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Barack Obama Is Not "The" Government.

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posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 09:54 PM
I keep reading threads about topics that have absolutely nothing to do with U.S. President Barack Obama, yet include him in the title, thread and comments section simply because the thread is about the subject of government as though he has everything to do with every aspect of our government. Let me try to explain how the Government works in a language most of you can fully comprehend so the next time you post something, you know who to blame.

Shall we begin ?

The United States Government consists of three SEPARATE but EQUAL branches. That means , they all share the responsibility as well as POWER to run the United States Government. Why ? Because the founding fathers remembered what it was like being under British rule while they were designing our constitution. Okay ? There is no KING in America because that would sort of defeat the whole friggen point, now wouldn't it? So, we have three separate and equal branches of government.

What are the three branches ?


Why did I put them like that instead of 1,2,3 ? Because they are all one. They are all EQUAL. Now, let's talk about the first ONE.


Now these are basically professional liars who have been elected by the most gullible of Americans using millions of dollars from big corporations in the form of campaign donations. They like to run as one of two major political parties. The Democrats and the Republicans. That actually used to mean something until the late 1970's , early 1980's when lobbyists and big corporations started purchasing members of Congress. It doesn't really mean anything now. In practice, they do the exact same thing. In campaign mode, they pretend they oppose one another. This branch of government is called CONGRESS and makes up two houses. One is the House of Representatives and the other is the US Senate. The House of Representatives are supposed to be average Americans from every district in every state. But they are really fat cat rich sell outs who have made a career out of working at the Capital. They are the most ideological of the two houses because they have to campaign more and unfortunately for them, they have to play the partisan role more. They'll do it so long as they get re-elected. Wouldn't you talk stupid and put on an act for a few months so you could make 174K a year ? Yeah, you would. Then, there's the US Senate. These are the other selfish fat cat career politician millionaires who pretend they love the people too. They make the rounds on TV and put on this act like they just hurt for America and they want to work out solutions to what ales America. Some make about 194 K a year. Both Houses of Congress play a game of pretending to write and pass legislation and then play ping pong with it by injecting amendments (changes) only to have the other house turn it down. Then they get on TV and put on another show blaming the other side of not working together. You can tell who's up for re-election by who you always see on TV. For more information on what these two useless entities do read HERE.


This branch contains the Office of the President of the United States or as conspiracy theorists commonly refer to it as "The Office Of The Anti-Christ Puppet of the NWO." , and his Vice POTUS aka "The Back Up Puppet in case the POTUS breaks his MKULTRA programming " This man is responsible for our military. He is the Commander in Chief. That's his biggest role in government. He get's to wage wars so long as he get's permission from the Congress. He also get's to sign legislation if it ever reaches his desk. But it rarely does . Again, see 1(a) LEGISLATIVE) He also get's to travel. He gets to visit other countries and talk to them about keeping the peace and what not and smile and try new foods and take pictures and smile and give speeches and have meetings and smile and just represent the image that America as a whole needs shown to the world. A Smile. He is also responsible for the execution and enforcement of the laws of the US that Congress makes so he has a cabinet (HANDLERS) that advises him on the laws (Or Gives Him Sessions) They meet and give him advice (OR PROGRAM HIS MIND) and then the President makes decisions. (OBEYS MIND CONTROL COMMANDS) .He also gives speeches (PROPAGANDA) asking Congress to pass laws that he wants to sign and warns them that if they send him a law he doesn't like he can veto it. (DICTATOR) But sometimes the congress doesn't care because they can override the veto with 60 votes. Again. The Constitution was designed so that no branch had full power. But it's being used now as a ping pong table. For more on what this office does and does not do, read HERE


And finally, the judicial branch , which is a joke. They used to do some good in the past just like Congress used to. But they are no longer respected. They have declared corporations, like Koch Industries and Monsanto, people , they give political speeches about issues in which they could possibly be asked to rule on in the future and when they do have a case that they should recuse themselves , they don't. They make rulings based on friends in high places as opposed to the laws of the Constitution. Unfortunately, theirs is a lifetime appointment so they will be there for a very long time. One of the reasons people obsess over who to pick for POTUS is that this is the guy who gets to pick the SC nominee. So, you know, depending on who that President is, we could have a fool or a real fool on the Supreme Court for the next 95 years. Then, the Congress votes for them. Anyway, If you want to know more about the Supreme Scam read HERE

Now, where does U.S. President Barack Obama fit within this whole government thing ? Well, the answer is in his title. He is the United States President. He is the Commander In Chief. He is the1 (b) EXECUTIVE branch. When you read about the wars overseas or anything foreign policy related, that's Obama. Those b*tching about this topic will be happy to know that indeed the buck stops with him. Although he appoints others, when things happen under his watchers watch, he is still responsible. This is his department. His responsibility. But remember, he can't do jack smack unless he get's authority from the Congress and the Courts. So, please don't go blaming him for something he doesn't have the authority to do. He can't write laws or declare something constitutional. The Congress and the Court have to do that.

Also, President Barack Obama does not have any power over state governments. ZERO. So when you are reading about a state government making stupid laws and doing stupid things, please do not reach an even stupider conclusion by blaming Barack Obama for that. He has absolutely nothing to do with a states laws. He can't change them either. So long as states don't try to mess with FEDERAL laws, the President has no power. It is only when they try to mess with the Laws that he is bound as President to enforce, that he has a problem. That's the only time you will see a clash between POTUS and the States and each state is totally different , so you have to look at each individual state.

I see that I'm running out of space so I'll stop here.

edit on 7/31/2012 by Mirthful Me because: All Caps Title.

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 10:27 PM
You're absolutely right, thanks for the reminder.

One thing I didn't notice (but I'm getting old and miss a lot) was the role of regulatory agencies. Those are also under Obama's control. I'm sure you'll find mountains of new regulations that people are upset about. They also write the regulations that are needed to implement the bills Congress passes. A lot of dirty work goes on there.

As far as the States go, it has been mentioned previously that a favorite tactic is to say to a state something like "You don't have to set your speed limits to 55, that's entirely up to you, we wouldn't dream of interfering. Of course, if you don't we'll cut off your highway funding. Same thing happens in Education, another area traditionally reserved to the States.

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 10:34 PM
Everyone seems to forget that there is a congress and senate. Everything falls on the Obama admin even if it was voted on by hundreds of politicians. ATS treats Obama as if he is an actual dictator..

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 10:38 PM
It's the same as when Bush was Pres. People are intentionally lead to believe the POTUS is our king, and makes all the laws, and that he is to blame when your trash isnt picked up one time. Just look at voter turnout durring pres election years, vs ones where its just congressional seats.

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by charles1952

Excellent point about the "regulatory agencies".

All too often we see legislation that simply defers delegates all the "regulations" and many times "the money" to those agencies that are always filled with "appointments" and 1000's of non-elected "officials".

This is how they "appropriate" the corruption.

ObamaCare alone has 100's of examples.

edit on Jul-30-2012 by xuenchen because:

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 10:43 PM
I have to giggle a little at your conclusions about Obama not being able to do anything. I have tried to quote and cut and paste your article but was unable to do so.

Obama is not supposed to be able to get things done without Congressional approval however he does get things past the legislature when they are not in session (which is about 300 days per year.)

Obama creates major laws by executive order and his cronies create law by setting regulations within their department without going through congress. Appointments which are supposed to be approved by the legislature is one example.

What Obama has done without legislative approval:
Obama is trying to obliterate the Second Amendment by U.N. treaty.
Obama is allowing illegal people to not only come into the country but
has told the law enforcement agencies not to arrest or prosecute or even cooperate with local agencies,
he has permitted illegals to garner welfare assistance they are not entitled to,
he has permitted racially focused groups to intimidate voters,
he has intimidated states by threatening to pull funding (Ie the Cornhusker bribe) to get his social programs through,
he has threatened to pull military bases from certain states if the congressman does not go along with his program,
he has told Boeing that they cannot run their business the way they want to,
he has invested billions in contributors failing businesses just to see them fail further without congressional approval.
Obama is the closest thing to a king this country has had since King George.
I'm tired. Somebody else can take it from here.

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by skepticconwatcher

It is obvious to a lot of Americans that Mr. Obama believes he IS the government judging by how he ignores congressional requirements before going to war, for an example... Ignoring constitutional requirements, and much much more.

All the things that limit what a United States president can do are simply ignored by Mr. Obama, so it seems natural for people to just include him everywhere.. His dark acolytes see him as their king and so they too naturally include him in everything, as if he is the entire government..

edit on 30-7-2012 by alienreality because: eta

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 10:48 PM
I agree with the previous comments, but like it or not, BHO is now "The Man." We are... the proletariats.
[raising fist into the air]
Fight the power!

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by skepticconwatcher

Can you blame people? The President is a representation of the Government. He signs and vetoes laws, he hires staff who help him make decisions, with the help of that staff he makes important decisions that affect all of our lives, he represents us around the world, he gives voice to what's being discussed behind closed doors and he is our presumed leader. Of course there are hundreds and thousands of politicians who also affect our lives in one way or another, but at the end of the day the President is still at the top of the pyramid. He is the one we listen to on the radio or watch on TV when he makes all his speeches. It's easier to channel the love or hate toward one person than it is to channel it toward a collective group who is constantly disagreeing with each other. Besides, there are more specific discussions on ATS other than about the President. There are many parts to Government and they are all important in shaping the way of this country, but the President will always be the most recognizable and most 'available' person as far as complaints go.

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by 2manyquestions

He may be the face of America to the world, but he is not the government.

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by Nite_wing

Accusations are not proof.

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by skepticconwatcher

When Bush was president, it was a hate-fest. Bush gave us the recession, remember? Obama even said so. BushBushBush 24/7
Even now, the blame for our unemployment, foreign policy, economic mess is laid at the feet of Bush.

But with Obama as president, we have;
Executive orders (bypassing the branches of government)
Obama can't help it. He's a puppet, (or it's still Bush's fault)

My question, OP, is how do you reconcile these issues with your opening post?

