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Batman Massacre: Eyewitness Testimony Contradicts Official Story

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posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 07:53 PM
Come on people still claiming it's two different people, OPEN your eyes!

Absolutely the SAME person, no debate needed...geez

Too many over-active imaginations on this thread.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by SpaceJockey1

Too many over-active imaginations on this thread.

Too many over-active imaginations on this site!!

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by SpaceJockey1

maybe your imagination isn't active enough...

just joking i seriously believe we see two different people though.. sorry to offend your sense of justice.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by truthermantwo


Nostril flare aside, those are two different noses.

Stand in front of a mirror and try it............go on, do it now!

See does not change that much does it?

edit on 26-7-2012 by CaptainBeno because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by texasgirl
Right, I do know that he propped the door open and reentered from outside, but I mean IN GENERAL it stinks if there wasn't any security. As big a movie as The Dark Knight Rises being shown in an unsafe area you would think there would be security at a midnight special screening. Having no security means anyone could've walked in from the front. Was there no security on purpose?

Was there no security present? If there was, all they could really do is alert police and evacuate anyone they can, although that makes a good point, took them ages to evacuate the other theatres, where people probably had no idea of a shooting. Even the police had to wait for gasmasks before going into Theatre 9.

Originally posted by kmeredith
reply to post by salainen

The huffington post and other news reports have a statement from police when the held a news conference stating the shooter said he was the joker. iI have coppied it here. New York Police commissioner Ray Kelly said: "We have some information, most of it is public. It clearly looks like a deranged individual. He had his hair painted red, he said he was ‘The Joker,’ obviously the ‘enemy’ of Batman", CBS reported. What i was saying was did he goin dressed as Baine but with no guns or was he in different clothes? however he was dressed no one mentioned seening him enter or his red hair.

I know, but I read a news article soon after that which said a police officer had denyed this, Since I can no longer find the article, I must have read it wrong, I can only find articles stating a New York police officer who said this man said he was the joker. Weird how I misread something completely opposite to what was actually written.

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 05:01 AM
reply to post by Bonkrh

Yea what would be a better brainwash than a Psychological trauma...?
The end of the video is strange.

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 05:04 AM
reply to post by SpaceJockey1

I totally agree.
No doubt about it being the same person in both pictures.
The form of the ears, eyes, cheekbones, etc are the same.

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by kmeredith
reply to post by TWILITE22

So many statements indicated to there being more than one shooter. The reports of the second Gas comming from the opposite side. The fact that people belived it to be a different man on the phone that opaned the fire exit door. In early reports people described seeing a man in red and that a red car left the sceane. The reports that he lived with roomates that have yet to known. The fact that know one reported seeing his red hair and he stated he was the joker. What if he was the joker and someone else was baine? again thinking out loud.
the more witnesses come forward the stranger the story.
I just posted in another thread that what if,like you thinking out loud,he was only hired to take a phone call?
What if Holmes didn't come back into the theater and instead a professional assassin's took his place?
The facts and eye witnesses are leading us to the likely scenario that we will never know the whole story.We are only going to hear what 'they' want us to know.Like all the other false flags,its been planned out and executed for their own benifit and we know one of them is gun control.
They know they can get away with it when they have the three m's at their disposal money,means,and the media.

And to think a few years ago I thought I live in a world were the government had our best interest at heart,what was I thinking?

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by no1smootha

I disagree when people totally discount "conspiracy theories" off the bat based on some sort of psychological babble. It doesnt make sense to me. There seems to be some sort of contradiction. Though sometimes I have a tough time articulating ..

Are 'conspiracies' within the realm of possibility? Could humans really pull such a thing off? With our intelligence? Our imagination? People arguing against conspiracy theories always say the same few things. That people just want to believe something other than absolute chaos. To believe that things cannot be just random, someone must be in control. Well, it works both ways, really. I believe people who say this need chaos. They fear the human capability for evil. We are conniving little Aholes. You can't chalk up every single "big" event as just happenstance! Especially in the world we live in, a world manipulated constantly by the media. You know what they want you to know. They pick and choose the stories, we all know this.

