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9/11 Pentagon Flight Recorder Fraud Revealed

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posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by vipertech0596
reply to post by DeeKlassified

Im a full time technician with an Air National Guard F-16 unit. That is the best you are going to get. I've already had one person off of ATS try and find me in real life.

Do you think being in the military gives you more credibility? The military doesn't have a very good track record of telling the truth about much of anything.

Why should we now believe you?

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by vipertech0596
reply to post by zeevar

One of my additional duties where I work, is to perform periodic flight data recorder downloads to submit to the engineers. I get to see the data first hand and know what the headers look like. The raw data is in the form of various characters, while the headers are in alphanumeric formats, and at NO time is their a specific flight number loaded.

You have the edge on me there then...May I ask..Why is their no specific flight number loaded? It would seen the logical thing to do.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by zeevar

A typical airliner makes numerous flights a day, each one with a different flight number. Where is the value in inputting each flight number into it?

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by thedman

Actually it's an implanted chip now. Also works as a nightlight

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by DeeKlassified

Ours are getting to be 25 years old and showing their age. But, I do look forward to my ride in the D model when I retire.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by olaru12

Is your link a link to a blog proving I have lied about something? I kinda doubt it. I could honestly give a rats butt if you believe me or not. But, I have no reason to lie. I'm not out to make money.....unlike P4T.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by vipertech0596
reply to post by TrueAmerican

And, flight numbers, are not recorded. No one enters a specific flight number into the recorder. I would be suspicious of any data recordings that had a flight number (AA 11, UA 93 etc....) in the details.

Is this because it would be a pain in the neck? you don't enlarge on your statement. Surely each journey is a unique event, and you would think that there should be as many non-system parameters used as possible, pertinent to that aircraft, including,the tail number from the moment of the BB installation and calibration, recalibrations, right up to the minute, and including a flight number as well as on the ground monitoring. It's not about what people say in the post mortem, it's about what they don't say. Like the door syndrome and the ambiguity over that, like the French airbus crash on the demo flight, when the BB sh## out 0's and 1's that were gobbledygook.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by smurfy

Because there is no need to know if it's AA 11, 12, 13 etc. Knowing the airframe serial and the FDR serial number is all they need. I know for our jets, maintenance folks would have to go into the system to input the flight number. Not worth the hassle.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by vipertech0596
A typical airliner makes numerous flights a day, each one with a different flight number. Where is the value in inputting each flight number into it?

Note readers: do NOT be mislead by this poster's continual mentioning of the flight numbers to try and confuse the issue of FDR serial numbers that are missing. He knows damn well that's not what we are talking about.

No one has claimed that the "Flight Number" is in the headers. Viper is suspiciously just trying to confuse the issue. There should be an alphanumeric header with serial number, aircraft number and fleet ID. So vipertech, please show this data from the "AA77" raw data. It is MISSING... This is what Dennis is talking about, not "Flight Numbers".

And oh, ahh, thanks to my contacts for assisting me.

Bonez: What is with you man? You are reporting false information on me. Fortunately for me, my posts are clear on the first page of this thread, to totally trash your accusation I think P4T is some kind of errorless Godsend. I made it quite clear that readers should evaluate Dennis's info on a case by case basis. I have made it clear that there has been a split between Dennis and P4T. I have made it clear that deciphering the truth from fiction between both of them is not easy. And gave my opinion on what entity was strongest at what- P4T for the aero, Dennis for the FDR data. I am trying to maintain SOME kind of neutrality in this, and weed the fact from the fiction- in both their cases. That's it man. That's it. But YOU come along, and are like "It's all crap." :shk: Last response to you, if that's all you bring is insult.

edit on Sat Jul 28th 2012 by TrueAmerican because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by vipertech0596
reply to post by smurfy

Because there is no need to know if it's AA 11, 12, 13 etc. Knowing the airframe serial and the FDR serial number is all they need. I know for our jets, maintenance folks would have to go into the system to input the flight number. Not worth the hassle.

