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Nano God Technology - This is the future!

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posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by TechUnique

OH ME GAD! How do we know viruses aren't nano engineered weapons created by ET!!!!

No, this little guy couldn't be responsible.

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 02:45 PM

Hell, man doesn't even go into space any more.

What are you talking about? There are people in space right now in the ISS.

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by TKDRL
Sweet! Another thing we can envy the rich for having. Do you really think the average joes will be getting their hands on that? Yeah right.....

People were saying the same things about telephones, TV's, radios, cell phones, computers, and smart phones. The accelerating law of returns in regards to technology means that the prices will keep coming down as the technology gets more advanced.

Sure, the first bits of technology based on true nanofabrication will be expensive, but scale of economy and technology will quickly push down the price....

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by o0pinMind0o

ANY technology can be misused. I can kill someone with a brick, but I can also build shelter with it. Nanotechnology will get rid of many of the reasons we fight. You'll be able to provide energy, food, water, and shelter for everyone. You'll be able to clean the environment and get rid of the haves vs the have-nots.

The only thing I can't see nanotechnology fixing is religion. Religious beliefs, or the differences in beliefs specifically is still the reason why many people fight and die. I can think of an easy solution for that one...

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by grahag
reply to post by o0pinMind0o

ANY technology can be misused. I can kill someone with a brick, but I can also build shelter with it. Nanotechnology will get rid of many of the reasons we fight. You'll be able to provide energy, food, water, and shelter for everyone. You'll be able to clean the environment and get rid of the haves vs the have-nots.

The only thing I can't see nanotechnology fixing is religion. Religious beliefs, or the differences in beliefs specifically is still the reason why many people fight and die. I can think of an easy solution for that one...

What's this easy solution?

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 07:19 PM
I'm not sure if an apex technology society would really be much of a utopia. What would people do with their time? All work would essentially be done by robotics. Either you're a computer programmer, or you're nothing.

Also, I imagine a better power source would have to be developed to fuel a nano revolution.

The growth of this technology relies heavily on artificial intelligence. A molecular rearrangement machine would be filled with millions of micro bots that take apart atoms and molecules and rebuild them into the desired product. Computer technology has a long way to go on that front.

I'm not sold that information technology is of ultimate benefit to humanity. A person with a smart phone has the answers at their fingertips, and may end up being a lesser thinker overall because of it. These emerging technologies are threatening the ability of individual to discover for themselves.

In an advanced nanotech society would there be any skilled craftsman left? A carpenter can't compete with a molecular rearrangement machine that fortifies the wood with carbon nanotubes. A farmer can't compete with a machine that provides unlimited food of perfect taste and nutrition.

Perhaps a nano revolution would lead to the next revolution, and humanity would still be occupied. But the certainty here is that humanity would be almost unrecognizable to what we see in the world today. Many will want to augment themselves with technology to make their body indestructible. Skin that can stop bullets, muscles augmented to allow people to run faster than cars and jump over buildings.

This scenario threatens to lead toward a further division in class between rich and poor. In 2050, those that have enough money may have the internet in their brain and jets in their feet. Even if the poor have all the food they want, the cutting edge of the technology will always be limited.

Another problem would be natural phenomena that have the ability to fry electronics, such as solar flares. I'm assuming the nanotech would run on electricity, could be wrong. But building a society around a technology like this could leave us very vulnerable to a disaster scenario.

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by Druscilla

Its still very far away, but we are moving to it at speed.

The destruction of humanity, society and individualistic value we have today will start when biotech meet nanotech.

Its when you are presented a option, live forever like in heaven but have to surrender your DNA for "usage and modification". The thing to watch is when biotech meet nanotech - life meet machine.

Nanotech is still fine, its just technology, but combined with biotech, it will be much much much more destructive than nuclear. Its not god tech by its own.

The most precious thing in the universe is not gold or technology or other materialistic object, its social life and the aliens lost it long time ago. They just smirk (if they can) over our nanotech but greatly value our "primitive life", hence the never ending abductions. Ever heard aeroplane/car/electrical stuff abductions ? There you have it.

(nanotech) You can have materials that react to what you are thinking by just a nanotech injection, but would you accept if it ? need to alter your DNA "a bit".
(biotech) You can live like god and forever, switch to new body at will, experience full spectrum of nature, but at the cost of individual life decision, would you accept it ?

If answer is yes to any above - You ate the forbidden fruit.

Chargeit is taking the first bite of the forbidden fruit - body repair regeneration, just wait the "ohhh" when he learn he can "move" to new body.
MassOccurs want to take the bite but still unsure, pretty sure he will bite when he learn he can actually see people feelings in colours.

Its the first step, that is until we know we can taste, see, feel, hear, smell and more than we can imagine. First its gonna be utopia civilization, then later - full single entity totalitarian control over entire mankind - NWO to the extreme.

Biotech is godzilla, Nanotech is virus. Mix both and we are merely upgradeable monster in vessels.
I prefer sanity over nano + biotech god technology offered.