And is that really "our" worst fear? Humans have a deep seeded physiological fear of chaos? That we can do nothing to change it? To me, it is more scary that humans may be doing something totally imaginable, quietly discussing their plans. I think the real fear is for the conspiracies, not the chaos. They make you feel small. If a conspiracy exists, you still cannot do anything about it. You are just 1 out of billions of people. You aren't organized enough. Connected enough. Smart enough to do anything about it. That is the true fear. Therefore things must be random.

Which they are. But not constantly. This is not a law of reality. Conspiracies have been proven throughout history. A great example is the Philadelphia Experiment and the development of the atomic bomb. These were majorly influencial moments in human history, they would change the world forever. And they were kept under wraps by lots and lots of people, committed to their job/passion/mission.

I think mostly my point is that you cannot just call it one way or the other constantly. You can't always say "Conspiracy!" and vice versa. You can't say everything is chalked up to "Chaos!" for every major news event that is shown to you.

Get an imagination. It may save your life some day. (Im not speaking to anyone specifically)

I agree with the Terrance McKenna quote. At the true essence of reality, the pinacle of our understanding, no one is in control. It is absolute chaos. From our perspective, at least. We do not understand everything, and will not for a very long time - if ever.

Just my opinion. I hope someone disagrees. Otherwise, the world would be pretty boring...

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by PatriotGames2

I hate to bore you, but...

I totally agree.

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by Eidolon23

I am satisfied that at least one person understands what I'm saying. I suppose it may have been somewhat off-topic, but it was something I've thought for a long time and haven't quite articulated, at least in a forum such as this. I do think it is relevant considering the magnitude of this particular case, based on the media-driven hoopla and the ramifications. It being the worst mass shooting in US history means we shouldn't take this lightly. Every base should be covered, really. Though one could make the case, and I would tend to agree, we really do not have the information to speculate rationally. I do not think that should stop us, however. Do quantum physicists stop theorizing about String Theory although they do not have all the pieces of the puzzle? Even the police at this moment do not have all the info, but that won't stop them from going after it.

Better to be called a nut job for considering all possibilities, including the worst case scenario, than to stick our head in the sand and admit we have no control, can't do anything about what is going on around us...


posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by PatriotGames2
Really? You find the possibility that some shadowy group is controling or at least manipulating acts like this more frightening than the possibility that a seemingly normal if somewhat shy young man, who seemed to have a future ahead of him, could have a downward spiral into derangement and suddenly perpertrate such a horrible act of senseless and cruel violence against his fellow human beings? Sorry, but I have a hard time believing that.

Still I appreciate your thoughtful response.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by no1smootha

Believe what you will, I am not here to change your mind. Only offer my opinion. Occasionally I'm able to spout little nuggets of wisdom that gets the ball rolling, so to speak, as far as having an intelligent discussion goes.

Both scenarios are frightening. However, I understand and appreciate true human will power and discipline. Well thought out plans, that take years to achieve. Political posturing. Laying the framework. Thinking 5 steps ahead of your opponent. Yes, these things are more frightening than a crazy bastard who didn't get enough attention as a child and wants the world to love him because he doesn't understand himself nor the world around him.

People are afraid to die. They fear a violent and unexpected death, at the hands of some sociopath who appears normal, at least outwardly. But here's a ''What if?'' scenario for you: What if we lived in a world where Death was asked for? Begged for? A welcomed freedom. We aren't there yet, but the framework is being laid as we speak.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by Gemwolf
Seeing that some folks cannot view the image, I uploaded it locally.

I personally look really different in many of my photos, just depends on different factors, such as sleep, lighting, how much I weigh, how I'm feeling, all sorts of things. I am like the woman of 100 faces. I see those two photos as being vastly similar, but at different times with a different state of mind, different expression, probably different diet (the one on the left looks healthier), same lips, same nose (smiling spreads it), same ears, same adams apple, same chin, same color eyes, etc. Nothing weird about it to me. I have seen many people in those mug shots afte they've gone nuts, and they can look considerably different than their glam shots, for sure.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 06:08 PM
Someone with imaging software that can merge the two photos together would be able to show that they are the same two people in my opinion.

I think the hair line is a dead give away, matched together it would be evident that they match.

