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A Question for Channelers and Others Who Believe They Interact With Psychic Entitities.

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posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 10:33 PM
Sorry for the long title. Recently I was in a conversation with someone on ATS and I later discovered that they believed they were in contact with unseen entities. They view these entities in a positive light. Prior to my NDE, I didn't really pay attention to people who said they had spiritual experiences or channeled or played with Ouji boards, I just found it all sort of make believe. Since my NDE, I began looking at spiritual experiences. I came across '___' (didn't take it, read about it) and Kundalini and began looking at channeling again.

As I began investigating these things, I started wondering how people could possibly understand what they were dealing with. Many people, maybe most, who take '___' (YouTube - Terence McKenna on '___') have experiences where they meet supernatural type beings, you can call them aliens, reptilians, angels, demons, whatever you prefer, it makes no difference to my question. If one has had such an experience and chooses to seek out such experiences, how would you know what type of being it was you were dealing with?

I can we as people adequately judge the experience or the intent of those interacted with? If the beings said they were God, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Angels, Demons, Aliens, Beings from another dimension, whatever, how would you go about verifying that you were being told the truth? Would you just take the beings word for it's explanation? I don't know how you could scientifically prove what it was. We have a hard enough time explaining our consciousness to science.

By the way, I am a Christian and not seeking to turn this into a "they are all demons" troll. If I wanted to have that discussion I would start a different thread in the spirituality sections. On one level I don't think it matters what they are or even if they are real, we have all heard about people who hear voices in their heads. For me if you hear voices in your head telling to you to kill people, you don't have to do what they tell you, you have free will. Your morality is what in the end you are responsible for and if what you are told is not in line with what you believe is right then you would be morally wrong for doing it whether you were told to by an angel or an alien, doesn't change your moral responsibility.

If you are a channeler, do you ever tell the beings that you channel, "No". I hope I posted this in the right place.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 10:57 PM
I eat them. It keeps me young...

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 11:04 PM
reply to post by NightFlight

Dear AQuestion,

I take your inquiry seriously; however, I also know that there is such ignorance of what contact with the celestial world is, I wonder if you could direct me to your individual experiences, and then let me help you sort that out before we establish any kind of discussion concerning the expansion of consciousness into the celestial realms.

Categorically, spirit is not alien or otherwise, they are spirit, and it is only with the spiritual universe you may contact through transmission/receiving properties of the mind.

Thank you

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by Aronolac

Dear Aronolac,

Actually I didn't put this in the spirituality section because I am interested in how one would judge or validate such an experience regardless of one's beliefs. As for my NDE, I don't consider it evidence of anything except for me. No messages, no great answers, it was really about understanding myself better, my choices. Perhaps we can call it a life review. The specifics are irrelevant. It did not change me or my beliefs one bit, except for my belief that people can have such experiences. It is one thing to read about an NDE or any of these experiences and it is quite another to have one.

I think the genesis of my question began when I started reading about other types of altered states (if you will). We live in a material world and have built a series of questions for validating it, we do not have such a set for a world we experience when in an altered state of consciousness. Some, mystic school members, go through a series of trainings to understand their experiences; but, others have spontaneous experiences without any intent to delve into other worlds (that would be me). I have read many who believe there will be a coming "awakening", it the world were to suddenly all experience an altered state such as these, I don't know how they would know how to react or judge or even understand it, they would be susceptible to any answer I think.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 11:44 PM
The author interviewed in the following series was Joe Fisher. His books sold over a million copies and he won awards & respect from the psychical research community.

The Siren Call of Hungry Ghosts: A Riveting Investigation into Channeling and Spirit Guides is a book by the journalist Joe Fisher. It was published in 1990 in Canada and the United Kingdom and was later published in the United States in 2001. It has become a popular book within the New Age movement.

