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Flu Vaccine

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posted on Oct, 9 2004 @ 09:22 PM
tonight here on the west coast of the usa , local news talked about
CDC was asking healthy adults to forgo flu shots, they also talked alot about
near panic and in some places 2- mile long car lines to get the Flu Vaccine.
After they got done saying that they started going on about how dotors,
will get fined and were looking into jail time for " healthy adults", who did not
follow the CDC gide lines, the local news watered down the report enuff that
it sounded like this was "how it always[CDC] handled a thing like this",What
are the people here on ATS hearing about this? what dose your local news
say?anyone hear anything about FEMA getting together with the CDC?[about this]

i read that " In a typical year, an estimated 36,000 Americans die of the flu",
and that they want to give the Vaccine to those with impaired immune, systems,
such as the very young, the elderly and people with medical conditions.
with the way the gov has done mass exps. on the pop. in the usa,[there are some posts
on ATS that show this] dose anyone think that this a bit fishy?
Whats really going on here? could this be the "big thing", everyone is wating to happin?

out of all my friends i am the only one that thinks this is really bad, please tell me
what your hearing. it's been talked about all day, yet it's really hard to get anything
but spin for any of the news sites.

posted on Oct, 10 2004 @ 12:26 AM
I'm also on the west coast, and our local news is reporting the same thing. Aparently the company that was going to ship about half of the U.S. influenza vaccines this year (Chiron) from the U.K. had one or more batches that were contaminated with serratia bacteria. Their liscense was temporarily suspended while an investigation is carried out. As a result, the U.S. is going to be extremely short on flu vaccines. I don't believe any Chiron vaccine made it into the U.S. or was even administered in the U.K.

They're asking that healthy adults (who are not elderly) forego getting the shot this year, so that the elderly, very young, and those with chronic (particularly respiratory) health problems can have a fighting chance to get vaccinated. Those working in health facilities of any kind, or those who are around those that fall into the above categories, are also urged to get the shot as early as possible. (I have severe asthma and chronic upper and lower respiratory infections, thus I'm considered to be in the "high risk" segment of the population, for instance. I got one at Wallgreens on the 5th of October. My Mom works in a health center in a retirement home, so she will get one at work, too).

I'm not aware of any penalties for giving the vaccine to people who don't fall into those groups. Normal healthy adult people were lining up all day for the shot at the Wallgreens where I got mine. They didn't even ask anyone if they were "high risk."

I haven't had any strange (well, nothing out of the ordinary) symptoms since getting the shot or anything. It seems fine to me, thankfuly.

posted on Oct, 10 2004 @ 01:31 AM
If you will remember correctly, they said last year that the reason there was so many problems with the flu was because there was a shortage of vaccinations. Unless you count giving a vaccination for the wrong strain[/] a shortage, this is utter bull. The flu vaccination is a gamble. If they choose to vaccinate against the wrong strain, you're screwed no matter if you get the shot or not. And that's just what happened last year.

Personally, I think the numbers are tainted. Yes, of course someone who has an impaired immune system stands a bigger chance of getting sick than someone who is healthy to begin with, but the flu is not in and of itself a fatal affliction. Factors such as an individual's inability to obtain decent medical care, substandard living conditions, and even over-medication (which America is famous for) all need to be taken into consideration when determining just how deadly the flu is. I doubt these other factors ever are taken into consideration.

But then again, mine is a family that despises the entire medical establishment. (It has nothing to do with money, we have excellent health insurance.) We don't get flu shots, and that includes our infant child. We don't take any medications into our bodies that are not necessary. Until you show me that the flu is a guaranteed death sentence, it will continue that way. We allow our children to grow up in *gasp* a non-sterile environment and we allow them to suffer through their colds so that they can build up a decent immune system naturally.

Vaccinations of any sort do not guarantee immunity. They lower your chances, but they do not guarantee you will not get sick (even if you test immune to whatever you are being vaccinated against). Almost everything that is vaccinated against these days is perfectly curable. For example, I have had lockjaw. I got through it after a few weeks of feeling silly because your jaw really does lock up. I had lockjaw, and made it through just fine without (apparently) a tetanus shot. My daughter got the flu twice when she was less than a year old. She was fine in a week or so.

