posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 06:57 AM
There are many things that are necessary to prepare your body to accommodate awareness of multidimensional energy.
Yoga, stretching, breathing, algae and herbs to supplement your body to create room for energy to operate.
A body in needed that accommodates the vibration of multidimensional intelligence, so perhaps some of your work involves this preparation.
Question the energies that want to work with you.
On Earth, it is considered rude to question a god or goddess, just as it may have been rude to question an adult when you were a child. “Children
are meant to be seen, not heard”, as children of the gods, you apply the same invisibility and unquestionable seniority principle.
We are suggesting you question everything – including whatever you read here – for not only do you have the right to question, you have the
responsibility. This is the key to being sovereign, owning your own body and commanding your reality in being.
Learn to create spirals that come out of your solar plexus and reach into the visions of your various selves.
You will find that spirals will connect you with your purpose.
Do not judge the selves that you see from your third dimensional point of view, for judgement creates traps and loops of reality that repeat the same
theme in different costumes throughout time.
Before you came to Earth, one of the agreements that many of you made was to move beyond judgement on this journey, and it is essential to maintain
that stance.
Your multidimensional selves can harass you into evolution.
You are your own light and you are your own shadow.
Of course, you play the game that you are separate.
We say that there are teams – the light t-shirt teams and the dark t-shirt teams – you may like to think that you are only a white t shirt.
We remind you that Prime Creator makes up all of the teams, and if you are in Prime Creators universe, then you are on all of the teams as well.
Your natural state of being, and what you are evolving towards, is a multidimensional character who will be able to make peace on this planet and take
that peace into other worlds also. Remember, peace involves a decision that is a standard chosen for your life.
Someday there will be many parallel memories to integrate and ideas that suddenly emerge. You will realise that there are layers upon layers of
yourself experiencing, while a portion of you is so certain nothing is going on.
These layers of reality are beginning to split and fragment and you are moving into new aspects of your abilities and expression. Now the trick is to
catch these things – to spend more time pursuing what you have been inspired to discover over the years.
You have come here to change the probabilities of Earth. You do things out of your body much more than you are aware. The day will come when you are
suddenly aware of where you visit when you take a nap, doze off, or go to sleep.
Eons ago, it took great training to develop these skills.
In present time, you are being flooded with light continuously, and the more light you have in your body, the more reorganization of your greater
identity is stimulated.
Throughout this process, maintain a strong sense of self – the being that you are now.
Hold a sense of love and well-being for the flesh vehicle you have created.
Do you think that Earth is going through this change with no benefit to anyone?
There are millions who are waiting for Earth to become light so that they can, with love, come in and access what is here and change the course of
In order for you to reach that place of valuableness, the knowledge of who you are must be realised and felt by all. Energy is being sent to Earth to
create a stirring and a change from deep within.
This is part of the design of the times, and as it comes together, you start to know, to remember, and to feel.
Suddenly nothing is the same anymore.
You are growing into something new, and you are building the framework for it.
We recommend that you drink great amounts of water, spend time breathing and oxygenating, do toning and practice allowing unlabelled sound to express
itself through your body.
Keep your body active and alive.
Spend time communicating, meditating with peace, and listening to whatever is speaking to you from the inside.
Weave your discoveries into the structure of your life, and along the way what it is that you want.
You are being tested to see how consistent, reliable and stable you are, for during the next year you will be shocked by the anomalies appearing from
other dimensions.
Various dimensional doorways are being opened, and are leaking, moving, and shifting things that were meant to be kept separate.
So you may discover objects, creatures, creations, and events that have no business being where they are.
You may find that creates considered extinct are returning, animals suddenly disappearing without a trace, and different varieties of vegetation
appearing all over the planet.
Personal effects – things that you own – may just disappear one day, slipping through a crack.
These are just a few of the anomalies which will occur more and more often as you reconsider who and what you are in relationship to all that is.
It is much easier to be influenced by negative thought forms now more than ever before. Why?
Because people are creating more negativity than ever before.
Do your newspapers and news stations encourage you to go in to joy or negativity?
Clarity is the name of the game here.
If you make yourself available without clarity, it is very easy to attract energies that will not accommodate your current vibration.
This does not mean those energies are bad, it simply means that they resonate out of sync with your vibrational intent, which may, of course, be
unclear to you.
When you are not firm in the stance of yourself, confusion occurs, because the energies are not integrating.
Your emotions create the quality of your experience as do the thoughtforms that travel with you.
Acting happy and perfect all the time is not the solution.
Allow yourself to move through emotional experiences and learn from them.
Dark moods and energies that you hold onto become habits or patterns that can create extreme difficulties.
You can become what we call a cosmic hooker, an open doorway to any and all unqualified energies.
Be aware that you are unfolding into the process of self discovery in relationship to all that is.
As reality and ideas emerge through you, you will be able, through love, compassion and understanding, to experience more of the great duality and
polarisation that characterises an aspect of existence.
The key is to enjoy the journey and find the jewel within it.
Think of yourself as a doorway and your emotions as guardians that determine the kind of energy that is allowed onto the Earth plane at this time,
because you the gate-keeper for other dimensions.
You must love yourself, for it is from yourself, in this reality that you operate.
The physical body you occupy your physical body has brought you to this precise point of awareness, where you realise that you are significant.
Your body is your vehicle of conveyance, your Mercedes, and there is no trading it in, at least not this time around.
You are the one who defines your boundaries, the one who says, “This feels great, and this does not.” Or “This is okay and this is not”.