I personally believe the reason the nose looks different in this case from observing the picture to the right - it looks as though there is redness around the nose area (which may be due to the fact of a nasal problem) This may be due to side effects of the medication possibly prescribed after the incident (I am not a 100% sure of this fact, so do not quote me on it as it is just an observation, I am looking further into it)

I do not currently believe all the factors to the story that we have been given but unfortunately I do not believe these pictures to be two different people.
edit on 28-7-2012 by Mark_Frost because: Apple auto spell check - Grammer

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 03:19 AM

Originally posted by InfiniteConsciousness
Also, the position of the iris are the same.

This is the most important thing to look at IMO. Do they call that a lazy eye? Like the opposite of a crossed eye? I notice this on people all the time. Same guy.

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 02:49 AM

Originally posted by tide88
reply to post by Bonkrh

There is no reason for this to be a conspiracy. No one is trying to change the guns laws, except maybe Mayor Bloomberg. This one shooting will have zero effect on any policies. Not everything in the world is a conspiracy, there are crazy ass people in the world.

I respectfully disagree, but it might not be a huge world changing conspiracy like many think...

It could be something like his professors were giving him non approved experimental drugs that drove him over the deep end.. That'd be a huge conspiracy, but not "The government staged this to take our guns" huge..

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 02:07 AM
I was going over exterior photos of the cinema where this happened today, someone had posted a particular shot bemoaning the fact that a tree hid where they thought the security camera was (I could see it). I happened to look at the photo again and realized that there are vehicle tire tracks, as if someone took off in a hurry and did a uturn in the grass to get on the 4 lane road along side the cinema.

This would have been a vehicle coming at that road from the back of the cinema and past the area where Holmes' car was parked. It would have come within a few feet of where the gas mask was located at the back corner of the cinema.

I'm new here and don't want to get into trouble on my second post, you folks run a tight ship, so I'm not posting the photo, and apparently I can't even tell you where I found it so you can see it for yourself. I got the impression someone came out of that parking lot from the area of the gas mask, jumped the curb, drove in a tight arc around a tree and hit the 4 lane road going mighty fast in the opposite direction of the theater. The sod is torn up on one side, the other side has tire impressions easily visible. The photograph was specifically taken for the tire tracks.

edit on 1-8-2012 by zeozot because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 09:03 AM
reply to post by Bonkrh

At this point, I'm having a very hard time believing any of these "witnesses." Correct me if I'm wrong, but Corbin was at the theatre with his friend Jennifer Seeger...who comes across as though she's lying to me. So if she was just a planted witness, wouldn't that also make Corbin one, too? If he was also a planted witness, though, why would he insinuate there was more than one person?

Why hasn't anyone in the media asked him if the picture of James Holmes is the same person that he claims took a phone call that night? In his initial interview, he never mentioned anything about a guy with red hair...nor has anyone else interviewed from that theatre.

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 11:29 AM
The red hair certainly is a smoking gun, I believe it was done to make him stand out in this situation, but it sounds like he was too drugged to do the job, anyone with that much dope in their system (if you believe what the cops said he told them, I don't) would stand out on behavior alone. I looked through all the people outside the theater that night and not one stood out as being unusual, all had normal clothing, normal hair color, etc. I heard Holmes is 6'3" tall, he would look like a giant with a cherry on his head and that is hard to miss.

Not one single person I've seen interviewed has said anything about his hair. Not one. In fact, not one has said they saw him outside the back exit door either, and according to police, he was within a few feet of it waiting for them to arrive. Something interesting I saw yesterday, an aerial photo of the area of his car, you could see the riot gear where someone left it, and the pattern of clothing arced out around the left side of the barrier wall and in front of the generator containment area, as if the person was going the opposite direction of the area the mask was found. The helmet was carefully placed upright on the sidewalk, the riot shield (marked Police) was in front of the car up against the back wall of the building, and would be in the path of whoever had the gas mask found at the end of the lot.

I'm not buying what the police are claiming he said-that he's the joker (?!), probably either made up or a misunderstanding of what he said in his drug stupor.

If pictures can be posted here, I'll do it, let me know if it's ok, from the rules it didn't look like I could.

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