Add: Estimated time for all this - Less than 1500 years.
edit on 2-8-2012 by NullVoid because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 10:33 PM
reply to post by NullVoid

My response; give it to me now.
I could care less about heaven, hell, oblivion, or finding out if they really exist.
The universe is vast and if I can live as long as I want without dying, by simply taking injection of biotech nano, or moving into a new body of my choosing whenever I like to move into new different bodies, then, sign me up. Sign me up right now.
Where's the queue to stand in?

NWO and all that, I could care less about. The rest of everyone can keep this planet. NWO can exploit this planet to whatever kinky twisted desires they want.
Give me a body that allows me to live long enough to get off this planet and out into the universe on my own terms, and facility to continue living as long as I want, and I'll be quite very content with that arrangement.

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by NullVoid

Are you suggesting that the value of life for humanity is at it's maximum limit right now?

You're damn right I'd like to see people's feelings in colors. I'd also like to fly and shoot lasers out of my eyeballs.

But I would think twice about all of it if it meant I would never feel awe and wonderment or the rush of having an original idea. At this point I'm more committed to the idea of living for the soul and God than for the prospect of technology turning me into a superhuman.

And in my earlier post I was generally negative toward the idea of fully developed and bio-augmented nanotech.

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by Druscilla

I think the danger is as much psychological as spiritual. Your identity and mind complex would change completely. Transitioning from a vulnerable human to an immortal machine would destroy a lot of the aspects of ones personality.

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by MassOccurs

It hasn't happened yet, thus, you have no technical basis to frame such an assurance.

If I could simply print another copy of my own body, but brand new, young, vigorous, and ready to go, where I then just move into this replacement, I wouldn't be any different than changing clothes.

If changing bodies requires moving into something less biological and more mechanical, then, whatever sacrifices compared to benefits and gains there are to be had will be weighed and considered.

If it's the only choice, then, still sign me up so I can at least be around for when the new biological models become available.

posted on Aug, 3 2012 @ 12:05 AM
Thanks everyone for your insights and answers.

Granted you can have all the whizzbang you mentioned but theres a price - your conscious/spiritual/emotional whatever you call it.

You're damn right I'd like to see people's feelings in colors. I'd also like to fly and shoot lasers out of my eyeballs.

You can have the ability, but not the feeling. Its like watching traffic signal lamp. You know hes angry but never know why (think passing by somebody anonymous slamming the door).
You can have laser eye but will not shoot without order unless to protect yourself.

Give me a body that allows me to live long enough to get off this planet and out into the universe on my own terms, and facility to continue living as long as I want, and I'll be quite very content with that arrangement.

You may have it, but not on your own terms, you will go on a mission, a permanent life job that have specific order and complex task to perform, it will be never a holiday. You switch body by specific rules, on death, you will be resurrected a new, losing all the experiences, fresh just like the day you depart from homeworld.

MassOccurs here got it right. Its losing the ability to have views on something happen, aka becoming robot.
Reason is well said in MassOccurs post.

Transitioning from a vulnerable human to an immortal machine would destroy a lot of the aspects of ones personality.

We cannot have it all. Thats why we will reach the utopia level and then follows the destruction of individuality. If we opt for species advancement, we will modify ourself and will assimilate ourself with everyone for "greater benefit" hence will have the collective decision, which in turn will render social/spiritual/etc less usable.

Removal of sex/racial preferences (I'm not male or female!) as mentioned by Druscilla here. It will destroy family and generational values.
Elimination of most mortality and physiological quality for health and wellness, will allow you to clone a lower quality yourself as worker etc as you see fits. Afterall you never sick/die, yet still have to live, better live it like a king right ? What king without "subject"/workers.

All this is still far but we are moving towards it. We marvel about nuke, about splitting atoms, but the real advance is in nanotech and biotech and its damn risky business for human as a species.
For now, lets just satisfy ourselves with fake orange juice (fake chicken is just around the corner
). Fake limbs and nanotech medicine that eat bad stuff is under development, please be patience

Btw - living forever is actually a curse.

posted on Aug, 3 2012 @ 03:43 AM
reply to post by NullVoid

... and there you go, making up arbitrary rules about a technology that hasn't even been developed already.

Predictions can be made, sure. There can be horror stories about an Orwellian slave live future. There can even be futures full of hope and fancy tech like the Star Trek stories.
All in all, in the end, there is going to be both good and bad. Such is the nature of how life has always been.

Regarding any sort of technology like printable replacement bodies; where there's technology, there's going to movements and methods to hack it, crack it, share it, torrent the software, and many alternatives.
There'll be legitimate body model dealerships and then there will be chop shops and back door speak easy establishments for illicit upgrades.

If people can't afford replacement parts, or replacement bodies, existing bodies in use by people will be kidnapped, wiped, broken into parts and sold on black markets.

There will be lots of future alternatives and how those future alternatives work out will be left to how we react to their development.
I know people that have never payed for a single piece of software, software upgrades, video game, movie or anything since like the 1990s. Most of their computer hardware is also personally customized with heat sinks, water/oil or some other liquid cooling, complicated arrays of storage and backup storage, and a number of the expected telltales and perks of someone that happens to be tech savvy.

