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The beginning of the end of AIDS?

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posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 11:47 AM

Kevin Fenton of the CDC says new federal strategies and advances in HIV prevention will turn the tide.


In an interview with The Root, Fenton discussed the importance of finally confronting the reality that "not everybody is equally affected by the epidemic," new research that underscores the major impact of basic public-awareness campaigns and why he believes that, after decades of merely stabilizing the number of new HIV infections, a new federal strategy and new medical breakthroughs will get the country much closer to an AIDS-free generation.

Read full interview here

What do you think? Are we witnessing the beginning of the end of AIDS? Do you think it's a government-made conspiracy that they've had a cure for all along? If so, do you think they are going to be slowly releasing that cure? Or do you think it's a mutated virus that they finally that they are actively working on a cure for?
edit on 27-7-2012 by CoolerAbdullah786 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 11:52 AM
I will say this about the conspiracy part : If it was a government created disease, its kind of stupid to release the cure for it or spend large sums of money in prevention. I still place my bets on it being a mutation of some sort. New diseases sprang up suddenly throughout history, including some that killed off large percentages of populations. They have much better methods of thinning populations than a slow-killing thing.

Excellent news, and hopefully this kind of research continues until all sexually transmitted diseases are gone for good.
edit on 27-7-2012 by nuclear12346 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 12:11 PM
Magic Johnson is cured! They won't come out and say it but he is

The problem is he had the money for the drugs that cured him, your average person doesn't

I've lost many friends to HIV and aids, and most probably could have been saved if they had the money

I'm just glad they are finaly beating this terrible thing!!

Be safe people

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by CoolerAbdullah786

What do you think? Are we witnessing the beginning of the end of AIDS? Do you think it's a government-made conspiracy that they've had a cure for all along? If so, do you think they are going to be slowly releasing that cure? Or do you think it's a mutated virus that they finally that they are actively working on a cure for?
edit on 27-7-2012 by CoolerAbdullah786 because: (no reason given)

MIT's New DRACO Drug Kills 15 Types Of Virus Disease Cells, H1H1

Scientists at MIT are developing a new drug that may fight viruses as effectively as antibiotics like penicillin dispatch bacteria. In lab tests using animal and human cells, the new therapy was effective against 15 viruses, including the common cold, dengue fever, a polio virus, a stomach virus and several types of hemorrhagic fever. Perhaps the most important virus it worked on was the H1N1 influenza.

The end result is a drug called DRACO (for double-stranded RNA activated caspase oligomerizers). Basically, when one end of DRACO binds to dsRNA, it signals the other end of DRACO to initiate apoptosis, killing cells before a virus has a chance to replicate.

I DID WATCH A DOCUMENTARY SHOWING SCIENTIST NEAR THE CONGO OF AFRICA WORKING ON A POLIO VACC. In the vid the people taking the vaccs were basic test subjects for the west. In the vid the scientist were supposed to use a smaller primate for kidney materials for vac. the scientist felt the smaller monkeys didnt produce enough kidney material. So the scientist chose a LARGER PRIMATE (of course closer to the human ancestor) the chimps produced larger kidney materials... in the vid the scientist DENIED using chimps materials EVEN THOUGH FOOTAGE WAS SHOWN OF THEM KEEPING CHIMPS IN CAGES AND BEING USED FOR SCIENTIFC ADVANCEMENT... Also in the vid. the regions where they TESTED the POLIO vacs in the CONGO of the AFRICANAZ on the civilian pop were also shown to be the MAIN HOTSPOTS for HIV/AIDS. I willlet you all take it from there.

edit on 7/27/12 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by viperdave
Magic Johnson is cured! They won't come out and say it but he is

The problem is he had the money for the drugs that cured him, your average person doesn't

I've lost many friends to HIV and aids, and most probably could have been saved if they had the money

I'm just glad they are finaly beating this terrible thing!!