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by skepticconwatcher
reply to post by 2manyquestions

He may be the face of America to the world, but he is not the government.

He's not "the" Government, but he is a HUGE part of it. We bad-mouth the Government plenty on ATS, and based on the things Obama says in his speeches and the things he signs into law, we feel like bad-mouthing him too. He definitely deserves some credit as far as that goes. He has a vision for the U.S. that I and many others just don't share. The difference between him and me is that he's got a lot more pull when it comes to the direction of this country. It's only natural that some of my anger toward the current state of Government would also be channeled toward the President.

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by skepticconwatcher

When Bush was president, it was a hate-fest. Bush gave us the recession, remember? Obama even said so. BushBushBush 24/7
Even now, the blame for our unemployment, foreign policy, economic mess is laid at the feet of Bush.

Yes, it was wrong then. Are you saying you only hold yourself to the standards of those you criticize?

I would hope such partisanship would be frowned upon here, but alas... it thrives:

"You guys did it to me, and it was wrong, so now im gonna do it to you, which makes me right"

The greatest con every four years is when everyone pays attention to the President, and no one notices whats going on in Congress.

If I were the GOP, i would keep getting people to focus on mitt and O, so no one notices when I take over congress in 2012 and 214.

edit on 30-7-2012 by stanguilles7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by beezzer

As far as the EO's go, there is no evidence that Obama has enacted new policy. He is simply enforcing already existing law. A persons opinion to the contrary, does not a fact make.

As far as Bush goes. The reason why it is so easy to blame Bush policy on what his Congress did is because they were all lock step in agreement. They all parroted the same talking points and they all gave Bush what he wanted with no chckes in balances in the name of national security.

With Obama , Congress has bucked everything he has tried to accomplish. Obamas own party members in Congress have time and time again stabbed the man in the back. So, yes. It is different with Obama than it was with Bush. However,

There are things that America as a nation agree on regardless of political party and I do remember being labeled a troll , a secret republican and a fake Democrat during the Bush Administration because I dared compliment him on trying to get the Comprehensive Immigration Reform passed even though Bush and I had totally different reasons for supporting that bill. I was also labeled a troll for my support of the US Military whom I have several family members in active duty.

edit on 30-7-2012 by skepticconwatcher because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-7-2012 by skepticconwatcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 11:35 PM

Originally posted by stanguilles7

Yes, it was wrong then. Are you saying you only hold yourself to the standards of those you criticize?

I would hope such partisanship would be frowned upon here, but alas... it thrives:

"You guys did it to me, and it was wrong, so now im gonna do it to you, which makes me right"

The greatest con every four years is when everyone pays attention to the President, and no one notices whats going on in Congress.

If I were the GOP, i would keep getting people to focus on mitt and O, so no one notices when I take over congress in 2012 and 214.

edit on 30-7-2012 by stanguilles7 because: (no reason given)

I am pointing out hypocrisy. I was as critcal on Bush as I am to Obama.

I am just amused by the lengths some will go to, to defend this president.

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by beezzer

I am actually giving the same commentary I gave with Bush. I was trying to wake people up to the fact that they were focusing all their attention on Bush while it was really Congress who was doing the worst damage to their lives.

That is all I am trying to accomplish here as well. It's not just the POTUS . It's those in control of the whole damn system.

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by skepticconwatcher
reply to post by beezzer

As far as the EO's go, there is no evidence that Obama has enacted new policy. He is simply enforcing already existing law. A persons opinion to the contrary, does not a fact make.

Like his immigration policies?

As far as Bush goes. The reason why it is so easy to blame Bush policy on what his Congress did is because they were all lock step in agreement. They all parroted the same talking points and they all gave Bush what he wanted with no chckes in balances in the name of national security.

Democrat led senate and house Bush's last tw years. Hardly in lock-step.

With Obama , Congress has bucked everything he has tried to accomplish. Obamas own party members in Congress have time and time again stabbed the man in the back. So, yes. It is different with Obama than it was with Bush.

Perhaps it is because Obama's extreme visions are even too much for the democrats in his own party!

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by skepticconwatcher
reply to post by beezzer

I am actually giving the same commentary I gave with Bush. I was trying to wake people up to the fact that they were focusing all their attention on Bush while it was really Congress who was doing the worst damage to their lives.

That is all I am trying to accomplish here as well. It's not just the POTUS . It's those in control of the whole damn system.

Ultimately, though, POTUS has veto powers.
It would be right to be critical of Bush back then because he didn't use them.

It is also appropriate to be critical of Obama NOW because he doesn'tuse them.

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 11:44 PM
You must remember that even though the president is not a king, he is our head of state and our highest representative like the queen is to England. That is why we refer to him as do those from other nations so often when speaking of government. He may not be a monarch, but his role is still very important and he has the most power in our nation that any one person can be given.

Now you understand. Barack Obama is as deserving of discussion and criticism as our inept Congress is.
edit on 7/30/2012 by ForeverDusk because: (no reason given)

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