The ludicrous denier statements show their ugly head again. They don't even stop to consider how ridiculous it would be for a 'crop circle maker guy'
to meticulously TWIRL every single 'flattened' square into a perfect "vortex-withing-a-square". If people were stomping around with their heavy boots
and such, the result would definitely not be so smooth, clean and sophisticated, and the crops would be BROKEN, not simply BENT (continuing to live
and grow), not to mention all the other effects always experienced with real crop circles, including radiation etc.
In any case, someone mentioned "braile" - but it's actually "braille", with two "L"'s. Not that I expect anyone in ATS to be able to type words
According to the Crop Circle Connector (the link is given in the beginning of this thread), it is indeed braille:
I realized that the skeptic was telling the researcher to read it in Braille, but with the letters reversed, which would make that well-known code for
the blind harder to recognize! By reading it in “reversed Braille”, I was quickly able to pick out a word “planet”. The entire message seems
to say “knowledge of this child shall give you more time with this quiet planet”:
This quote is from that website. Not that the message makes any sense, but there you go.
Here is the image that belongs with that text:
Anyone who claims that crop circles are "man-made" (meaning the typical Earth denizens trampling around with their heavy boots, planks and ropes)
simply has not seen the more intricate crop circles, nor is able to realize just how huge they are.
Even if you ONLY take the chronological problems (one night to create a really HUGE and intricate, flawless image with such a method during ONE
night, in the dark, without making mistakes... just as feasible as sending an aluminium can with three people in it to moon and back with NASA's 60s
Naturally, if you take the OTHER factors into the mix, there's going to have to be a HECKUVA lot of explaining to be done before I can even take such
claims half-seriously, after knowing all the data from crop circles.
But knowing the brainwashed nature of this planet's half-animals, people will deny the truth about this as well (after all, this website encourages
LIVING IN DENIAL - instead of finding the cause for their own ignorance, they deny that they are ignorant, and go on - that's what "deny ignorance"
means,. isn't it? You deny your OWN ignorance, and then you are free to claim anything! Typical diabolical attitude that doesn't care about truth or
facts.. cremation of CARE, if you will)...
But I am getting tired, and am probably typoing a lot right now, so I will end this post now, although I would have lots more to say about
edit on 20-1-2013 by Shoujikina because: (no reason given)