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If There Was a known Great Quake Date, and That 60 Million People Would Perish. Would You Want to Kn

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posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by Char-Lee

Find out what the Gov't knows about that area. Remember the drills that were conducted last year?

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

You should be preparing your spirit daily. Attunement is the key. Listen to the inner voice and those little bugs that give us that funny feeling in the gut.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by prophetboy12

Explanation: No I don't and THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS!

Personal Disclosure: I am an ex-Jehovahs Witness and I spent 10yrs in a spiritual based community meditating on andstudying esoteric wisdom.

I am a believer in the ancient Olympic Gods however I am also acutely aware of Descartes Philosophy!

You will please note the following set of my THREADS to ATS ...

You need to get your act together or

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by OmegaLogos

What gifts have you asked and received from God?

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by prophetboy12

As light hearted as I may come across on this, I'm just 3 hours from the heart of that beast and I've got reams of research here on it. The area I am in sits by some little fluke of geology, on the west side of a natural formation that is absorbing most of the shock this way. I figure that puts us with damage little worse than I saw as a kid in California. No we'll be one of the areas invaded by FEMA and DHS to support everything East of here.

I don't agree with those maps, but we all have our outlooks and reasons. I am following the maps generated out of the USGS for Shakemap simulations of the last super-set and what another may produce. If that flooding never happens it's still bad enough... St Louis with severe damage and Memphis? Oh..Well...People will say there used to be a city there. The maps look terminal, there. I don't know how else to read the deep red under the pyramid. Oh well.

I just hope we don't see one. I know the lines and geology they've investigated in the deep coal mines of Kentucky have suggested the New Madrid has been the gift that keeps on giving for far longer than first thought and fairly regular by what I'd read. We're due. This is one that can be very over-due. I won't mind. I promise. 1st person reports of the last ones are scary as hell to imagine in the real physical world as something right there.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by prophetboy12

This thread isn't about me!

Personal Disclosure: But to answer your question ... IN FULL! ...

God gave me the gift of life and of being a witness [aka an observer in quantum mechanics science terms].

P.S. Are you going to answer the I asked question ... OR do I need to make an alert on this thread?

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by OmegaLogos

This thread is not about a date but a discussion about what people would do if there was a known date. The only way to know for sure about any date is to wait for that date. Even then the knowledge of that date and the action adjusted to that date can change that date. What I do know is that dates are event driven or energy driven. Great cataclysmic events in history are answered in kind by the Earth. What cataclysmic event do you know of that could cause a reflective event. Again this is not about a date but what people would want to know and if they would pass the info on to others.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 03:58 PM
I would take a deep breath, smile and breath-into my merkaba.

See ya 3d sheeple

edit on 26-7-2012 by poppycock because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by prophetboy12
reply to post by Unity_99

Be where you are supposed to be. Some will hold the balance of energy to end and others will stay on.

Some are holding energy and positive thoughts, happy thoughts, over the entire place if they can, as much as they can, and seeking daily to improve doing so and striving to wake up, to cleanse/detox pineal, thalamus, and pituatary, and be positive, love. To draw their infinite light in.

Nothing coded is meant to be. Nor do we have stand under anyones rule book. They think we signed contracts. WOW. All I see is a big bully trying to sign people into playing his badly thought out game and whether you give him the raspberry entering, or wake and do it midway, makes no difference to me. But he needs to realize, we're not playing his game with him and his rules are crimes not virtues. I'm referring to the current crop of managers of this system.

The bible is NOT depicting what is truly meant to be. Whether that side brings in these events, via hijacking human consicousness or not, is in our hands basically, but also, its not as important, the outcome, as making sure you're doing your bit. Leaving no stone unturned. In other words, the not the ending that counts, as much as it is the actions, and intentions along the way.

In the bible, the new testament is based on a story as old as time, about awakening your pineal in the Service To Other Mode of High Frequency and Love so you're dialing the right number on the phone home to Family and especially your Infinite Self and filling your cup with more of your Infinite Light and Source, for we're interconnected up there. That is the Christ message. We're all expected to do what he and Budda did.

The old testament, and I suspect revelations is a much younger book, though has some old tales in it. There has been alot of rewriting of history. So the smiters and programmers rewrote alot.

If you count back 666 chapters, and in psalm 46, count down to the 46th word, and add that to the 46th word up in that pslam (minus the "selah") what do you get? Is that some of what authored some of these interpretations that we are being corrupted with.

Corrupted meaning, abandoning our own inner Love and conficence in Love to obey wars and smiting and authority/slavery, and bring negative pyramid structures in, and become corrupted.

We're all in danger areas to see through all the codes and realize they don't count. Good visions count. Cycles that are upgrades for example, a lot nicer than the ohter kind, eh?
edit on 26-7-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by prophetboy12
If a date were discovered, hidden in a religious book, and that date meant the destruction of a good portion of the land mass of the world and the perishing of 60 million people, would you want to know it or would you just prefer to live day to day without the knowledge?

