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Refusing To Put A Normal Child On Psych Drugs Results In Swat Teams and a Tank

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+76 more 
posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 07:07 AM
So a swat team came to a womans house with a tank all because she refused to give her child her prescribed meds

Only in america and yes she eventuly got the right to decide whats best for her child
edit on 29-7-2012 by ninjas4321 because: (no reason given)

+13 more 
posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 07:13 AM
Seriously, why? Do the tank drivers and Swat guys not realize how absurd this was??

Glad the lady won at least.. this is a reason I never go to the damn hospital.. or call police.

+20 more 
posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 07:18 AM
apparently swat teams and tanks are to be used on normal everyday people and parents now...

ah...america home of

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 07:25 AM

Originally posted by here4awhile
apparently swat teams and tanks are to be used on normal everyday people and parents now...

ah...america home of

Yes and the terrorists hate you because of all your freedom! They are so jealous of your society!

I realize you may not be american...

edit on 29-7-2012 by mee30 because: (no reason given)

+25 more 
posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 07:27 AM
Another reason I won't use public school. Too many psychopaths in the public school system that want to drug children that do not need anti psychotic medications, so that they will become complacent and submissive.

I have a friend whose daughter at the age of 13 had a rough time sitting still at her desk in class. She kept moving her legs and re-adjusting herself in her seat. The teacher, without having contacted my friend first about this, went straight to the school principal and counselor. A meeting was held in which the counselor suggested that her daughter had some type of mental problem that needed to be addressed, and the topic of medication was introduced. Medication so that her daughter would sit still. The teacher tried to say the constant leg motions and re-adjusting was disruptive to her and other students.

After some brief argumentative exchanges, the counselor insisted that the girl had a mental problem and needed to see a psychologist and undergo psychiatric evaluation.

Turns out, the girl did not have a mental disorder, she had RLS (restless leg syndrome). But these psychopaths were pressing to just drug her.

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 07:30 AM
This is so sad. I about cried at the quote from the mother at the end. I'm so glad she got justice after such a struggle. I too know the dangers of these antipsychotics and how they usually do more harm than good. 13 years old is also much much too young for such medications. The brain is going through so many changes at 13.. hormones are going crazy. I was pretty emotionally unstable at that age, but eventually outgrew it. It's natural. It's puberty. This woman did the right thing all the way and it breaks my heart that she and her daughter had to go through this ordeal.

So sick of the government deciding what is best for us and our children.
edit on 7/29/2012 by martianmallow because: (no reason given)

+2 more 
posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 07:31 AM
Incredible, this story brought tears to my eyes, how can we the people have allowed in our country for big pharma and the corporate dictatorship in our government to dictate what we the people should do and been forced with heavy arms,combat gear and equipment to do their biding.

Only in communist countries things like this happen or that is what we were thought to believe.

America is not longer run by the people, wait for the taxation to be impose for forced commerce once the corporate dictatorship starts to enforce citizens to comply with their forced health care.

You take your drugs or be taxed

+3 more 
posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 07:32 AM
Wow....this is not the America I was born in. What has happened here?!!!

I commend this mother 100%! I agree anti-psychotics are much more dangerous for a child. I myself was on seroquel 7yrs ago for Bi-Polar/Manic Depression. It worked for me and I feel 100x's better. I took it for about 6mths and then weened off of it when I felt fine again.

While I was on it my friends 10yr old was put on meds and she was having problems with him while on it. I went to her house one day and found out they put a 10 yr old on the same dosage an ADULT would get of seroquel. I felt so bad for him and I immediately asked him how he felt and told him he was ok and that I had the same feelings when I was on it and not to worry he wont have to take it anymore. I wanted to cry for him because I know it had to be scary to have those side effects and have people think you were making it up!! The poor kid was scared! He was having the same reactions I did at first til I got use to it. NO child should have to deal with that. His mom took him off the same day when she realized he was on the same stuff I was. She called her doctor and cancelled with her and found him a new one to get him on the proper meds....which imo he didn't need them. The meds made him worse. He has ADHD, my brother had it too. They tried to put him on meds and my mother refused. My brother is fine now and the most mellow person out there. He grew out of the ADHD as an adult. It seems today every doctors answer is to dope kids up!! What happened to kids just being kids and going to puberty phases??!?! What happened to parents actually parenting their child and not just using some pill to deal with them!

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 07:34 AM
this is what will bring our country to its knees. We will face a state of decline with a growing population worldwide that will shift wealth to the other nations. That is why we have the myth of over population.

We have over population that we cannot control and effect the distribution of wealth to. Then at home we want to dismantle everything we have built so that the domestic population will not have access to land, resources, education, and everything we now enjoy.

Put these two together....a world in which our military might will become second rate, our economic power will be almost even but less than developing countries now, and a civilian population they want to make dumb and docile so they don't have to break a sweat controlling them....

you have to be damn backwards and retarded to think we have any future under these circumstances. That means our elite will not have a future beyond that of some random wealthy person from Bolivia or Japan. Nice but you are at the mercy of the rest of the world you pissed off in a futile effort to set them back a couple decades......enemies of the now millions of Middle eastern people you scarred for the next 1000 years.....

and you think they will not go and get you once you lose your grip on the world....

Maybe you should have listened to all those fools that told you to set an example now that you are in power for the times to come when you are not....

Now in the face of decline you want to crack down on your own people......again...set an example for times when you are not in power, or you and your will be treated in the same way...

good luck with your use of force.....looks like you better stay strong forever because the second you are not as strong as you are now, you will have to answer to the stronger power above you.....pucker up.

+28 more 
posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by ninjas4321

I'm sorry. But once they show up with guns and tanks, it is a war.

