posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 11:24 AM
Self development, the growth of consciousness, is evolutionary, its always going up.
We learn by all life experiences, good and bad, we learn with negative and positive experiences, nothing is useless to the soul growth process, so in
this perspective life is always good because its always useful, even if it hurts sometimes.
As for material development, nothing is guaranteed. We can be high one day, low in the day after, its up and downs, its aleatory, its not an
evolutionary process, its alive and has a life of its own, no matter how hard we try, we can't control it. We can only do our best and enjoy what
life gives us, knowing that we cant control it, only enjoy it while it lasts.
This is reality, so if you think your material life (career, money, job) must be an ascending line always evolving, you are deluded. The hard reality
will wake you up someday.
Its best if you avoid this frustration and accept reality as it is.