Would you want to know it so you could try to prepare for your family and friends, knowing that you would be laughed at and ridiculed. Would sell everything and live life to the fullest and experience everything you had not but desired to?

Would you try to figure out where safety was, or would you give up?

What would you tell the person who knew this date what to do?

Sure I'd want to know. With almost 7 billion people on the planet, this disaster would only kill 1 in ~ 100 so the odds are that me and my family would survive so I'd want to know so I can prepare.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 04:08 PM
In fact , we're in danger areas, to hold our Happy Thought.

Maggie: [singing] The stars are all my friends / Till the nighttime ends / So I know I'm not alone / When I'm here, on my own. / Isn't that a wonder? / When you're alone / You're not alone / Not really alone.


Thud Butt: These are his marbles. These are his happy thoughts.
[Peter empties out the pouch of marbles into his hand and laughs]
Peter Pan: He really did lose his marbles, didn't he?
Thud Butt: [laughs] Yeah, he lost them good.
[they both laugh]
Thud Butt: Peter, you know what?
Peter Pan: What?
Thud Butt: My happy thought will help you.
Peter Pan: What's your happy thought, Thud?
Thud Butt: Mine's my mother. Do you remember your mother, Peter?
Peter Pan: Wish I could.

Peter Pan: Jack, Maggie, all you have to do is think one happy thought, and you'll fly like me.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by NavyDoc

The signs are everywhere, the sun, earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, future maps, revelations of different sources. Look and ye shall find.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Thoughts and Words. Creation didn't happen without sound. We make sounds, we direct words. Words and Works.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by prophetboy12

They (all those gloom warnings) aint nothing compared to my happy thoughts! In a world of darkness, draw out your light.
edit on 26-7-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by prophetboy12

Explanation: Ok. On the issue of a NON DISCLOSED date ... I can accept that answer... but you will still need to supply the chapter and verses from the bible [KJV or ???] so that I can check them for veracity and conformity to this claimed prophesy ok.

Personal Disclosure: Without the claimed prophesy itself to assess in full ... this thread lacks direction and is tantamount to being pure fearmongering and doom porn.

To quote Phage's signature ...

Get your facts straight 1st ... then you can distort them as you please.

On a scientific note: The area in question is on a major faultline and it is quite within reason to assume that at some point in the future it will experience an EQ [as it recently did] and to claim so is not prophesy at all ... its common sense.

Now if the prophesy was focused on an area that could not possibly, within the realm of science, experience a major eathquake ... then THAT would be prophetic and far more interesting and definately worthy of ATS intense analysis.

Please provide some facts instead of data-mining members replies ok.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 04:16 PM
By the way when I counted back to 46th word, then up to the 46th word, in a very coded spot, I got SHAKESPEAR. Odd!

I'm shaking this tree hard, because they can twist cycles into nightmares all they want, but I see freedom and upgrades, if earth is here, and progression if earth's time ever runs out.
edit on 26-7-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by prophetboy12

I think that that's a no brainer really. If there was going to be a megaquake around my city I would want to know so that I could evacuate elsewhere. If it was going to wipe me and my friends and family out regardless, then I would still want to know so that I could do a lot of the things I had wanted to but had never got around to.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 04:38 PM
Yes.Most definitely I would want to know.There are precautions that can be taken against earthquakes,if you know in advance when and where.Although I have an innate fear of deep water,I would seek refuge on a boat[prefarably a large one] on the ocean in deep water.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by prophetboy12
reply to post by OmegaLogos

This thread is not about a date but a discussion about what people would do if there was a known date. The only way to know for sure about any date is to wait for that date. Even then the knowledge of that date and the action adjusted to that date can change that date. What I do know is that dates are event driven or energy driven. Great cataclysmic events in history are answered in kind by the Earth. What cataclysmic event do you know of that could cause a reflective event. Again this is not about a date but what people would want to know and if they would pass the info on to others.

See you say that this thread is a discussion about whether people would want to know and what they would do if they did know. Then you lightly pepper the thread with what I suspect you think are tantalizing bits of information designed to get people to ask you for more, more, more.

I am not asking because it is quite clear to me that you don't have any information.
And I have read far better, more substantial, more detailed, and less apparently self seeking threads about the future maps/mega earthquakes/what if scenarios on this board in the past.

The person whose question you won't answer is correct. He did add a lot more to your thread than you did.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by watcher3339

My answer is Yes if think I have discovered a date of events, before the Judgement takes place. The event effects all on Earth and will trigger massive religious upheaval, which is now taking place. I am not so willing to release all of the details because of the reaction of those who do not understand all of the esoteric meanings, and then again I could be totally wrong.

It's just like no one knows the outcome of the Presidential election.

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