Fisher began to investigate paranormal phenomena and made contact with his own spiritual guide, a spirit who claimed to be a Greek woman who was his lover during an earlier life. He received much information from his contact with the spirits and started to check whether it was true or not. At first, some seemed to be correct, but as he started to check more closely, some turned out to contradict what he had been told.

This raised doubts in his mind. Information given by different mediums contradicted and he came to the conclusion that at best, the spirits were guessing and at worse, deliberately lying. He also came to the conclusion that some of the information that he was provided could not possibly have been collected by natural means, that is, the mediums were not frauds.

By consulting a friend, he came to the conclusion that the spirits were trying to gain total control of him.

The same year that the book was published in the United States, Fisher, experiencing personal problems and feeling tormented by the spirits that he claimed to have angered, committed suicide.[1] Something that his publisher thought were quite incredible as Fisher was known as one who wrote against suicide in a previous book he had authored.

I found the following vid series to be fascinating, I think you will, too.

Am I saying that everyone who channels will commit suicide or be driven dotty? No. But what I will say is that any channeler of repute that doesn't warn you there are dangers should be dismissed as unreliable/untruthful. Just like those lying "spirits." Ahem.

In one of his last communications with his editor-in-chief, Patrick Huyghe at Paraview Books, Fisher noted that the spirits were still after him for having written his final book.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 11:46 PM
My observation on this is that intuition can be fooled by entities if you try to avert what the intuition predicts..

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by The GUT

Dear The GUT,

Thank you for the videos and answer. I don't think it is quite what I am getting at though. I would ask the same question of a Pentacostal or anyone who claimed to having an NDE. When I had my NDE, I went through the routine, a series of questions looking at all the possible explanations. As it was my experience, I did not have to ask myself if I was lying; but, in asking anyone else, that would be a possible explanation. The questions are simple to begin and get harder. 1 - Was I crazy, even if it was temporary. 2 - Could I have been drugged. 3 - Could I have been hypnotized. 4 - Was there any evidence in this world that it could be true, corroboration. 5 - Did I remain me and in control of my choices at all times.

The question of what I was dealing with became less important because it did not change me or my decisions. If it had changed my beliefs then I would need to place more emphasis on who I was dealing with. There are those that claim that there are good and bad alien spirits and part of my question might be how they knew which they were dealing with. Because this is not the Spiritual forums I wish to not get into religion per se; but, am asking how others verify what they are dealing to their own satisfaction.

Part of this came up because I read an article by Russian scientists that claimed that certain types of solar flairs created different types of electromagnetic waves which might be able to de-calcify the pineal gland and give people a '___' type of experience. Thanks for the response and I will come back and watch them all. Peace.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 12:49 AM

Originally posted by ludwigvonmises003
My observation on this is that intuition can be fooled by entities if you try to avert what the intuition predicts..

Dear ludwigvonmises003,

I would probably agree with that in which case the question of how one would verify their experience or what they believe they are dealing with would need to go beyond intuition and require some questions and validations.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 12:51 AM
reply to post by AQuestion

There will probably be no answer. As was brought out, anyone that has had any length of time dealing with entities from somewhere else will eventually realize that they are liars, and have debased thoughts.

The funny thing is that the gullible that believe these spirits' lies offhand, will deny and reject anything truthful usually. I say usually, because not everyone that gets involved in occult practices are aware of what they are doing, and some who come to a realization do try and find the truth. The problem with the occult is that it rejects any teaching that is healthful and truthful and sets up lies as truths, and they can be hard to get away from.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 01:01 AM
reply to post by AQuestion

I do have deal with such things on a regular basis .Its almost frustrating how they mind control you to their will. .

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 01:28 AM
reply to post by SubAce

Dear SubAce,

There will probably be no answer. As was brought out, anyone that has had any length of time dealing with entities from somewhere else will eventually realize that they are liars, and have debased thoughts.