Stop allowing the media (among other entities) to ignite fear within you. Doctors and pharmacuetical companies want to make a buck. Even if you get a "free" flu shot, it's paid for somehow...most likely tax dollars. That's what it comes down to. They drive up the fear factor to bring in more bare arms for the injections. The flu can be caught at any time of the year, and cold weather does not automatically drive down your immune system.

I wonder how many people get the flu because of their vaccinations and how that compares to people who contract it without being vaccinated. Also, I am curious about the statistics on the deaths of these two groups.

posted on Oct, 10 2004 @ 02:00 AM
i guess you didn't get where i was going with what i said,
a bunch of paniced people, went out and got the shots,
the local media, talked about how the CDC was going to start/
looking to "fining doctors", and "giving jail time", to peope who
weren't following there rules.
i wanted to know how bad it was where everone lived.
need to know if FEMA/CDC were taking anymore steps,
with the history med exp. on civs and mil , i was worryed
that, sence the vp. of USA, keeps tell everyone that there's
going to be a BIO/NUKE attack if kerry wins. that if everyone
panics and runs out to get shots, who know what there getting.
allso if you have been to most of the con. sites, most of us are
waiting to see if bush takes over the USA, useing a BIO/NUKE fake terror
"to ignite fear within you" , if you live in the USA and don't have any "FEAR",
i.... well...... mabye you haven't been alive long enuff to see the where this
is going.

[edit on 10-10-2004 by Fiorina 161]

posted on Oct, 10 2004 @ 04:05 AM
mrscasinojones, I actualy agree with you, though it might seem contradictory based on my previous post. I wish I could avoid medication like the plague unless absolutely neccesary. Our bodies are extremely robust when it comes to resisting disease, not to mention, we also (I believe atleast) posess an enormous capacity to self-heal as well. We're regenerative (and reactive) creatures. I tend to think that the more we give our bodies crutches, the more we impair those functions. It's a bit like never using our muscles. They grow weak eventualy.

Sadly, I end up with pneumonia every time I get so much as a sniffle, and influenza is the leading spur for secondary bacterial pneumonia. There's never been a time when I've had the flu that I didn't develop pneumonia. I also tend to remain ill for up to three months at a time when I get sick. Ironicaly, it's not a compromised immunity in my case that causes problems, it's a hyper-reactive immune system (still trying to figure out the cause actualy). That makes the more recent vaccinations a bit of an issue for me, because of the adjuvants included in them to enhance immunity lol. Still, in my particular case, the good outweighs the bad.

That having been said, you're absolutely right; vaccination doesn't confer immunity every time. Infact, I've seen some studies that indicate it doesn't confer immunity even half the time! I agree. I wish I could adopt your approach to medicine to be honest.
And when I say "the good outweighs the bad," that's based only on my unique experiences. I don't want them to be applied to anyone else. I think everyone should carefuly take their health and other factors into consideration before deciding to put anything into their bodies that might not be absolutely neccesary (or which might even be harmful).

For those that do decide to get the shot though (or the inhaled vaccination which I consider more risky; discuss with a doctor thoroughly first), I haven't seen anything to indicate any sort of legal or financial penalties for nurses or doctors who administer the shots to those not in the "high risk" groups.


posted on Oct, 10 2004 @ 11:45 AM
Flu has started here in NY, several people have it.
As for the shots' availability here, shortage.

posted on Oct, 10 2004 @ 11:55 AM
Im in the UK and know all about the shortage of Flu vac's thats going on here, thankfully my husbands just has his (yesturday to be spot-on).

There's alot of problem's over here with the vac' getting out, what with the factory having to suspend production, but heard this morning that there's Vac's being sent abroad again this wk (but I dont believe everything I read)!!!!

posted on Oct, 10 2004 @ 12:01 PM
My 3 year old twins, both very healthy, received their flu shots at the insistance of their Pediatrician. I voiced my concern over them getting the shots due to the shortage but the Pediatrician said "there isn't a shortage YET which is why we need to go ahead and give them one today". I went ahead and had her give them the shots.

