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Big Foot Theories: Crypto versus Alien

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posted on Oct, 9 2004 @ 12:18 PM
Ok, so I'm doing this as more of a personal investigation. But I need the help of ATS.... I would like to have some sort of poll and every opinion is greatly appreciated. I'm sure all of you are familiar with bigfoot or Sasquatch. And I'm sure you've heard all of the theories. One being that it's a bipedal ape that walked with us back in the day of cavemen, called gigantopithicus. Now another far off theory is that its some sort of alien. It has been numerously mentioned by some abductees to be seen near or in actual ufos. Both of these theorys can be researched on your own time and you will learn for yourself that they are widely talked about. Now I have my own personal reasons to be so concerned with this very topic. To learn more you can just look up my previous posts on that matter. So down to the point. Which theory to you sounds more plausable? Why would these animals bee seen near ufo's? Could they just be as curious as us and they want a closer look? Afterall they have been here even before we came and populated the US. Is there any solid connection? So as you can see i need your help ATS, I know you wont let me down. Feel free to post anything you have to contribute to these ideas even if they are totally different than the ones mentioned above.

Giant ape may be new species

Thanks RANT for the title.

[edit on 11-10-2004 by porschedrifter]

posted on Oct, 9 2004 @ 10:01 PM
bump i cant let this go down and be forgotten!

posted on Oct, 9 2004 @ 10:16 PM

Originally posted by porschedrifter
bump i cant let this go down and be forgotten!

You might consider changing the title to something like Big Foot Theories: Crypto versus Alien, etc. (AND NOT ALL CAPS)

It'll attract people with similar interests.

[edit on 9-10-2004 by RANT]

posted on Oct, 9 2004 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by RANT

Originally posted by porschedrifter
bump i cant let this go down and be forgotten!

You might consider changing the title to something like Big Foot Theories: Crypto versus Alien, etc. (AND NOT ALL CAPS)

It'll attract people with similar interests.

[edit on 9-10-2004 by RANT]
I agree with the MOD with the Avatar that looks like Faust from GGX2.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 02:13 AM
You asked for opinion. For what it's worth, I think the Bigfoot/.Sasquatch/Yeti creature has been on this planet as long as we have. It has been seen and reported for I really do not know how many years in various parts of the world. I feel that they have been observed in the proximity of UFO's for the same reasons humans have been there. No, I do not think they drive the objects, I think they are and have been abducted. I am not aware of any reports of advanced tool making or usage, so I assume they are more primitive than mankind.
As your very interesting link suggested, a new species of ape may have been discovered--even if it's existance had been had been reported or rumored for over 100 years. In time Bigfoot will be "officially" discovered, but that will take a body and DNA evidence. DNA alone will not be acceptable. DNA evidence from one or two labs can be supressed. A body with several labs doing DNA testing may get reported.
I hope you get more responses. I'd like to read them.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 04:00 AM
yeah i believe that bigfoots exist and that they have been here for as long as we have been here. they are just hiding from us. and they have probably been abducted.thats why they are so close to the ufos most of the time

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 04:51 AM
Theres already a realy good photo of one on line in a UFO ship Just typ in Wooky of milium falcon im sure tones of stuff will come up .
Ps Dont ever call him sasquach it makes him mad.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 08:27 AM
sure i believe the existence of bigfoots, yeti's...etc...but i dont see them as being just an ape. I believe they are 4th dimensional creatures who can appear in our 3rd dimension at will. Numerous sitings have reported seeing the creature vanish and footprints just stopping in the middle of no where. The native american folklore surrounding bigfoot is really interesting and I would suggest researching that part of it.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 12:16 PM
If bigfoot exists I would say cryptid over ET.

The footprints and visual descriptions people descirbe are too close to human/ape to be an evolutionary coincidence as life from another planet.


posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 03:19 PM
Okham's Razor.

I'm not even sure why people are so insistant that UFOs are from outer space.
How many times has anyone ever tracked one out of earth orbit?


posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 03:29 PM
I would say crypto rather then alien.

I think Gigantopithecus blacki is strong evidence of a crypto. A real animal that matches the description of Sasquatch pretty much exactly. It is not reported to have gone extinct really that long ago in the scope of things, and people really dont know why it went extinct.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 03:32 PM
I'm voting cryptid. Not everything's alien influenced.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 03:35 PM
assuming they exist, I'd lean towards a natural source, but then you are confronted with the breeding population question.
if they exist, I'd argue they are related to primates. That being said, they would likley raise their offspring until an age of maybe 6 or 8 years old. there would need to be a social structure, feeding range, and shelter. I don't believe momma bigfoot would give birth, and run off into the woods.