You know, I think you may be right. I didn't think I would get so little response. I tried to present my questions in as non-confrontational manner as possible and have made every effort to not get into religion. I know there are spiritualists on this site and was hoping they would answer me. Maybe I should have asked what advice they would give to people who experienced a '___' type experience.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by ludwigvonmises003
reply to post by AQuestion

I do have deal with such things on a regular basis .Its almost frustrating how they mind control you to their will. .

Dear dwigvonmises003,

You control your choices and your decisions. You may not be able to determine what you are witnessing; but, you have control over your choices and decisions.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 02:00 AM
I don't do channeling, not in the way you mean it. I have percieved and interacted with entities, and went through a period of considering whether I should act as such a channel for some, for others.

I don't worry that much about the details of what they say they are. BUT I foudn myself immediately turning away from entities which did not respect or understand my spiritual equality with them. I mean, other entities not incarnate on this plane are NOT superior to us. The moment they start to express themselves as Gods in relation to us, or having power over us, then I know this entity is not trustworthy.

A lot of it is just intuition though, which is somewhat beyond my ability to explain in words. But in general, the entities that are drawn to you and that you will tend to tune into will reflect your own intents- they will be on the same wavelength. So beign really self aware of your innermost desires and intents, is essential. If you want to channel an entity because you want to seem important, or get attention from others, fill in a boring life, or avoid certain areas of your own development while here, then you will attract entities who want the same, and are doing it for the same reason.

Just my opinion.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 02:49 AM

Originally posted by Bluesma
I don't do channeling, not in the way you mean it. I have percieved and interacted with entities, and went through a period of considering whether I should act as such a channel for some, for others.

I don't worry that much about the details of what they say they are. BUT I foudn myself immediately turning away from entities which did not respect or understand my spiritual equality with them. I mean, other entities not incarnate on this plane are NOT superior to us. The moment they start to express themselves as Gods in relation to us, or having power over us, then I know this entity is not trustworthy.

A lot of it is just intuition though, which is somewhat beyond my ability to explain in words. But in general, the entities that are drawn to you and that you will tend to tune into will reflect your own intents- they will be on the same wavelength. So beign really self aware of your innermost desires and intents, is essential. If you want to channel an entity because you want to seem important, or get attention from others, fill in a boring life, or avoid certain areas of your own development while here, then you will attract entities who want the same, and are doing it for the same reason.

Just my opinion.

Dear Bluesma,

Wow, what an answer. I love it. If that is your picture, it is a shame you are not old and grey like me. LOL. It is late here and I have to go to bed, I didn't expect such a deep answer and really appreciate it. I think the part I liked the best was your recognition that they are not above us, that every sentient being is equally important and free to make their choices.

The last part of what you said is what I am really asking. I guess I will just stay awake a little longer and I really do have a very important event to attend tomorrow. If we only interact with beings that justify our biases then we have given up our free will. We have ceased to be challenged, to grow. How do we make sure that we don't make the wrong choices if we give up our free will, our decision making, our description of self? This question applies to all of us, even nonbelievers.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by AQuestion

Hi to all,I am a indigo adult who has moved on to the colour of green in my spectrum.All my life i have experianced extra phenomenon,That much so that i put a lot of my experiances on the back burner for they were so spectactular.As i got older i started to have dreams and visions of end of world senarios,Such a dream would be when i was sailing a boat across oceans that were black,The country side was also blackened and the sky had turned a burnt orange while the shadows of death walked the earth.This dream nearly sent me mad with passion.What i concluded was that we run out of resources and blew ourselfs up fighting for the last of them.For years I screamed for help and then finaly answers for my horrific dreams came.

Then three years ago my sreaming and calling was answered.The first of my visions started with Isis junior walking down my passage way,She wore a long flowing white silk dress,As i was to find out Isis had been with me for quite some time,She had been my guide in hard and diffulcult times.She had been helping me since my Mother passed.

