has a totalitarian system which uses the masses to support our appetite for cheaper goods that we're unable to pay in US. Ofcourse in return the chinese will request 'favors' that we cannot deny. This would also include helping pakistan and china in the asian region to keep China's competition (India) in check.

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by benrl
Funny you should mention 'water'. I've also heard that future wars will be about 'water'
Good source of it..atleast for the countries who are the 'bread baskets' of the world.

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Here is a newslink from the past. It may seem at times but China is also used to keep Russia and India in check in the Asian continent. What better way then to entangle China into US (just the way the Japanese economy was/is when it attempted to defeat the US through their superior workmanship)

edit on 1-8-2012 by hp1229 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by LadySkadiOriginally posted by SLAYER69
reply to post by benrl
Yep - with sight on claiming the thawing Arctic region, as well.Where does that leave China?Creek and no paddle...What about India, btw? Where do they fit?

They have a better chance of penetrating the African continent and forge economic ties then the US/EU or China solely based upon the recent history (some last 100 years). This is also due part because of India's desire to compete with China and also to keep China's quest to dominate Asia in check.
edit on 1-8-2012 by hp1229 because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-8-2012 by hp1229 because: edit content

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 12:21 PM
Many, UNFORTUNATELY, are only looking in the wrong directions, such as conquest, expansion, power, wars,allies, axis, etc.

Go to the root and you will unravel the relationships and the ways it twines and entwines.

It is all about TRADE. Nothing else.

Trade is the lifeblood of the world. If it gets interuppted, the first to suffer will be humankind, for no nation is self sufficient, even USA. Despite having it all, nations such as USA and Australia still needs the world, for manufactured goods cheaply produced and others to buy their excess resources.

That's how entwined we mankind are.

Thus, when there are wars, cold wars, profiteering from imbalance trades, skulldruggery games being played, TRADE gets disrupted and all will only suffer.

As long as China plays nice, and at least attempts to address human rights issues as they are now trying to do so, and to live up to its responsibilities to the rest of humankind as a powered nation is suppose to do so, they will be left alone to do so,

However sadly, there are far too many corrupt hardliners within the govt, and are doing all they can to grab whatever they can which will not only disrupt TRADE, it will disrupt their own economy as the masses rise up against the endemic thefts and pillages by the barbarian hardliners.

USA and the Free world don't need to do a thing. The Chinese People will do it on their own. They had suffered long enough.

The Free world would only need to focus on the Middle East, espacially Iran, because those apostate leaders there are insincure with their fragile rule, due to its delusive ambitions to be the premier Islamic faith in M.E. which the Sunnis will NEVER countenance.

Thus Iran's apostate ruler will do anything and everything it can, to destablize our world and disrupt TRADE if they could, even sacrificing our fellow human brothers and sisters in Iran, mostly of the Shias, by brainwashing them to fight when it is NOT necessary. Majority of Sunnis are true muslims and moderate, do not want any Shia hurt or harmed,and do not have the bloodlust that militants have whom had whipped up hatred in response to the persian apostate leader to stay in power and barbaric way of life.

The Persian apostate leader is old, and had long prepared for death. He cares nothing even about his own People, let alone trade. He lives in a deluded world of self glory and see himself as some super divine being and leader, the very apostacy that the good prophet Muhammad had warned about, for there will no more divine teachers sent after the prophet.

As for Russia, only Putin and his rubber stamping corrupt hardliners are the problem. Russian common masses only wants what everyone wants, common aims in life. No matter how senile he is, he and his bunch of corrupt thugs know full well TRADE is the lifeblood of all, similiar with the China corrupt hardliners. Disrupt trade and no human will live past 6 months on Earth, as fights will ensue.

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by hp1229

Defeat us? We were simply taught how they focused on workmanship that they learned from Dr. Demmings

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
reply to post by hp1229

Defeat us? We were simply taught how they focused on workmanship that they learned from Dr. Demmings
I didn't complete the sentence as I knew the question will arise. However in the effort to defeat us, they got themselves entangled with US economy to the point where the chinese are today
If we go down, they go down.

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 01:06 PM
I've said it before, and I'll say it again.

The United States and China are intimately connected. So much so that the decline of one will drag the other down. We will likely never be in a 'hot' war with China because both governments understand the depth of interdependency that we share. Was it planned this way? I'm not certain anyone here could know...

In my opinion, the future will be very similar to what you see in "Blade Runner." An amalgamation of East and West.

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 04:28 AM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
Goood bto see othbersinteested in the sane btioic :[ up]

Appertnly IK have some approprioately time mallwarwe

I guess I hit the mark!!!

For a minute there I thought you sounded more like you had some appropriately timed liquor in your system!

All jokes of course =)

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by Dreine
I've said it before, and I'll say it again.

The United States and China are intimately connected. So much so that the decline of one will drag the other down. We will likely never be in a 'hot' war with China because both governments understand the depth of interdependency that we share. Was it planned this way? I'm not certain anyone here could know...

In my opinion, the future will be very similar to what you see in "Blade Runner." An amalgamation of East and West.

The IMF's monkeying around and moving nation economies to better homogenize them doesn't not support this as well as you think. The US's economy is not tied to China in this manner. However, the Canadian economy is. The Canadian economy acts like a small Asian economy.

I see this idea floated quite often, but it really doesn't make sense. Did the US economy tank when Russia's fell? No. China's problems would be a minor blip until other locations for manufacturing were secured. The Chinese Chinese government doesn't want that to happen.

The US is not showing the signs of recovery it should be. The US's economic homogenization was left to last, and due to the stupidity and greed of a segment of the population was made far worse by having several other financial shennangians break at the exact same time. You don't get that sort of synchronicity by accident in my opinion. Subsequent bail-outs have furthered this trend and still fail to provide the security that was promised.

Certain parties have used this to consolidate more hold on corporate and charitable interests that were starting to become independent of the financial oligarchy.

The ramp up to consolidating political and financial powers could be a prelude to the hope the the Middle East and a large chunk of Islamic Asia and the Maghreb are going to either have a new focus, or are going into lock down. The plan for the Islamic block is fifty years ahead of plans.

Interesting - I just had a nice conversation with a very nicely outfitted dude in Starbuck's about this exact issue. I told him that I think that what is happening could take a while, but it has the potential to go off any minute with the right trigger.

What's the trigger?

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
reply to post by SLAYER69

Nothing is more scary that Imperial China.

They've been bidding their time for a VERY long while and very shortly we'll see them start to get involved in certain international affairs that they usually would not.

Iran for example is one and perhaps some of the other Asian type conflicts.

I think the increase in military intervention in ME countries and Africa is jsut the United States trying to impose it's control and set up shop as quickly as possible before China starts offering to build bases in those nations in return for resources that it has a lot of and not many other nations do.


When you say 'they', who are you referring to? The Chinese Communist Party only came into power in 1949. I'm not sure that 60 years qualifies as a long time. I would also argue that historically, China has never been expansionist.

As the global distribution of power moves from unipolar back to multi-polar shouldn't the Chinese become more involved in International Affairs? I think so, and apparently the US government also does.

posted on Aug, 3 2012 @ 12:12 AM
You would argue that the Chinese have never been expansionist.

You would argue that based on what exactly?

Because the Han have absolutely been expansionist, and the Chinese empire has been getting bigger for several thousands of years. Slowly consolidating Kingdoms and other groups, and they are still doing it. They have claims out on several other groups, and their propaganda system of telling people over and over that they belong to them has worked. Patience is the key to the empire building of the Chinese Empire.

They do it so well, you aren't even aware they are an Empire and the current dynasty is merely the bureaucracy doing away with a figure head.

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