I think it would take at least 30 adults to maintain a population without a lot of inbreeding, which leads to a lack of genetic diversity, and weakness to disease. 30 adults and 15 offspring would leave more than tracks in the snow, IMO.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 04:07 PM
MUCH more than 30 to maintain a healthy gene pool. That is however IF we assume the genepool is healthy

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 05:33 PM
I think big foot is real. Leading people in fields dealing with this have said there should be some link between human and ape. More proof, up until the early 1800's the mountain gorrilla was thought to just be a african myth. in the 70's i believe, two new types of deer like creatures were discovereed ni vietnam these were also just thought to be local folk lore.

posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 02:10 PM
WOW. I'm really impressed. At first I was going to single out certain members for giving some great reply's but after reading the whole thread, I saw that everyone had something good and "healthy" to say about the topic. Great replys everyone.

First off I agree with more cryptid than ET. Gigantopithicus is a perfect example and proof of that. I'm still in the process to investigating the American Indian legends like that one member suggested. I looked breifly before but never really got into it. If you think about it. They were here before us and therefore American Indians lived with them for a much longer time. I think this is the key to find out the truth. So I will post anything I find worth reading.

Also if you just look at the clues here... Bigfoot is definitely an Indian given name
Also Sasquatch means "hairy man" in indian. I think i know where the truth lies

Here's what I found so far, I read the first one so far.

[edit on 19-10-2004 by porschedrifter]


posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 02:58 PM
If you happen to get the time read the book, BIGFOOT! The True Story of Apes in America, by Loren Coleman. It gives alot of usefully information on indian legends he references, along with some old time sightings. Also (forgive me here, been awhile since i have read it), but it goes over some fake sightings, the work by Jeff Meldrum ( one of the first to spot dermal ridges, next to Grover Krantz who which i do belive was the first to reconize dermal ridges). I tend to think that Bigfoot maybe a relative of the giganto's, also I agree with mister coleman that there seems to be two species in the US. One in the Pacific Northwest which is the typical Bigfoot, we all now and love.
Then a smaller maybe supspecies in the south region of the US, which I belive tend to be a little more aggressive, from the reports and from what I read in that book(again i could be, wrong about the aggressiveness, been about 3 month's since i read it). Ethier way we look at it, a creature of this size can actually hide in the wildreness and we would never see it. This is a direct quote from the book, and pretains to the wood bison.

" The largest land animal in Canada, the wood bison, had been disappearing from all over North America for centuries when the last animal were officially declared extinct in 1940. Then in 1957, a wonderful discovery occured. During a regular air patrol, federal wildlife officers flying over a remote part of the Wood Buffalo National Park, Alerta, spotted a small, isolated herd of two hundred wood bison. They had gone completely unnoticed for decades-and had kept physically and genetically separate from their cousins the plains bison, so familiar to Americans as the buffalo. The wood bison were found about one hundred miles from a new road being built from Alberta to the artic circle and within fifty miles of a mission staion that had existed for a hundred years. "

Now this Discovery while 47 years ago does demstate that a large species known to man, can and will hide away, even though we are right there and we never see it. Think about it like this just because we have roads through most of the US doesn't mean we have explored every inch of the USA. In the woods if something doesn't want to be found it could and most likely hide from us. Think about it, this creature must have been around since we crawled out of the cave and walked away. It has probally seen the damage we did to the Wolly Mammoth, and various other Ice Age species. So it has probally taken to a much more cautious approach to us, ie hiding in cave's, and only really coming out at night. Just a few thoughts I figured I'd throw out there.

Also here is another web site, to read about the wood bison. kweb/woodbison.htm

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 10:59 PM
I don't personally believe in Bigfoot anymore. I did at one time until I saw the expose on the debunking of the Patterson film.

Anyway, when I was still a believer, my theory was WE are the aliens. The human race was from a different place, but we came here (or were 'planted' here) because this planet was compatible with our primate-like life-form. However this planet was already inhabited by primates, Bigfoot being the most advanced of those. In other words, Bigfoot would be the dominant species on this planet someday if we hadn't showed up with our highly advanced selves to take the place over.

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 11:44 PM
I believe in Sasquatch.
I think it�s a Gigantopithecus or similar humanoid/animal.
Been here for longer than we have.
Hiding for obvious reasons.
Not to get extinct...

And remember:
Sasquatch and Vodka don�t mix...

posted on Oct, 22 2004 @ 11:31 AM
troy, that is a really interesting view, bigfoot does seem to be a more natural "fit" with earth, and we really don't resemble anything else do we ?

maybe we pushed them aside like its been theorized cro-magnon did with neanderthal ?


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