So it is a pain in the arse then, and all digitally manipulative, unless changing it would shut it down forever. So is/was all the stuff you mention in place then, and also included in every recalibration as per the 'recommended' every five years, or did they not bother with that either? You see the thing is, you buy a suite of furniture, you can see it wearing out from day one, buy a suite of software, you can see fu#all wearing out, but it does, dunnit? would you mind enlarging on you airline, Nah! don't bother, seriously.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 07:51 PM

edit on 28-7-2012 by smurfy because: Internet delay, forced to double click.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

But didn't Dr. Legge and Warren Stutt examine multiple flight data recorder files from aircraft not associated with 9/11 and find that a "serial number" is not necessarily recorded in the file?
edit on 28-7-2012 by GovernmentLoyalist because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by GovernmentLoyalist
reply to post by TrueAmerican

But didn't Dr. Legge and Warren Stutt examine multiple flight data recorder files from aircraft not associated with 9/11 and find that a "serial number" is not necessarily recorded in the file?
edit on 28-7-2012 by GovernmentLoyalist because: (no reason given)

Which serial number/s are you referring to is more the point, since Viper is content enough to include serial numbers in a slap happy way with his post, your question can be applied to 'Him' just as well. Look, we all know that the Pentagon was hit with most likely an aircraft of some sort, and that's about it so far.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Try rereading the paragraph you quoted in your op. You know, the part where he talks about the airplanes identification number AND flight number. Then get back to me

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by smurfy

Originally posted by GovernmentLoyalist
reply to post by TrueAmerican

But didn't Dr. Legge and Warren Stutt examine multiple flight data recorder files from aircraft not associated with 9/11 and find that a "serial number" is not necessarily recorded in the file?
edit on 28-7-2012 by GovernmentLoyalist because: (no reason given)

Which serial number/s are you referring to is more the point, since Viper is content enough to include serial numbers in a slap happy way with his post, your question can be applied to 'Him' just as well. Look, we all know that the Pentagon was hit with most likely an aircraft of some sort, and that's about it so far.

Well, I confess I might not be using the proper terminology since I am not a pilot or aviation expert. That is why I used quotation marks to indicate I used the term "serial number" loosely. But, I was referring to this in your OP.

Flight data recorder expert Dennis Cimino, commercial pilot with more than 2000 hours, reveals government's claims about a flight data recorder found at the Pentagon from Flight 77 are totally fraudulent, with zeros instead of the plane's identification number and flight number!

As a layperson, I find Warren Stutt credible in that he was able to actually decode the flight data recorder frames whereas others were not. So I would give more weight to his assertions than the one cited in your OP.
edit on 28-7-2012 by GovernmentLoyalist because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

This is a classic tactic that the OCT shills have been using for the last 8 years. It was a lot more effective back in 2004-2005 when I was deep in the battles, but in debates like this one it's trotted back out again since they know that most people don't really read as much as they skim highlights.

I am going to suggest one thing for you guys that are still in the fight - the debate about whether the Official Conspiracy Theory is bullsh*t has already been settled, and the OCT argument lost badly. That said, the perps established in October of 2001 that this would not be the actual theater of combat. The real battle is to figure out where the Anthrax stores are located, and to shut them down as the threat hanging over the heads of the American public if the government (those who were not involved in the NE corridor opening, or the cover-story establishment and ongoing promotion) or the MSM ever decide to pursue or allow an official investigation. The estimates (considering the 3.5 year process required to manufacture the kind of weaponized product used in those specific letters to NBC and the DNC Senate offices) are that these stores may be adequate to obliterate the economy of the US if strategically released by the ex-KGB corporate professionals that await those orders.

