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Originally posted by yuppa
Originally posted by buster2010
Cry about Islam all you want the world wars started by Christians has killed far more than Islamic terrorist could ever dream of doing. Hell we have probably killed more people in Iraq than the op states the Muslims have killed. Just look at how many so called Christians in the American government that keep calling for war.
You may want to actually learn something about the Qur'an also. A Muslim is only allowed to fight when he or his religion is being oppressed. And seeing how their nations have been bombed for the last couple of decades they have plenty of reason to want to fight.
Anything that is a affront to Islam is oppressive to islam correct? Any culture opposite of islam is considered a affront to it. Now that's not to say all Muslims are feeling oppressed. I have to ask though. Its ok to lie to further islams goals to non muslims. If that is true then why should we believe anything they say?
Originally posted by CoolerAbdullah786
reply to post by FlyInTheOintment
Ever single verse you quoted in the OP is taken out of context. The Qur'an was actively revealed to the Prophet (saws) during his lifetime and was a lot of times revealed based on events which happened. None of those verses that speak of "declaring war" are timeless suggestions. Muslims are only permitted to defend themselves, not to be the aggressors (as it says in the Quran chapter 2 verse 191 which you ignored completely).
This will be my only response to this thread because clearly it was devised by someone who, despite their "polite tone" seeks nothing more than to attack and slander Islam. The OP is not concerned with facts in the least bit and I suspect that the Quran verses they quoted were taken directly from an anti-Islam website.
If anyone has genuine questions about Islam then you can U2U me. I guarantee I am more of an Islamic scholar than FlyInTheOintment.
Peace be upon you
For the last several hundred years Sufis have been persecuted in both Shia and Sunni Islamic countries like Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Lebanon, Bangladesh, Pakistan, as well as in India when large parts of it were under Islamic rule for over a thousand years.
Sufism has been practically wiped out, as both Shias and Sunnis have attacked them for their "un-Islamic" conduct like emphasis on devotional music and dance as the way to reach God.
The continuing persecution of Sufis in Kashmir by Wahabi/Salafist Sunni Radical Islamic terrorists of Pakistan
(Reuters) - Freed from Muammar Gaddafi's 42-year dictatorship, Libya's Sufi Muslims find themselves under renewed pressure from violent Islamists who have been attacking them and their beliefs as heretical. The desecration of graves belonging to Sufi saints and sages in recent months have put the peaceful Sufis on the defensive, prompting some to post armed guards at their mosques and lodges to ward off hardline thugs.
Libya: Sufis face continuing persecution after revolution
Originally posted by The X
It wasn't my claim.
Well known by whom? People with a built in bias against MEMRI? I thought that site had a pretty good reputation. Is it possible you're overstating you're objection to them? What evidence have you that would persuade an objective person?
Good old memri tv. Well known for mistranslating into English.
Originally posted by TTAA2012
1. It's not like internecine killings in the Ummah are a rarity is it? There are atrocities committed every single day to chants of Allah Akbar. Did these Muslim terrorists - from different sects who kill their fellow Muslims on a daily basis - not get the memo about Islam being a religion of peace or what?
2. Why is it that in most instances, these groups (they are both guilty) choose a house of worship as their target? Do they think it pleases God more if they kill heretics while they are on their knees in prayer? What do you think is their reasoning for this?
3. I think the reasons that you haven't experienced persecution because of your common Sufi beliefs is because you live in Western countries where that kind of thing is frowned upon.
If you were to live in the "Old country" as it were, I believe that you would be in danger of losing your lives because you are, in the eyes of both Sunni and Shia, heretics worthy of death. How can you deny the violence being committed against your brethren in the name of Allah?
Originally posted by samsamm9
Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
reply to post by FlyInTheOintment
Warning: Video is extremly graphic in nature, viewer discretion is advised.
This is what is going to happen to the Western world, this is a prophetic vision of our future.
Your mind is full of filth and violence.
Even got a smiley shooting !
You're just trying to spread fear and the truth is you're exactly the type of person people should fear.
Counter productive ??
Originally posted by TTAA2012
3. I think the reasons that you haven't experienced persecution because of your common Sufi beliefs is because you live in Western countries where that kind of thing is frowned upon.
For the last several hundred years Sufis have been persecuted in both Shia and Sunni Islamic countries like Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Lebanon, Bangladesh, Pakistan, as well as in India when large parts of it were under Islamic rule for over a thousand years.
Sufism has been practically wiped out, as both Shias and Sunnis have attacked them for their "un-Islamic" conduct like emphasis on devotional music and dance as the way to reach God.