Now, 5 days later, both twins are sick with the flu. I dont know what the deal is with their immune systems but when they got the immunization for chicken box they both ended up GETTING chickenpox which is very rare. This was the first year they got their flu shots and based on this experience it will also be their last year.



posted on Oct, 10 2004 @ 12:07 PM
I hope the twins feel better soon...
The flu can be so miserable for young children.

posted on Oct, 10 2004 @ 12:15 PM
The Guardian (Uk Broadsheet)

BBC News

Details of the uk licence suspension.

If there is going to be shortage (Which looks likely, particularly in America), let those at most risk get the injection anyone else who demands it is being selfish. (A healthy human should be able to resist flu.....)

The whole point of the investigation and licence revocation is to protect people from bad vaccines which could do more damage.

[edit on 10-10-2004 by tobermory]

posted on Oct, 10 2004 @ 02:54 PM
Jemison, i hope you kids are ok,
please , keep throwing info here.
will find links when i can ,though as
i said most is just spin right now,
anyone with info about FEMA movment/
and or CDC, rounding up sick or jailing
people when they start to run out of flu vac,
please post , would like to hear from more
people from other places in the US,
i hope this is not the start of somthing
that will change the landscape of my
homeland, as it is, if they let a "killer flu",
start here, it's only one plane ride from the
rest of the world.,
some links below, will post more, but they
are starting to "pull", info like i put in my 1st post,
today the "TV", had very littleto say about it.
again thank you for your posts,

posted on Oct, 10 2004 @ 06:20 PM
Thanks LL1 and Fiorina for wishing the twins well. Strange how children can be ill with a high temp but still be almost impossible to keep still and quite. Where do they get all that energy??

If I hear any more info on the subject I will be sure to post!


posted on Oct, 10 2004 @ 08:43 PM
I would sooner let them stick a needle full of margarine in my arm then a flu shot. All I have to say about the flu vaccination is, "Enjoy your Mercury". Funny they require a list of ingredients on a box of corn flakes, but they can reccomend and stick you with anything they like which is 'pro bono publico'. Somebody needs to get a really good lawyer and start suing the arses off the flouride and vaccination folks. Last I heard mercury adn flouride were deadly.

posted on Oct, 11 2004 @ 02:59 AM
Anyone know how much protection a Flu shot is supposed to give ?

What I mean is, does it:

(A) only contain the vaccination for whatever one or two Flu strains the experts think are going to be prevalent this winter?

(B) or is it cumulative (i.e. this years shot contains the very latest stuff, as well as last years, and all of the years before that)? So if I get a shot this winter I'm also protected against the strains that were common say 5 or 6 years ago ?

Just curious really, but if anyone knows the answer...... thanks.

posted on Oct, 11 2004 @ 07:20 AM
According to this link, some of the contaminated vaccine did make it into this country and is sitting in warehouses here....hopefully....Blackmarketer's dream...

I've never gotton a flu shot, and quite frankly think that the things play a part in causing flu outbreaks. And well, closing the school for an extended christmas vacation (about a month or so) and making that time up in the summer would probably have more of an effect than these shots do, but that's just my opinion.

According to the link, the bacteria it is contaminated with can be deadly if if manages to get into the bloodstream.....yikes!!!

Enjoy your murcury, and um.....I sincerely hope that's the only harmful thing in it...

posted on Oct, 11 2004 @ 04:44 PM

originaly posted by Moley
Anyone know how much protection a Flu shot is supposed to give ?

What I mean is, does it:

(A) only contain the vaccination for whatever one or two Flu strains the experts think are going to be prevalent this winter?

(B) or is it cumulative (i.e. this years shot contains the very latest stuff, as well as last years, and all of the years before that)? So if I get a shot this winter I'm also protected against the strains that were common say 5 or 6 years ago ?

Just curious really, but if anyone knows the answer...... thanks.

The flu shot is between 70% and 90% effective in confering immunity for the strains predicted to be most prevalant during the flu season in question, in healthy adults below the age of 65. For healthy elderly individuals, and younger individuals with chronic health problems, the flu shot is between 30% and 70% effective. For elderly individuals living in nursing homes, it is 50% to 60% effective in preventing hospitalization or complications, and about 80% effective in preventing mortality.

