posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 01:05 PM
I could only read through part of the statement oversight committee hearing papers. My stomach is about to hurl.
To save their own butts, they play the blame game majorly. They are blaming the Afghanistan government and people for stealing the medicine. It almost
sounded like they were trying to say that Afghanistan people working in the hospital let this happen to their own people.
I'm sorry, but there were Americans working for the American government there also if any Afghanistan people worked there. It was a military hospital
created by us, and supplied by us. You would think it would have been run by us also. It was the military delivering the medication and supplies to
the hospital that allowed this to happen. If they knew that stuff was being stolen, then they should have tightened security a lot at the hospital and
any warehouses they stored anything for the hospital.
This is corruption at it's core.
To compare it to Auschwitz just about says it all. If only we could do a study on why people did what they did to people in Auschwitz and compare it
to why people let this happen in DaWood Military hospital, t hen maybe we would have a little more insight of how and why people could be so cruel and
let things like this happen.
I just hope this wasn't a dress rehearsal for health care in Fema camps. If it was, then we probably should expect even worse care. I hope I die
first before ever stepping foot in some place like that.