Be safe people

he didn't use drugs

he used Blood Electrification

there are also claims that a proper and balanced diet will actually prevent aids
the forbidden cures index

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 05:19 AM

Originally posted by DerepentLEstranger
he didn't use drugs

he used Blood Electrification

there are also claims that a proper and balanced diet will actually prevent aids
the forbidden cures index

That article on blood electrification is so full of grave factual errors, wording designed to confuse, and (in my understanding) near total misrepresentation of the science involved, it wouldn't even make for a good sci-fi plot.

I don't have the time to pursue the diet page, but I'd suggest that people take anything from that site with a grain, or perhaps a couple cups, of salt.

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by CoolerAbdullah786

Ok, I had to register finally and comment on this subject. I am 33years old and have been living with HIV for the last 5 years. If you are not a doctor or someone living with it, please stop making comments about it. I must say most people on here need to educate themselves on the subject.

When I hear the "It's a government made virus" Most people educated on the subject laugh and are sick of hearing about this.... I can't remember where I read, but they found the virus in the bones of someone the dates back 100 or so years ago. Here is the link

HIV's path out of Africa

Do tell how the government made this way back then? And if "they did" make it, tell me why in the hell they would pay for the medication? The average cost for a lifetime of treatment(1 pill a day) for a single person is around $400,000, Meds and everything else like labs. Now multiply the over 1 millon people that are reciving treatment in the USA..... Just doesn't make since, does it? It is nature seeking balance as said above. I'm not try to be a snob or anything but give people a break. But, it is looking up for us. You are right about one thing, there is a cure. There is one bad side to it, the cost, and the danger. It's a bone marrow transplant.

Just do a google search...

To date 3 people are cured and their body is clear of the virus, even in the latent reseviors. Two are in the USA, and 1 in Germany. Sign me up!!!

P.S. The treatment has made the virus undectable, and I my immune system is stronger than most people now. Just got to take a pill a day.

edit on 2-8-2012 by Verrucktpj because: Bad link

edit on 2-8-2012 by Verrucktpj because: New link

posted on Aug, 29 2012 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by Verrucktpj

Hi, Verructpj. Wonderful to hear you're doing so well.

What do you make of this story? First man believed cured of AIDS says the disease is gone forever

The Daily Mail is not the most trustworthy of news sources, but I don't think they've fabricated, or even slanted, this one.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by Verrucktpj
Ok, I had to register finally and comment on this subject. I am 33years old and have been living with HIV for the last 5 years. If you are not a doctor or someone living with it, please stop making comments about it. I must say most people on here need to educate themselves on the subject.


Good post.

I know this is a site for conspiracies, but people really want to see them everywhere just to feel better. It is so sad.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by Verrucktpj

It is natures way of getting rid of organisms that go against the grain of nature. The HIV virus is natures defense against a most vile act and lifestyle. Nature is wonderful.

No chik fil eh for you buster. LMAO!!!!

posted on Oct, 14 2012 @ 10:12 AM
I don't think we can "cure" HIV as there are too many mutations, but I do think it's possible for the disease to die out. It's unlikely though, even if we get the world's infection rate down to just 0.000000017 % (one person) it can jump back up to the current rate within a decade or two. The disease would have to die out COMPLETELY or we'll have high infection rates for a long time still.

posted on Oct, 14 2012 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by morethanyou
reply to post by Verrucktpj

It is natures way of getting rid of organisms that go against the grain of nature. The HIV virus is natures defense against a most vile act and lifestyle. Nature is wonderful.

No chik fil eh for you buster. LMAO!!!!

What could that "act" and "lifestyle" be?

The vast majority of HIV infections worldwide - 92.5 percent - were heterosexually contracted. Of these 78.6 percent were infected in the developing world, most in Southern and Eastern Africa.

Source: Alan Whiteside (2008): HIV/AIDS: A very short introduction. Oxford University Press, p. 14.

I suppose nature or God must really hate poor heterosexuals.

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 11:41 PM

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