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I think more and more people are at their breaking point. It is only going to get worse before it g

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posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 07:17 PM
I think everyone is noticing that more and more people are snapping to a greater extent. Look at the face eating guy in Miami. the Colorado shootings, more and more random acts of violence everywhere. I think it is happening. I think it will get worse. I have several theories as to why.

1. Everyone is suffering financially. I have felt this myself. Went from making lots of money to being broke. Finally I am now working but I am working about ten times harder and longer for about a third of what I used to make.
In my line of work I see so many people suffering financially, losing their homes. Looking for work and looking for work and looking for work.

2. We are too connected all the time. I blame cellphones for this mostly but the internet is also a problem. It used to be that once you left work at 5:00 pm no one could call you until you got home. even then it was easier not to answer. You could go to dinner and no one could reach you. You could relax, enjoy your food, talk with your companion...
Now you leave work. Your spouse is calling you asking where you are... Your boss is calling you you need to cover something in the morning. Your aunt is calling you. Friends are texting you. All know you have your phone on you so if you don't answer they will be offended or angry. Whereas before they would think you havent gotten home yet, stopped to run an errand or are stuck in traffic. Now if you done answer they think something must be wrong.

It applies both ways.. You call your wife on her cell phone and she doesnt answer what will you think? How will you react? you then text her and call her again? Or you call your employee because you need something? They don't answer? Hmmm someone who doesn't want to put extra effort in.... This all puts way more pressure than we used to have.

The internet does the same thing. WE all have this constant stimulation coming at us from all angles. Too much stimulation. Why do the instances of depression, ADD, ADHD, autism all seem to be rising? I think over-stimulation may be a key factor.

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by crazyguy2012

Hi op

bloody very well agreed
and im not an old fuddy duddy lol

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 07:46 PM
if the wife does not answer its probably cos shes banging your best friend nowadays

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by drewatkin
if the wife does not answer its probably cos shes banging your best friend nowadays

Or someone she met on Failbook.

Anyway, I dont answer my phone most of the time and everyone knows it and I dont care if they get mad or not, its my phone for my convenience, not theirs, If I want to turn it off all day I will.

The only exception is it is one of my teen kids are calling but mostly theyll text me.

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by drewatkin

true. but it also seems like affairs and stuff happen a lot more nowadays. It is much easier to connect with someone else. Start with a few texts or emails. hookup over facebook. Etc. It all adds to the equation.

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by crazyguy2012
I think everyone is noticing that more and more people are snapping to a greater extent. Look at the face eating guy in Miami. the Colorado shootings, more and more random acts of violence everywhere. I think it is happening. I think it will get worse. I have several theories as to why.

1. Everyone is suffering financially. I have felt this myself. Went from making lots of money to being broke. Finally I am now working but I am working about ten times harder and longer for about a third of what I used to make. In my line of work I see so many people suffering financially, losing their homes. Looking for work and looking for work and looking for work.

It is worse than lack. Everyone is mindf$%^ed to place value on consumption as their path to happiness.

Originally posted by crazyguy2012

2. We are too connected all the time.

I agree with you from a skewed perspective. The irony is this actually the opposite. Technology prevents a subtle connectedness that we used to have.

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by drewatkin
if the wife does not answer its probably cos shes banging your best friend nowadays

or she could be operating the latest ladies toy

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by zroth

True we can never really disconnect and we are never really connecting either. Hello DEPRESSION or any other variety of mental disorders.

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by crazyguy2012

Have hope man.....

edit on 30-7-2012 by Peace4Futures because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 08:49 PM
You do have a serious problem OP.

May I suggest you turn your cell phone off after work or at other times when you are not expecting a call.

Reading is also a nice way to pass time. Watching a movie is usually relaxing also.

All the new, well not new anymore, internet games, sites, forums and other such forms of rapid transportation of news and views can not ruin your life unless you allow it to do so.

Peace and Joy

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 08:56 PM
I'm not sure. Heard earlier on NPR that some two dozen mass murders happen each year in the states. Eating someone's face off? Yea, hopefully that doesn't happen again anytime soon...

The whole other angle, though, I think is just a bit off base. What I noticed is a transitional point for people. We did seem to become increasingly connected/stimulated within the same generation, and everyone has a point where they either make a leap, else go a bit psychotic. Some people have a transitional time where the stimulus causes temporary psychosis, but then they reorganize and come out stronger. This was my personal experience.

Most people adapt unless it's real trauma. Simply being overstimulated won't cause it in most cases. I suggest finding ways to cut your self off and "decompress" if you're stuck in a rut of feeling overstimulated. You gotta change something or it'll just get worse.

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by crazyguy2012

I agree with a lot of what you say.

Especially the communication problem. But people do have the option, no one is forcing you to answer the phone.

I regularly just ignore callers. I have no guilt about it. Quite simply, if I don't feel like talking, I wont. I now run my own business from home, but when I was working the moment I stepped out of the office I was off duty, and if they called me they could leave a message. I would listen to it when I wanted to, and I would act on it if I wanted to.

Interestingly, we had a recent problem in the UK where much of the o2 network went down. I actually saw a woman being interviewed who said she hadn't been able to phone her husband and she didn't know if he was okay or not, and how scary that was...

That shocked me. I mean, is she his mother? Is she his professional carer? Why is it so scary to not be able to contact your partner like that?

That actually shocked me so much that I shouted abuse at the TV.

I don't get it, being a single man, but if my partner was acting like that towards me I would consider them a stalker. I don't want someone knowing every move I make every hour of the day.

