posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 03:29 PM
Now I notice this seems like the worst of the worst when it comes to things to say when an old lady is robbed BUT hear me out!
Sorry I can not post a link as its on my towns FB.
The situation is as follows:
At around 2.30pm on Wednesday the 11th of July a 77 year old woman entered Barclays bank and withdrew £5000 (like over $10,000), putting
£2500 into two brown envelopes a woman became interested in the elderly ladies transaction which lead to her being followed to a store close by. Soon
later the old woman had discovered one of the envelopes were missing from her bag and had called the police to report this.
Now here is the juicy part, I commented on this by saying "not that this is right or anything but.. what old lady id STUPID enough to carry £5000
around?" to which about 10 people had responded, I will copy and paste the important parts of the conversation into this (please read it all to
understand the question).
]Woman 1: Maybe she was withdrawing to transfer cash from bank accounts. Its a shame you cant without some thugs stealing it from you!!
Me: transfer bank accounts? because poundland is a bank isnt it?
Woman 2: Dont be so bloody condesending.A lot of "old People" live like they used to,without soooo many thieving bastards around to steal off
Me: 100 years ago.. would have been stolen, 1000 years ago.. would have been stolen, 2000 years ago.. would have been stolen! It is nothing new so she
should have transferred it by check or electronically. £5000 is alot of money -_- so much you would not carry it around no matter what, that is my
point! Common sense and all of it would have been avoided.. I get things stolen all the time but I realise that usually it was my fault.. would be
nice if people would not steal yes but carrying £5000 on you is a little tempting to all criminals (now you will say something about me having a
criminal mind, NO! its just common sense).
Woman 3: This lady should be able to withdraw and carry as much money as she likes its her money that dont give scum bags the right to take it i hope
the police find her. me: Im not being ignorant, nor stupid! Since money came into the world people have robbed and conned.. Carrying that much money
is begging to be robbed.. How do none of you women get this?
Woman 4: Yeah I think its very unfair to blame the lady - its the theives you should be concerned with! I had to transfer money the other day and
walked around with similar amounts - its the only way to do it in some types of accounts. But you shouldn't expect to be stolen from just because you
have money on you - you're not the stupid one - its the theives that are the bad people and ones to blame - the victims innocent! Pssshhh leave the
poor old lady alone! See not many people do care about others nowadays do they obviously not..
Woman 5: Asking to be robbed!?! Idiotic remark, nobody asks to be robbed the their is in the wrong no one else
Woman 6: Na u r standing up for the scank who stole and saying an old ladie wanted to b robbed wat if that was ur nan
Woman 7: Omg is this a joke haha. Some poor old lady has been stolen from and by some scabby little rat and your concerned about why and how much she
withdrew?? She has the right to withdraw her money from her bank account without being robbed. As if the amount matters surely it should be the poor
old lady your concerned about! Woman 8: And I agree you should be able to walk about with how ever much money on your person but then maybe the bank
staff could Of been more discreet about it therefore no one else should of heard her buisness
me: Standing up for the skank? no i am saying it is a stupid thing to carry that much money! -_- Seriously.. you are all over reacting to what i said,
she was stupid to carry it and theywere wrong to steal it. If it was my nan i would be mad as hell at her for walking around with that much money.
Woman 9: this is sick.. and some of the people are on here too. old lady getting money out, for family or anything. you should be able to take money
out without some silly selfish slut taking it off of her. hope she gets beaten the # out of
Man 1: It might be a bad idea to carry that sort of money around but every one makes bad decisions some times .the fact that some evil enough wanted
to steel it from some one let alone an elderly lady is bang out of order what the hell is this town coming to I hope they catch her and she gets
banged up .as for the money it's probably gone a Ready gutted for the victim
me: see man 1 and woman 8 see it was a bad idea to carry it around too!.. I did say it is wrong to steal but you all were too busy arguing about "you
should be able to carry it around" but 'should' and 'can' are different things. ask yourselves this, would you carry that much money around?
Man 2: (my name) wind your neck in.... your gonna end up being the most hated person in (the town i live in) for stupid comments. No one (whatever
your age) should have their property (money, items, life etc) taken away from them. The young girl in the pic needs to be found and bought to justice
for the very low crime she committed.
Me: Yes man 2 she needs justice but the point was.. Carrying that around on your own is a stupid thing to do, atleast ask a relative to come along.
Not once did i stand up for the person that stole it, not once did i say it was right (i actually said it was wrong at the start to try avoid all
this), neither did I say she should get away with this or that the old lady should not be able to walk around with the money yet you are all making a
big deal out of me thinking common sense would have avoided all of this?. As for being the most hated person in (the town i live in), (the town i live
in) is a # place to be due to people not looking after it, littering, vandalising, chavs bullying old people and younger children.. I am sure I am
going to be more hated than those.
man 3: there really are some idiots on this page. It doesn't matter how much she withdrew or what it was for. Some low life scum robbed her which is
totally wrong & I hope she/they is/are caught. But even if they are they will not be punished. as we have seen very recently our 'justice' system is
a joke.
man 2: Well you have made your point... which seems to be the opposite to everyone else on this post. If you feel that strongly then why not ring the
old lady who has been mugged and pass on your words of wisdom, I'm sure she will be very pleased to hear from you!
Woman 9: yeah but he's proper cool and thinks he knows what he talking about let him natter away.. and think he knows what he talking about, when he
doesn't know # blah blah blah
me: all i meant was she shouldn't have been carrying it around! nothing more, nothing less
woman 9: he SHOULD be able to carry it around is what were saying. nothing more, nothing less.
me: yes she SHOULD be able to.. but with people like this lowlife we CAN'T.
Point here was that it is stupid to carry that much money, it will be stolen 90% of the time. We should be able to carry things around but we can't
but these people were missing my point. Some people just don't get that it is stupid to carry £5000 around. Common sense!
NOW, my question is: am I right (she was stupid to carry it) or are they (she was not stupid to carry it)? what do you guys think?
Some people agreed but as I didn't say "she should be locked up" they all argued with me as if I was supporting such behaviour