posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 06:02 PM
After monitoring the
RSOE EDIS - Emergency and Disaster Information Service since the last spread
of the swine flu epidemic, i got hooked and used it as my number 1 information source for everything disaster related (such as natural or human made).
It proved to be a highly reliable and fast tool and I strongly recommend it to everyone for when the next catastrophy strikes to be warned and
Another great information source i have been looking into for the last couple of years is
SOLARHAM. The purpose of
this website is to monitor the sun not the earth, but since the earth is boundly dependend on the suns activity, i took it into consideration that our
planet could suffer greatly if there are extrem irregularities present in our star.
For these reasons I decided to create a live thread which I will update from a daily to a weekly basis (depending on the frequency of events). It will
include Earthquake Information, Pandemics, Climate Change Events/News, Tropical Storms, Tsunamis, Hazard Warnings, Solar Flares, Accidents and
Incidents and many more!
So stay tuned and feel free to add and discuss events!
edit on 28-7-2012 by Anim8tr because: (no reason given)