posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 08:45 AM
reply to post by FireMoon
hmm i think i misread your section about the teacher. No bother. You have still given some very contradictory excuses as to why the kids all gave
different drawings and none of them really fitted the explanation gave by 1 person.
To me this story shows all the signs of the kids either pulling off a hoax or maybe seeing something odd looking and then deciding to report it as an
alien space craft for a laugh. I don't think they gave it much thought as to the exact details of the story before they ran to the headmaster to give
their story. I think the headmaster being an adult experienced in dealing with children's 'story's' sensed this and this is why he asked them all to
draw the 'sighting' in exam conditions. The result of this was that they all came up with what they considered to be a good looking space ship and
this is why the pictures came out with different details (one with a space man added, legs on the ship and aerials etc) and none of them match what
the original story was of just a cigar shaped metallic thing.
The guy on the video said it came from the ground and then went back down again yet the news reporters Jon Craven reported that an alien space craft
came out of the sky. Now what happened here? Did the children tell different story's at the time? Did the story get reported wrong to the news people?
Has this guy on the video changed his story since the original report he made.
It would be interesting to hear what all the children have to say on the matter in the present day instead of just one of them. I also wonder why the
makers of the video didnt manage to get interviews with all of them.
You can argue that the kids testimony was unreliable because they were kids but if that's the case then why even consider it as a real UFO sighting?
My BS meter is off the clock with this whole sighting.
edit on 28-7-2012 by PhoenixOD because: (no reason given)