The continuing persecution of Sufis in Kashmir by Wahabi/Salafist Sunni Radical Islamic terrorists of Pakistan
(Reuters) - Freed from Muammar Gaddafi's 42-year dictatorship, Libya's Sufi Muslims find themselves under renewed pressure from violent Islamists who have been attacking them and their beliefs as heretical. The desecration of graves belonging to Sufi saints and sages in recent months have put the peaceful Sufis on the defensive, prompting some to post armed guards at their mosques and lodges to ward off hardline thugs.
Libya: Sufis face continuing persecution after revolution
If you were to live in the "Old country" as it were, I believe that you would be in danger of losing your lives because you are, in the eyes of both Sunni and Shia, heretics worthy of death. How can you deny the violence being committed against your brethren in the name of Allah?
(BTW Abdullah, I've read quite a few of your posts and I have to say I feel you truly are a good guy.)
Originally posted by TTAA2012
How is telling the truth spreading fear? It seems to me that it is the terrorists who are murdering their fellow Muslims and taping it to show on the internet are the ones trying to spread fear.
This is exactly what I'm talking about in the above post. Muslims are murdering their fellow Muslims by the literal busload every single day, yet if anyone talks about it they are branded an Islamophobe. What utter horsesh!t!
If Muslims want to do something to clean up their image around the world, then they need to acknowledge that there IS a problem here, quit spouting the "Religion of peace" crap, and do something about it.
One thing I'm sure of is that Muslims are human beings just like me, a parent just like me, who want nothing more than to earn a living and raise their children in such a way as to give them a better life. I'm sure that the assholes who strap bombs to their children's chests and send them off to murder other children are in a minority, so I would think that those in the majority would want to do something to put an end to this barbaric practice instead of just making excuses for it.
Originally posted by TTAA2012
If she were to go back home, she would undoubtedly be killed for the way she has behaved.
Abudullah, I would like you to clarify something for me. You said that many Muslims are ignorant of their own religion. How can this be when Muslim students in the Middle-east learn to read by MEMORIZING the Koran?
Originally posted by samsamm9
Did ATS become a haven for Anti-Islamic propaganda ?
This is getting really old dude.
Originally posted by chizeled
I know that taqiyya and kitman, as lying is called in Islam, is permitted in Islam. I understand that Islam permits Muslims to lie about anything and everything in order to advance Islam. That tenet of Islam suggests that Muhammad practiced taqiyya in order to advance Islam. Muslims are even allowed to lie and say that taqiyya is not permitted by that would just be Muslims practicing taqiyya. Not only was Muhammad permitted to lie to all Muslims about Islam but immams are permitted to practice taqiyya to other Muslims as long as they personally deem that it advances Islam. The really terrific part of it all is that Muslims actually believe that Allah permits lying. Muslims actually admit that Allah approves of taqiyya and is, therefore, a lying spirit but then turn right around and claim that God and Allah are the same. Common sense generally kicks in at this point and makes most logical beings think...hmmm...God is supremely good, so how or why would he approve of taqiyya? but I imagine that must be where reason begins and ends in Islam because the simple truth is that God does not lie nor does he approve of lying. Islam is a political system based on taqiyya. The one world government practices taqiyya in order to deceive Muslims but its not very hard to deceive Muslims since their faith is based on taqiyya and kitman.
The very sad thing is that Muslims are lied to and told that jihad and taqiyya are going to earn them a place in heaven. However, why would God accept a bunch of murderous and lying people in heaven? Murderers/jihadists and liars/taqiyya practicers go to hell to be with the murderous and lying spirit known as Satan/Lucifer. I have no idea how or why Muslims can believe in a religion that sanctions murder and lying. Of course, this is when Muslims chime in and try to deflect attention away from their own wickedness by bringing up the crusades. However, the crusades were perpetrated by the Vatican and the Vatican is not a Christian organization. The Vatican is a political entity, a lot like Islam come think of it, that pretends to be religious but is really just a tool of the governments to control people. The sooner Muslims realize that they have been duped into believing a so called religion that is based on taqiyya and kitman, the better off the world will be.
In my business, I have been blessed to become friends with a beautiful young Muslim woman living in Australia and we've been working together to put an end to the practice of female genital mutilation, so I am fully aware that there are some practices that are more culturally based as opposed to being dictated by the Koran. She has used the phrase "religion of peace" several times, which I find highly ironic because of her lifestyle. She is in fact living in Australia because she wanted to go to school, go out clubbing, and not have to marry her cousin. If she were to go back home, she would undoubtedly be killed for the way she has behaved.