posted on May, 26 2008 @ 02:19 PM
On this Memorial Day, 2008, I would again ask the question, Why haven't you enlisted?
Of course, I'm speaking to those who are of appropriate age and who have no disability or medical condition precluding military service.
The troops we have now have served multiple tours. Many have been wounded and have returned to their theaters of operation and some of those have
lost limbs and have volunteered to return to their units.
Many of our veterans have suffered from the mental and emotional stresses of warfare and yet they continue on, serving regardless of their
Because we have depended so heavily on our Reserve and our National Guard units, many of these service members have had careers interrupted and have
experienced long separations from their families and yet they continue to serve.
So, again I would ask those who are of age and are fit to do so, Why haven't you enlisted?
Why are there so many who have sacrificed nothing and who every day exercise their liberty, when there are so many who have made so many sacrifices
every day and so many who have paid the ultimate price to protect that liberty?