Debunking this attack is easy. Making it possible for this US government to do anything about it is the hard part. Its not that they don't know (to a certain level, anyway) who was involved. They know. The FBI knows. Everyone with the right clearance knows. They also know that they have to play ball or tens of thousands will die, and the rest of us will wish we had. So far, its been worth between 7 and 10 trillion dollars for the "free enterprise enthusiasts" who planned and hired the folks who staged and carried out this project.

Yeah, it's been a success, and mainly because the people involved have never given a damn what the rest of us think about them. The older ones haven't considered themselves to be Americans since the middle 70's when the GOP allowed Nixon to be run out of the White House. Some people never get over things.

edit on 7/28/2012 by NorEaster because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by GovernmentLoyalist
But didn't Dr. Legge and Warren Stutt examine multiple flight data recorder files from aircraft not associated with 9/11 and find that a "serial number" is not necessarily recorded in the file?

Yeah, if you want to believe Stutt and his claim that he has some secret files he can't show to anyone, that he's supposedly analyzed to make that claim. But that's only if you care to entertain that idea at all for a fleeting moment.

Here is the response that drew from Dennis Cimino himself:

I think it's safe to say Dennis feels that Stutt is COINTELPRO. Cause that BS that Stutt was trying to push got summarily dismissed in schooled fashion by Dennis. See the link, and there are more responses too. Dennis busted his arse into next week.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by TrueAmericanI think it's safe to say Dennis feels that Stutt is COINTELPRO. Cause that BS that Stutt was trying to push got summarily dismissed in schooled fashion by Dennis. See the link, and there are more responses too. Dennis busted his arse into next week.

Yet, Dennis did not recover the missing frame of data in the fdr raw file, Stutt did. Sorry, but Dennis's track record is simply not very impressive.
edit on 28-7-2012 by GovernmentLoyalist because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 10:37 PM

Originally posted by g146541
Too many years of disinformation.
We will never know what the full truth is, yep whoever did it got away.

I do not accept your assertion. There is no statute of limitations for murder. Plenty of criminals have been brought to justice after 11 short years.

If you are not interested in justice, why do you bother posting here? My intuition tells me that people are more inclined to believe a lie the more times it is repeated. My intuition tells me you are not being completely forthcoming regarding your motives and intentions.

The criminals responsible for this tragedy shall be brought to justice. I KNOW that to be true. Co-conspirators, accomplices and unwitting fools shall also pay for their crimes because there is no honor amongst filth. As the evidence becomes overwhelming, they shall start turning one each other looking to save their pathetic asses.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 10:47 PM
Note to readers on Stutt's own website:

About My FDR Work

Some people have queried my credentials for investigating Flight Data Recorder (FDR commonly called "black box") data and any relevant affiliations I may have.

I do not have any specific credentials to investigate FDRs or aircraft accidents. I do however have a BSc(Hons) degree in Computer Science as well as several years of commercial experience as a computer programmer.

I am not affiliated with nor have I ever worked with or for neither the US National Transport Safety Board (NTSB) nor any other aircraft accident investigator.

I am neither a pilot nor an aircraft engineer and have never flown an aircraft. I am not affiliated with nor have I ever worked with or for any airline, any pilots’ organisation, any aircraft engineering organisation or any FDR manufacturer.

My investigation in to the events of September 11th 2001 is unofficial, independent and completely voluntary.

I was born in New Zealand and I have joint New Zealand and Irish citizenship. I lived in New Zealand up until June 2008 and since then have lived in Brisbane, Australia.

So when a true expert on FDRs like Dennis summarily dismisses Stutt's work, there is additional evidence that Stutt, (and also Legge) are under qualified to be up to the plate batting with pros in another field. P4T has also identified serious problems with their research, uncovered a fundamental flaw with the FAR interpretation, and basically, feel that the Stutt/Legge stuff, was no more than an amateur attempt at assessment. And sadly, it failed miserably for many reasons.

There has been ample rebuttal to this Stutt/Legge nonsense, and here's an index:

So I suppose in the meantime, viper's got those serial numbers all good and ready to go for us, right?

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