posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 01:51 PM
Hey guys.
Been a long time reader (mostly conspiracies, for the interesting fun, and survival). The post in the survival section about the movie "The Road"
got me to sign up and post.
About me:
Prior USAF Security Forces turned student. Couldn't stay in the military as this country lets itself go to hell. Working 16-19 hour days watching
them kick out willing and able troops so they can fund their private armies, and so 30 year officers can increase their pension. Unnecessary wars.
Veterans benefits disappearing (Figured I better use them before they're gone).
Anyhow, I am trained in Wrestling, Karate, Weapon retention/weapon disarming, Weapon fighting/ASP baton fighting, Small and Heavy Arms Marksmanship,
Survival, Security, Law Enforcement, Defensive tactics, Small Unit offensive tactics, Land navigation, etc...
I hope to pick up some new tips and tricks, and maybe share some of my knowledge. I'll most likely be in the survival section, so if you have any
questions, let me know!