They aren't cumulative, because not only are the strains typicaly different each year, but any strains that reappear the following years have by then mutated. The shot's designed to offer immunity against only the three most prevalant strains anticipated for this flu season.

Sometimes (like last year's Fujian strain) the most prevalant or virulant strain isn't correctly anticipated, and isn't included in the shot. Also, if you've already been infected by an influenza virus that you have no immunity for, there's no guarantee the flu shot will result in immunity. Flu viruses typicaly take one to four days to incubate, so if you come down with the flu immediately after receiving the shot, the chances are good that you were just already infected. The shot can take as long as two weeks to offer it's full benefits (or lack thereof lol).

Originally posted by dawnstar
I've never gotton a flu shot, and quite frankly think that the things play a part in causing flu outbreaks. And well, closing the school for an extended christmas vacation (about a month or so) and making that time up in the summer would probably have more of an effect than these shots do, but that's just my opinion.

According to the link, the bacteria it is contaminated with can be deadly if if manages to get into the bloodstream.....yikes!!!

Enjoy your murcury, and um.....I sincerely hope that's the only harmful thing in it...

There are indeed a host of potentialy harmful substances contained in flu shots, including mercury and aluminum. In addition, the risk of potentialy dangerous local or systemic reactions to flu shots has increased slightly with the advent of better adjuvants. There is also a theoretical link between anual flu shots and Alzheimer's, which appears to be cumulative with each succesive flu shot. Research regarding that particular risk is ongoing, and there are still a number of reasons why it might not be specificaly due to the flu shot, but it is nonetheless a concern.

Ultimately, it's up to the individual and their doctor to decide whether or not they should get vaccinated. In the case of someone like me, for whom getting sick is a potentialy life threatening nightmare, it is worth the risk. Not everyone can say that though. Everybody should talk to their doctors, do as much research as they can, and then come to a conclusion.

posted on Oct, 12 2004 @ 03:23 PM
have 2 spin links, and a google search,
most radio and local tv here backed off,
would like more people to talk and share
links that you have found.
still looking for anyone with FEMA /CDC,
movment info, any us civs, that are watching
thing happin in your local, would like to hear
for where you think the first shortage of vac
is going to reach critcal mass.
will keep looking and update when you can.

[note i have had to swich coms, the old one is dead,it will take a wile to fig this new one out]

found a post on a diff thread to , here it is:

[edit on 13-10-2004 by Fiorina 161]

posted on Oct, 13 2004 @ 02:22 AM
As I have posted before, let's take a look at some common vaccine ingredients shall we:

ingredients and more info regarding vaccines in general

Heavy metals like mercury and aluminum
Formaldehyde (a carcinogen) - used in embalming fluids
Phenol (also a carcinogen) - may cause paralysis, convulsions, coma, and necrosis and gangrene
Aluminum phosphate - aluminum salt which is corrosive to tissues
Retro-virus (SV-40) - contaminant virus of some polio vaccines
Antibiotics - (i.e., neomycin tm) for infection
Sodium Phosphate - a buffering salt

More links:

here and here

dfh out.

posted on Oct, 13 2004 @ 02:31 AM
i got a NPR show here and some spin guy said that, the FDA was told that
back in aug. that they would be short 6-mill doses of the flu vac. allso the company
who supplys the vac, started to check the rest of vacs they had. then the brit's gov.
went in to check out the way it was made. then shut the place that they make it down
because it was not up to standard. so who's to blame here ?
why did our gov [US] , not get more if they new something was up?
why did the Brits gov move now to shut it down now and not in Aug. ?
people in this post and the other post on ATS [link above] , have had people get hurt and
some have died! WTF
i'll see if i can find links with more info on the show i heard, if you know
NPR or anther site please post.

[edit on 13-10-2004 by Fiorina 161]

posted on Oct, 13 2004 @ 02:43 AM
I've read we're that 36,000 estamit is scewd. People dieing from unkown or old age we're being put into the flu group.

I think this is a media scare. My parents, myself, and my kids. Have never gotten a flu shot.

If not one person recieved a flu shot this year. I would bet this number 36,000 would not change

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