Now in order to peacefully protest you must obtain a permit.
Look at Kent State and the pepper spraying of the sitting demonstrators.
Look at the media...........beautiful Barbie and Ken dolls reporting on if Paris Hilton wore under panties today while the truth seeker has to scour
the net to get the real news of what the heck is going on.
We're not getting half the real stories of what is going on.............propaganda. Our news media is owned by I think eight wealthy elite
individuals that report exactly what they are told to report.
The right to bear arms.............that is shortly going to be a thing of the past, I'll bet you.
9/11, James Holmes, all the other "crisis" that are planned, staged and arranged by either our government or government mind control.
Fear, fear and more fear...........always have to have a enemy.
Cameras, monitors and now drones the size of bugs watching every move we make.
Where were the cameras when Monica and Clinton were going at it in the Oval Office?????
The prison system...................big money maker.
Bradley Manning has been imprisoned now for 700 days and in most of those 700 days in solitary confinement.
If you look at one of his pictures, he was kicked and beaten in the face.
This equates to torture which America signed against torture via the Geneva Convention...........but The American Government (not the people) the
leaders are not men/women of their word - they cannot be trusted, they lie, cheat, steal and torture.
Bankers and corporations who steal trillions get bonuses and perks while whistle blowers and people that have a moral conscious get tortured and
America, Land of the enslaved and home of the compliant sheep.
As a last, parting thought: wonder what kind of psychological "conditioning" TPTB are having their goons doing to Manning?
Mind control - it's real, do the research.
Our government is now experimenting with electromagnetic frequency waves which happens to be, in part how our brain functions..........simply do the
edit on 1-8-2012 by ofhumandescent because: grammar