It is clearly obvious that tension and anxiety is growing here on ATS this week, in the lead up to the Olympics, and in the wake of the Aurora
incident. Not to mention the ongoing financial doom and gloom.
I would just like to remind everyone that as much as things don’t ‘feel’ right at the moment, it’s still very important to keep your head
together, and not get caught up in all the fear and negativity. Here are some suggestions for ‘keepin ya cool’.
^ Take deep breaths now and again. When you’re anxious, the breath is shallow which leads to oxygen restriction to the brain.
^ Turn off the TV, or get rid of it all together. It’s a mind toxin !
^ Don’t listen to commercial radio.
^ Do some exercise if you’ve been lazy.
^ Get proper sleep. If you are having problems with insomnia, then buy some sleeping supplements (melatonin, passionflower, valerian etc). It also
helps if you relax or wind down before going to bed.
^ Disconnect from technology – even if it’s just for a few hours. Go for a long drive or bike ride and leave your phone behind.
^ Stay away from negative people or situations.
^ Have a laugh. Watch some funny videos or go to a comedy club.
^ If you've been eating and drinking too much crap, then give your body a rest and eat something healthy for a change.
^ If you are Spiritual, then meditate often. