posted on Nov, 1 2004 @ 09:13 AM
Is that they only contribute to peoples laziness and false perceptions. The general census of society in the US in regards to Freemasonry is simply
ignorance, the majority of people are simply not familiar with it. Those that are, either A. think its related to some illuminati NWO rubbish, or B.
is a silly social club, neither is fair, just or accurate. Myself being a Freemason and a very proud one, I wear my emblem on a daily basis. Most
days it goes un-noticed, un-questioned. However there are several times a week where some individual or another asks about it, or is shocked with my
involvement, and thus we must have a conversation. The sad thing is that most of the widely available literature and media regarding Freemasonry, or
other secret societies and orders is all conspiracy theorist garbage, and the masses being the lazy sheep they are, take it all on face value.
This movie will do no good for Freemasonry and Freemasons as a whole simply because its not factual, and its dealing with subject matter that is one
part pure fiction, and another myth, not to mention subject matter that is widely unknown to your average joe.
The movie is simply going to spawn a new generation of supposed know it all Masonic experts, whos main argument is going to be "well thats what they
said in National Treasure, and didnt you see From Hell, Masons were trying to hide a secret in that film, and I read the illuminati 666 and the new
world order too, and they both support it, not to mention I read parts of the Hiram Key which support it and that was written by two Freemasons...."
et al.