The day they show up with guns and tanks is the day that I die.

I don't think I would be able to be calm and level headed like that mom is. Dammit, I am free and will not have to prove it in court. It is a shame that this lady had to ask for her rights rather than just live them.

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 07:53 AM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan and more people than all the domestic spying can ever reveal.

Yet people will say that law enforcements heavy hand is necessary because we are immature and whiney....because they do hard work......

tell me again how hard it is to use a tank against an unarmed civilian woman?
yeah, I am a whiney American.....who is truly free and just wants a free ride....

like this woman? Is she she just whining? Is she at fault...?

I would like to see people defend these actions like I have seen them defend the FED, or military spending, or militarization of police forces, ignoring our constitution....

Are these things products of nostalgia? Where are the status quo apologists now?

edit on 29-7-2012 by BIHOTZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 07:54 AM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

Is war been wagged against American citizens by our corporate government for a long time, first laws and bills to control the population and favor the private interest, then when you do not comply you will be met with the full forced of their power.

The problem is that as usual as long as the crap happens to somebody else and doesn't affect me is the mentality in America, but when they show up in full gear to enforce their mandates at peoples doors is when the citizens get the hint that is us the people that are the enemies.

That is when we tend to ask why this is happening in America, well if every citizen will keep up with what the whores in Washington are doing they will know what is heading our way next.

+15 more 
posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by marg6043

I don't know why it is happening. But if that lady would have had a way to contact me, I would have started driving that way with my guns.

I hold my children as the most sacred thing in the world. I would kill for mine, and I would kill for yours, too.

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by ninjas4321
So a swat team came to a womans house with a tank all because she refused to give her child her prescribed meds

Only in america and yes she eventuly got the right to decide whats best for her child
edit on 29-7-2012 by ninjas4321 because: (no reason given)

This is absurdity at its' best! This mother's convictions stood up to the "powers that be" with the end result in her daughter's favor. Seriously, how can America that I once believed in justify these actions?

Freedom is the will to be responsible to ourselves. ~Friedrich Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols, 1888

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by Starchildren
Another reason I won't use public school. Too many psychopaths in the public school system that want to drug children that do not need anti psychotic medications, so that they will become complacent and submissive.

I have a friend whose daughter at the age of 13 had a rough time sitting still at her desk in class. She kept moving her legs and re-adjusting herself in her seat. The teacher, without having contacted my friend first about this, went straight to the school principal and counselor. A meeting was held in which the counselor suggested that her daughter had some type of mental problem that needed to be addressed, and the topic of medication was introduced. Medication so that her daughter would sit still. The teacher tried to say the constant leg motions and re-adjusting was disruptive to her and other students.

After some brief argumentative exchanges, the counselor insisted that the girl had a mental problem and needed to see a psychologist and undergo psychiatric evaluation.

Turns out, the girl did not have a mental disorder, she had RLS (restless leg syndrome). But these psychopaths were pressing to just drug her.

Good god, what is happening to our society? I've heard about this but never straight from someone's mouth. What gives them the right to drug a child simply for the sake of obedience?

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 09:59 AM
I had to watch that three times. I couldn't believe it. How could no one have said "this is wrong, what the hell are we doing?"

Tanks and a swat team, Mom jailed? I am glad she won, but I am floored.

...just following orders

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 10:25 AM
very sad indeed but i'm glad her and her child are ok.

no ones coming to fix this for us but we do have the power to do it ourselves by waking up more and more fellow citizens to the reality we have today. we have the numbers and we have the power to make it change but we must all be together on it and educate as many people to whats going on. one day when enough of us work together and demand it be changed, it will.

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by ninjas4321

Scares me. Really. This is just like the nightmares I have where something is clear as day to me but those around me can't see it and I have nobody to turn to because of the circumstances in the dream. This stems from the teasing I had in school. Sometimes they would do that. Bottom line, you have to be in a position in life where you're in control of your life. Don't be too vulnerable.

Remember, if you don't control your life, others will. Get up and be free, or remain in chains.

But society is going a bit too far. It's becoming a situation where might makes right.

We're over-controlling things. We're becoming too comfortable with it.

My legs didn't sit still in school either. I loved to move. I liked sports. But my grades were good. I've never had trouble passing classes. I just procrastinate so much. Don't plan my life.

Some people are made for books/school/etc and some aren't. We drug those who aren't.

We drug anybody (preferably) that doesn't conform. They have a problem. We're the solution.

You know.... it boils my blood to know that we're drugging our kids and ourselves.

This is how I feel about all this, expressed in two songs:

edit on 29-7-2012 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 11:00 AM
The sad thing is, these idiots think they're just helping the children. This is why I'm so much against Children Firsters, is because they think they have more rights to your children than you do and can do anything they want to in order to protect your children.

That's also why I hate self righteous people, they always think they're justified and always think they're doing no wrong and always take it upon themselves to act on their convictions without fully understanding or educating themselves of the situation.

Now I believe in protecting children, and am against child abuse and all that, but I draw the line at idiocy and the trampling of a person's rights.

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 11:25 AM
In a way, this story made me smile but for a second.
Because it is only going to be the most insane,extreme examples of just how far we've sank which have any chance of waking people the "F" UP!!

This is only shocking to people who haven't already accepted the FACT that we live in a police state.
This is NOT the AmeriKa we were taught about in school and believe it or not, there are alot of people who like it this way.


Because they are safe! (or so they percieve)
I "FEEL" safe, therefore I "AM" safe.
Perception is reality and our masters know this.

An ever increasing police state makes people feel safer when the alternative is chaos and destruction.
(which our masters have created in the first place).

We are conditioned to protect our masters and their minions.

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