Similar will occur with any technological advancement.
The moment we can print our own replacement bodies is the moment we'll see imitation Anime bodies, Elves, Angels, Sexy demons, Cat people, and a whole host of any and every sort of modifications and custom designs anyone and everyone can and will imagine.

posted on Aug, 3 2012 @ 03:47 AM
reply to post by grahag

They were right about all the other tech. In the beginning it was mostly rich folks only.
When it comes to medical, conventional medical proceedures as it is can cost tens of thousands, even into the millions.

posted on Aug, 3 2012 @ 06:05 AM
reply to post by Druscilla

err, I think you misunderstood me.

The timeline I mentioned bypass all that. The things I mentioned will be so common and as easy as taking minor a surgery. I dont say NWO will rule. I just saying, everyone will assimilated and form NWO.

Anyway, its maybe 1500 to 2000 years more before we went into that. I give 500 years for body part replacement become common and 1000 years for full DNA modification (the awakening).

You really have to imagine all these things and fantasy about it to know where will we end up.
What I see, the only thing that stop us from becoming/using the grey aliens path is - religion, faith and spirituality.

For nanotech discussion, its still too early to see the effect of nanotech to be proud of it. I do see its future usage in eliminating nuke waste, recycling waste, as energy provider/converter etc. But still, progress is slow.

posted on Aug, 3 2012 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by _Phoenix_

Originally posted by grahag
reply to post by o0pinMind0o

ANY technology can be misused. I can kill someone with a brick, but I can also build shelter with it. Nanotechnology will get rid of many of the reasons we fight. You'll be able to provide energy, food, water, and shelter for everyone. You'll be able to clean the environment and get rid of the haves vs the have-nots.

The only thing I can't see nanotechnology fixing is religion. Religious beliefs, or the differences in beliefs specifically is still the reason why many people fight and die. I can think of an easy solution for that one...

What's this easy solution?

Woops... CAN'T think of an easy solution. The only solution you can come up with would be to prove that there's no God or that the bible/koran was written to fool people

posted on Aug, 3 2012 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by Druscilla
reply to post by MassOccurs

It hasn't happened yet, thus, you have no technical basis to frame such an assurance.

If I could simply print another copy of my own body, but brand new, young, vigorous, and ready to go, where I then just move into this replacement, I wouldn't be any different than changing clothes.

If changing bodies requires moving into something less biological and more mechanical, then, whatever sacrifices compared to benefits and gains there are to be had will be weighed and considered.

If it's the only choice, then, still sign me up so I can at least be around for when the new biological models become available.

A great analogy is that clothes don't change WHO you are. They might change how you feel, but a new body wouldn't change your core. My wife had a gastric bypass and her body has changed. The only thing that changed within her is that she got in touch with her inner narcissist. She's a happier person without all the health problems that came with the extra weight. Once people realize the pain they've gotten used to is gone, they become MUCH happier people.

posted on Aug, 3 2012 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by TKDRL
reply to post by grahag

They were right about all the other tech. In the beginning it was mostly rich folks only.
When it comes to medical, conventional medical proceedures as it is can cost tens of thousands, even into the millions.

In the beginning. But not now. Procedures that were just experimental are now available to the public. CT Scans, MRI's, PET scans and DNA sequencing used to be MILLIONS of dollars and now you can have them with just a copay of $20.

Soon, you'll be able to get these same procedures done at home with technology that is essentially "built" into your body. No surgery anymore, no cancer, no disease... Your little nanomachines will keep you healthy and fight off invaders automatically. You'll be able to live a healthy life for as long as you want to live. Nanomachines will repair or rebuild or renew your dying biology.

Yes, there will be misuse of the technology. I have no doubts. But the only way to prevent misuse is to stay ahead of the people that would misuse it. Strong AI and Nanotech will make us smarter, more aware, and healthier. We will be in charge of our own evolution. Not as a species but as individuals. Race won't matter. Gender won't matter. We'll come to grips with the inevitability that we're ALL different, yet, we're all capable of the same greatness and yet we ALL came from the same primordial soup. If that doesn't bring people together, I honestly don't know what would.

posted on Aug, 4 2012 @ 01:37 AM
reply to post by grahag

Correct, but nanotech development is out of reach from common people and even small companies. To perform such research you need funds, and what better fund supplier than military. You need not guess what the outcome, everybody knows.

We will get flesh eating nanobots first before self repairing gadgets. Nice eh ?

posted on Aug, 4 2012 @ 05:44 AM

Originally posted by METACOMET
In a nanotech world there is nothing to stop you or I from creating our own spaceships, our own planets and our own universes and our own realities. That said, there are many roads mankind may take and nobody knows what is due us in regards to our relationship with technology.

I like the way you dream (*) and I mean it in a positive sense ("if something hasn't yet become real, it is a dream").

(*) Or just "imagine", if dream as a word arise connotations that you find unsuitable to the moment.

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