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Are the elite smart?

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posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 06:34 PM
I always thought that the elite are evil but I never thought they are stupid. However, after watching I realized that they are idiots. And that is our opening. was considered one of the best and the brightest!!!
They play silly games and we pay the price and are promptly forgotten.
Morality and ethics can be endlessly debated. However, the elite have proven that they are clumsy at even trying to achieve their own objectives.And that can be objectively determined. Do we really want silly people dictating world history?!

edit on 27-7-2012 by wittgenstein because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-7-2012 by wittgenstein because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 06:41 PM
reply to post by wittgenstein

They think they are smart, truth is they are psychopaths, the only talent they really have is an art known as BS and manipulation...they basically could sell ice to eskimos, and they use it to evil ends because I've realized there's three things that an elite must have:
Basic BS skills
No concience
and lack of morals...that's really what it takes to succeed in this world.

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 06:44 PM
Your going to have to flesh our your thoughts more.
I am not going to watch a movie before understanding what your trying to get at. McNamara was neither evil nor stupid.

If you can look at this man's credentials and resume and call him stupid, I am curious..what are your credentials and resume that outshines him?

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 06:58 PM
yep, they are definitely not the smartest creatures in the world. I would say they are also personally less experienced in the real world because of all the people they have to do the job for them like their own Drivers..

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by wittgenstein

You are asking all the wrong questions. One would think that in order for someone to be an "elite," they would have to be......well.......elite. If they are really so clumsy, than why is it working so well? Ask yourself that one. I don't think you'll like the answer though, as if the elitists really are dumb as you believe, than that means we have to be infinitely dumber to fall for it over and over again. They are not even close to dumb. They come from Ivy League universities and have the best educations that money can possibly buy. How does that lend itself to stupidity? It doesn't.

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 07:12 PM
I have asked myself the same question many times. Is there a master plan as to why the world is going into the toilet or is the world mismanagement team just freaking incompetent? My intuition says the latter. The powers that used to be are after all sociopaths and sociopaths have the delusion that they are smarter than everyone else. This is their achilles heel as they are not smarter than everyone else, just totally, outrageously egocentric, lacking any empathy or compassion and will do anything to have their needs met....anything. They are incompetent and are on there way out. As George Carlin says, " When your born on planet Earth, your given a ticket to the freak show, when your born in America, you've got a front row seat". Sit back, grab a cold drink, some popcorn and enjoy the show my freinds. Go with the flow. Fear nothing. We are here for the greatest show of all history. Can't you feel it coming?
edit on 27-7-2012 by HEYJOSE because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 07:42 PM
“I am not going to watch a movie before understanding what your trying to get at. McNamara was neither evil nor stupid.”
O.K. You do not know what the movie demonstrated. Fair enough.
In the documentary McNamara made statements that are obvious to even idiots and he even admits that he did not understand the obvious until very later. For example,
UMMMM, rather obvious ain’t it? So, McNamara did not know the obvious until ??!!!!!

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 07:55 PM
Brilliance and execution are two different things. You could be brilliant and do nothing or you could be brilliant and do something. Anyone capable of thinking in three-dimensions should be able to be just as successful in my opinion, but personal values hold them back and get run over by those without them. You're damned if you do, and you're damned if you don't.

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 07:58 PM
I was just reading this article today when I was at the beach :

Good explanation of what they are (nope, not that smart, just ruthless) and, more importantly, it explains WHY we keep falling for it.

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 08:11 PM
“They come from Ivy League universities and have the best educations that money can possibly buy. How does that lend itself to stupidity? It doesn't.”
W. came from an ivy league, Yale. It was the best his dad could buy. Do you consider W. smart?

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 08:15 PM
“Good explanation of what they are (nope, not that smart, just ruthless) and, more importantly, it explains WHY we keep falling for it.”
seaside sky
Agreed!!! Stalin, Capone were successful! But were they smart? My controversial contention is a resounding, “NO”! They just knew how to appear threatening!

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 08:28 PM
When haven't silly people dictated history? Reichsmarschall Herman Goering - history is written by the victors

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by wittgenstein

Good examples, and good point.

It's pretty easy for psychopaths and bullies to get over on people. They believe their success is due to being smarter than their victims, and they succeed in convincing others that the mere fact that they "won" is proof of that superiority. But, in truth, all they're doing is playing outside the unspoken rules of normal cooperative society, and that requires only ruthlessness, not great intelligence.

The article I linked is pretty good. I've been thinking over the implications of it all day, and would like to hear your thoughts on it.

By the way - I like Wittgenstein too (B.A. in Philosophy here)

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 08:55 PM
Ofcourse they are smart, well smart enough to use their money/power to surround them with actual intelligence (of the devious kind) amd manipulate the unsuspecting...

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 09:13 PM
They are just as smart as the next guy. They do have inside knowledge, and most have privileged upbringings that give them an edge over the rest of us.

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 10:45 PM
But "outside knowledge" always wins!!! Think out of that box!

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 11:31 PM
I guess it depends on how you define "smart". It is very easy for the media to portray a political leader as unintelligent. There is little room for human error when you have the national media watching your every move.

When you are talking about the elitist of the elite, this kind of elitism is all based exclusively on bloodline, and family connections. Even for the self-made man - a millionaire or even a billionaire - they aren't even in the same league as the power elite at the top of the heap. Bloodline does not necessarily entail intelligence, though these bloodlines are exceptionally powerful in the political sense, and rich beyond belief.

Wealth and political power are not the same mechanisms as book smarts. You could have a highly intelligent individual that is dirt poor, and has no political power whatsoever.

Like all segments of any population, there is a bell curve. Elites are human beings, and have varying degrees of aptitudes for intelligence and book smarts. Some are more talented than others in this regard.

When you ask yourself, "How did these Ivy League graduates make such a mess of such and such a situation in our current events?" Remember, some of these "situations" are deliberate, even though they appear to be a fiasco from the outside world's point of view.

Regarding MacNamara, you have to put his comments in historical context. It's easy to look back in hindsight and talk about regrets.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 12:32 AM
Hmmmm hindsight. I'll consider that.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 06:59 AM
They must be smart. Smart enough to get you to post about them. Anyone post about you lately?

Still, I think they ae a mixed bag of nuts...and as such...will succeed with their agenda.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 07:38 AM
I've learned to respect the Elite/dark side, because I have to admit you have to be pretty smart to manipulate humanity for more than 3000 years. Don't underestimate the other side just because they're evil or bad. They know A LOT more than us, but use it to surpress humanity. They use astrology, numerology to set dates for certain happenings, they practice satanism, etc. But the only thing they don't have, is consioussness. But we do...
Consiousness can overcome all


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