Then came RA who showed him self to me as the Lynx the cat by poking his head out of my head in a resoulution of light,His first words to me was who is the crazy cat followed by what is going on across the road[You see i used to live next door to a freemasons lodge]This took place on 1/1/09.He has been with me since.I knew it was RA by the magnificent wit and games he played with me.Such a game would be the piramid game which happens to be a life time of code.On one occasion he turned me off like turning a swich,This made me colapse in the sofa.I now know him as The God Father.

Then on the 10/1/09 Horus appeared to me in the same light right in front of me while i was watching t.v.He was a tall man with the head of a black Jackual wearing a hogs hide on his head.He stood there for a second then started to peel the hogs hide from his head,What i then saw was part Jackaul and part buffaloes head with horns and a maine wraped around his shoulders,Horus wore the same maine.His first words were who is the conspiritor,I thought he was referring to RA so i said nothing,I then said OH SIRIS your back.For some reason i remembered our Lord even through the forgetting.

Seeing them in a form of light lead me to believe them.Plus the wisdom they speak is as sharp as a double edge sword.They have taught me many things and have answered nearly every question,Im actualy starting to run out of questions,At times i wish i had help with this.Anyway i am now assurred the world will not blow it self up for you see i have been shown a vision of RA's armada fleet of piramid shaped space craft which are called Arkmanra's these will save Earth from this demize.What i am told is if earth stops shooting down these 3rd density piramid shaped craft as they have done in 1955 over the australian desert and in 1967 over washington, This armada fleet will biuld massive craft[tetrahedrons] from pure iron astoroids that will take man to at least a dozen more Planets.

So you see now i am now at peace,For i know our Gods have not left us as some think,I know the freemasons think our Gods have left us as one old masons said to me you dont have a qlue what we have lost.I know it has been extremely hard for our Gods at times due to them and there Son's being murdered on so many occasions,This has lead to empires being lost untill the United States come about which is now Gods Empire.You see our Gods have been reincarnated as several American Presidents,Horus has been Goerge Washington,Abraham Lincoln and Jerrold Ford,RA was Bengiman Fracklin.and Teddy Roseavelt.

As far as i know every president is fractured by Isis Senior and Junior,What they explain is just what it feels like to have nuclear weapons in her hide,I have had the same wisdon told to me and it makes you to think twice about the horror nukes can unlease,You actualy feel sorry for Isis and this makes you want do something about it.She rightfully lets you know what type of world we would have if nukes are used.

You may think i am a freak or even a liar,If you wish they will answer any just question worth answering,I promise this is a true account of what really has happened.I feel myself to be blessed not a channeler.Oh and when channeling watch out for spirits that come from hell,They will poison your mind.

Blessings David Junior
edit on 25-7-2012 by forddavidjunior because: spelling

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by AQuestion
reply to post by SubAce

Dear SubAce,

There will probably be no answer. As was brought out, anyone that has had any length of time dealing with entities from somewhere else will eventually realize that they are liars, and have debased thoughts.

You know, I think you may be right. I didn't think I would get so little response. I tried to present my questions in as non-confrontational manner as possible and have made every effort to not get into religion. I know there are spiritualists on this site and was hoping they would answer me. Maybe I should have asked what advice they would give to people who experienced a '___' type experience.

That's the beauty of "deception" are outwitted and unable to see your ensnarement objectively for what it is. Many times, despite others' sound wisdom regularly offered to the deceived by those who cee clearly the state of their demise.

I liken it to this:

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by forddavidjunior
.Oh and when channeling watch out for spirits that come from hell,They will poison your mind.

The much I wouldn't even know where to start

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by AQuestion

It is not easy to know who are them when they are stronger than you. These entities in general divided into two. Living entities and undead. They live not only in one dimension but many of dimension.

There is few ways how to know who they really are.
First with overlapping their energy field with yours, but it mean your energy have to be much bigger and controllable.With this way, they tend to respect or scared to you and told you the truth, even often enough they will say anything that please you.

Second with tracking them. Track their mind, their background and their history. This method need more advance ability and long way to learn. This one is the most accurate but the hardest one.