Yes, it's nice to be connected, good to feel loved, but not symbiotic.

Also, having known a few people like the idiotic woman I mentioned... For those who are in a relationship/married, please consider others when you're out and socializing. Don't sit there at the bar texting your other half all night long like some kind of criminal having to register your whereabouts every half an hour. Be there in the moment, with your friends, not acting like you should be somewhere else.

It's one of the most disrespectful things you can do in the company of a friend.

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 09:47 PM
I often have read and I often repeat the idea that..."We make our own reality."

We have a cell phone... it stays with my wife. I don't have one. We don't have cable or satelliteTV... we get free converter box TV and love it. I have seen shows there that I have not seen since I was a kid.

I have no I-Pod, I-Pad, no Kindle, no laptop... not on fartbook, no real social media... in fact, ATS is the only place I post... my avatar says it all.

I have e-mail and use it so sparingly I get very little spam... like maybe 3 e-mails a day... maybe.

Over the last 6 months, our income has been reduced by about half due to my wife "retiring" early. But because we are so frugal; and have made some good investments... we have seen very little change in our "rustic" lifestyle.

We have good days and not so good days, but in the end... we do OK because of a good spiritual foundation, trust, and love.

I think those three elements are a real factor in the breakdown of society, culture, and civility today.

Another element that helps us survive is... we are comfortable being alone... knowing who we are... so many people can't even go to the bathroom without some electronic connection or making a comment about their life...

and after writing all that, I am a good one to talk....LOL.

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by detachedindividual

Yes I turn my phone off all the time. If someone has something important to say they can leave a message.

But yeah like the idiotic woman you mentioned I think a lot of people would fall apart if the phone systems went down for any length of time. I remember as a kid I would spend all day out and about. My parents wouldn't be concerned. Now parents track their kids (and each other) all day long.

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by AlreadyGone

Sounds like you are doing well. Which is very good. But unfortunately I believe there are many more people who fit the profile I mentioned than there are people like you.

I admire your lifestyle.

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 10:11 PM
reply to post by crazyguy2012

A lot of the stresses of life, we create ourselves... it really is more a philosophical viewpoint or outlook than a financial or social outlook.

My pickup has a dent on each side of the front from hitting deer... it also has a wooden slat sides above the bed for hauling hay and livestock... some folks laugh at me and make comparisons to the Beverly Hillbillies... my truck is also paid for, runs great, and generates income from hauling firewood, pigs, goats, and saves money hauling hay and picking up scrap lumber and discarded packing crates for lumber.

Most people I know would not be caught in a truck like mine because it is not the social norm of success and image. So, they drive a really nice and expensive truck that hauls nothing and pulls a trailer... which they had to buy... and pay taxes on... and store in a lot somewhere because the HOA won't let them park it in their yard... because it would tarnish the "image" of the planned community.

See how that works?

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 01:56 AM
reply to post by AlreadyGone

I agree that people create a lot of stress when it is just not necessary. I was at a State Park with a trail to ten waterfalls, and saw a woman in the parking lot who was very upset that her cell phone would not work. She was convinced that she had to leave, because she could not stay somewhere where she could not get cell reception.

It was a beautiful day with perfect weather, and I just do not understand the addiction to cell phones. It was amusing to watch her kind of arguing with her partner, what is wrong with people? Is is really not possible to do a two hour hike without using some form of electronic gadget.

But I do agree with the OP that many people are experiencing financial problems, which does add to the level of stress in our society.

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 02:59 AM
reply to post by detachedindividual

True, I used to think that it is rude that people are lighting a cigarette in someone's face, like they are not fully in the conversation so they do something extra. Now it is illegal to smoke in most places so people are simply texting, going on internet, and yes... It feels like people are no longer content with where they are. Always seek to be elsewhere, talk with others, do other things, always thinking about other stuff. It is amazing really, and incredibly rude.

But still I don't think it is intentional, it is just something that people can access when they are feeling uncomfortable in the present moment (which is nearly always), so now it is very easy to escape yourself and where you are by using your mobile, and most people are VERY comfortable with that, unfortunately.

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 05:20 AM
I don't believe it's a matter of too much stimuli but rather in the processing of that stimuli. Many people can't grasp the totality of 'the world' and can't fit the information in it's proper place. So the brain just keeps trying to put it in this world view which would lead to a better future so it can keep on producing the happy chemicals and have happy thoughts but it can't fool itself either (unless distracted). It's like people somehow mentally duct taped that nagging voice in their heads but the same voice is needed for other things like process the incoming stimuli.

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 05:21 AM
reply to post by crazyguy2012

It is true what you say, we are constantly bombarded by information and the world is only a phone call away.
I would go one step further and say that in addition to this information influx, we are also becoming more and more distant from each other.

People have entire conversations and arguments on Facebook these days. They don't talk anymore face to face. Same goes for text messages. It's easier and cheaper to send a dozen messages than it is to have a face to face conversation with someone. It makes life very impersonal, and it's little wonder that loneliness and distancing has a part to play in people's mental health ultimately.

People spend more and more time in front of their computers, instead of sitting down for a meal the way we did 30 years ago. It surely must be having an effect on their social skills. It also makes the world faster. We expect things quickly these days, fast food, fast news, when we want it, how we want it. It has to be elevating stress levels across the board, especially when we have to wait for something. I really think this, in addition to the 21st century coming at us from all angles has the effect, and will definetely get worse as technology outpaces life.

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