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my ranting and ravings about DID

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posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 09:03 AM
It seems to me that Americans suffer from dissociative identity disorder (DID; multiple personality disorder, as it used to be known). this happens as the result of the pressures associated with simply growing up....from a very young age we are socialized and learn to compromise, act, or even act out in order to maintain our fragile little worlds. combine this with television programming as a way to escape or disassociate from the reality of our home, school,or whatever life and you've got your multiple personalities developing faster than a polaroid picture.

this allows for someone to be, say, a raging alcoholic but still able to function at a job....or to be a politician who can lie and still sleep at night...or even a mathematician living in a world of numbers, yet trying to see the forest and not a tree. the only way we can survive in today's society is by having DID

how do i know this? look at how we idolize and worship actors, paying them millions of dollars to go into a different personality, within a time-controlled, pause-able environment. and we have even learned to expect politicians to lie to our faces while kissing babies- is that not incredible acting as well? (maybe the good-looking actors go west to Hollywood and the ugly ones go to DC.....

so what i'm saying is that all the talk about mind-control and sex-slaves and so forth is happening right now, this very second and it has been ever since i can remember and its HAPPENING TO US! we're 'broken' like wild animals at a very young age (think potty-training, spankings, or worse) and we just keep breaking and fragmenting from there on out. in everything we do, everything we say and everything we buy to comfort ourselves Americans are acting out the plan of crazy people to make us all crazy. you can see it around you- the insanity of 'things' and 'money' and 'sex'. 70-year olds spending their retirements on plastic surgery, botox, and they're trying to make up for the youth they sold... you might think money and sex were new drugs humanity had never experienced before, but in fact humanity used to have them under control, not just through religion but through simple common sense. even if desire and greed were completely out of control nature has had a way of balancing things out- there were always serious consequences for taking risks like losing a limb, an eye, a loved one, or dying....why do you think opium was so popular? because there was so much physical pain and suffering from simple daily living. the health and prosperity we have today is unparalleled in history, but we can never fully understand that unless we can also see the sickness.

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 12:59 AM
Not exactly this disorder i'd see in this topic though.

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