reply to post by ObservingTheWorld
This is for observing the world,My dear fellow friend,It was O Siris and Horus in the first place who had told me to spread this intell far and
wide...........I guess this intell is for the australians to wake up to them selves,I bet now the aussies wont shoot another craft from the
skies.Another reason for writting this post is to attract attention for the soul benefit of attracting witnesses,For you see i am going to be the
camera man if we dont attract enough querys.We wanted to film this historical event out at sea for the soul purpose of seeing ahead in time before the
missiles arrived.
I do realise that there has been a power struggle between O Siris and his Son Horus,The reason being Oh Siris was making poor decisions,This was the
case untill O Siris could rest and get some sleep.For you see my friend hell and Set broke out of containment and went straight to the 5th
density,They were tottaly over whelmed by shear numbers.With only three white houses left,O Siris,Horus ,RA and the great tree of infortructure(The
great Ennead) along with the houses that were liberated have won the war of Heaven,Hell has been defeted.This has taken nearly two years.This is the
hell that was prophetised.
We lost some good people in that fight,But not for long as you see Horus can bring them back from the grave.What some houses did was to cut of there
little finger before going into battle for the soul reason of being brought back alive if they were killed.There is enough dna in that finger for
Horus to clone and splice to enable a miracle to occure.I was once rebiult some 600 years ago with just three vertebra and one wing.Horus tells me i
should be back to normal in another thousand years.
Dont worry about me my friend,Im fine and just dandy,I sort of get an idea of our Sun Gods power as i was once shown just how easy it is for them to
remove your soul from the body instantly disableing it,I instantly went out like a light.You see i am one of Horus's dear friends.What we have been
through on this planet is unbelievable,We keep getting murdered.My last two lives are as follows,Lord Victor Byron dob 1367,Not only was Victor killed
trying to defend our House but his whole family was murdered by the kings men,Horus was not with us at that time,He was busy campaining across the
medateranian.You see Horus can be in two places at once.This means when Horus is in Heaven he can be on Earth as well.Now what took place next was the
unleshing of our beautiful wifes,Fly you beautys fly,Fly to the over world and rip those bastards apart.This is the story of Jackular/Horus or what it
is bassed on.Only the Gods can open this door to the over world.
My last life i was Richard Granthe dob 23/8/1667,He sailed as the captain of an navy ship as well as a pirater,Anything with cargo was fair game,I
did this to feed the town of Bristol and to even out the wealth.The king of those days found out who i was in my previous life and thought he could
get away with murder once again.So he contracted the killing to Spain and France.Spain knocked it back but the French at the time didnt nead talking
into taking the money/contract.
.So now we are on board this mighty ship called the bristol and in times of peril the Armageddon.We were sailing down the east coast of England when
we spotted two man of wars heading striaght for us.We all thought this is it,For we knew just how many ships we took over and took thier bootty.We all
thought that these two Spanish ships wore sent to sink us,So we tacted to port and made a heading striaght at the two ships.I had our cannons on a
bridged turntable which means we could point them sixty and thirty degrees forward and aft.So by now most of our cannons wore at sixty degree's
forward.One of our tricks at times was to shell the bow with cannon fire making a hole were the ship would recieve the sea,Driving it to davy jones
Okay now we have fired at both ships simultaneously hitting both bows at once didnt help thier course,We then reloaded and fired a broard side shot
into the gutts of these man of wars.The boat on my starboard side then blew up with an magnicent way inclined after we hit the battery.
We decided to pick up prisoners when i started to hear French voices,Then they got louder and louder untill we had caught some with thier pants
down,You see the French were wearing Spanish colours and flags to disguise them selves but that cold sea can make you call out for your mumma.As soon
as we new they wore the French colours we decided to leave them,If we did rescue the French it may of started yet another war with Spain as well as
France plus i didnt wont to be thought of as the catalyst.
Blessings of light and wisdom