posted on Oct, 9 2004 @ 05:58 PM
It is a real honor to talk with you Mr. Friedman here on the ATS. Thank-you very much in advance. My first question requires a short background
concerning Investigative journalist George Knapp.....
George Knapp is an investigative journalist for KLAS television in Las Vegas. He acquired an official internal Los Alamos staff telephone
index. The name Lazar, Robert was listed there. "Presented with this evidence, Los Alamos were forced to concede that Lazar had indeed once worked
there, but only on "non-sensitive projects." In August of 1990 Knapp uncovered Lazar's W-2 wage slip and tax statement for 1989 which showed
payment (after deductions) for his spending five non-consecutive working days at 'S-4' claimed earlier by Lazar to be the facility housing the alien
craft within the Papoose Dry Lake region of Area 51. Knapp discovered that the pay slip was genuine and issued by the United States Department of
Naval Intelligence in Washington. He also received an acknowledgement from Nellis AFB, Las Vegas, Nevada that a facility known as 'S-4' does exist
and "operates certain equipment" there, but they refused to elaborate on what exactly."
1. I know what you think of the Bob Lazar story and rightfully so, however I would like your opinion on what George Knapp found. Also if Lazar did
receive a W-2 slip from the United States Department of Naval Intelligence wouldn't he had to have a security clearance?
2. Have you seen or heard of the Bob White UFO object? (which does not resemble the retrieved Roswell metal, in any way. It's bulky certainly not
flexible, but does have unusual properties). If so.... what's your opinion of it?
3. In your opinion... why would the use of electromagnetic and psychotronic devices' to create artificial UFO abductions' be of value to our