Third way is to fight them. This is the most simple one, but again at least your power are the same with them. There is 2 kind of attack, general attack and frequency attack.I dont know what the term is so i just made one.
General attack is basically an attack that can cause damage to the target. Frequency attack only do harm if the target not in the same frequency. Using frequency attack if the entity share the same frequency ( can be the same believe, culture root or spiritual teacher root ) will charge the target a bit stronger, and wont do any harm even a bit. This usually type that you can trust, even me would never fully trust any of them.

Fourth way is similar symbol. For some people and entities that organized, some interaction or relation will share the same symbol. Like a name tag but tagging in your spiritual body. The same with them. This symbol is unique, and not everyone would just get it. This way, if the entity share the same symbol, it can be trusted.

From my own experience, basically i dont care much about who they really are. Just need to listen what they talking about. Even if they told me to do something good, i would do it if i feel like i dont want to do it. Lol my family told me to stop smoking long ago and still i didnt listen.


posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by maung

I have been shown that i am no match for the entities i have been blessed with,If i attacked them which i wouldnt as i have far more respect than that,They would simply remove my soul from my body and put me on ice to cool down.Sometimes i fence with them only to be out witted.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by AQuestion

Greetings Aquestion:

Your wrote:

. . . I think the genesis of my question began when I started reading about other types of altered states (if you will). We live in a material world and have built a series of questions for validating it, we do not have such a set for a world we experience when in an altered state of consciousness. Some, mystic school members, go through a series of trainings to understand their experiences; but, others have spontaneous experiences without any intent to delve into other worlds (that would be me). I have read many who believe there will be a coming "awakening", it the world were to suddenly all experience an altered state such as these, I don't know how they would know how to react or judge or even understand it, they would be susceptible to any answer I think.

I asked you to expand upon your initial post so I could understand to what degree you are conditioned by all the information out there that is fear driven. I see some who have responded do use the expressions of spiritual experience, but they are also frightened by what they perceive as the unknown. Your response, which I reprinted in part, provides me assurance you are fairly open and are merely making an intelligent inquiry. Your puzzle is shared among tens of millions who wonder about the same thing, and maybe what I have say below will help you.

Your Near Death Experience (NDE) is nothing to shy away from. You had the good fortune to believe enough in the redemptive powers of the Creator Son, known as Jesus to our world, to withstand the nearly inexhaustible energy stream that flowed to you in that event. I will provide you a glimpse of your experience as seen from the spiritual personalities who attended you that moment:

From my transmitter/receiver reception in the mind, I have permission to transmit the angel Manotia who received you in the experience. These are her remarks to you.

“I am the angel Manotia, I attended you when you left your body to view the other side if ever so briefly. Our work with you was confirmatory of your faith, first; and second, to provide life saving if possible. You were led to the other side because your bowel tore or ruptured and that led to a life indicator to flash on our side that alerts us of life endangerment or impending death. Upon a brief examination, it was seen that your body would not withstand the forces of nature to clear the system of bacteria and other detrimental material on its own. When you arrived, we had two Seraphim (angels) in addition to myself to bring you out of your sleep, and allowed you to become conscious to enable you to look around. We prepared you for your incursion into our realm if necessary and then to cleanse you of the bacteria and then bring you consciously into the realization that nothing would stop your life once the power of God was brought to bear on your internal wound. These actions saved your life, and when we determined you could live normally, the soul was escorted back to life in the body that had the problems which now could be overcome. We can only verify that your NDE is real, and that you saw what you saw, and that should be enough to provide you solace for the rest of your natural life on earth.”

I am open to discussions with you on this thread if you find the above essentially truthful and are ready to talk about the extenuating circumstances that introduced you to the concepts you now are mulling over in your mind that were gained through the direct experience. I have no wish to pry, and anything that is even of slightly confidential nature will not be disclosed.

I hope this may have been of some help to your own mind about what happened.


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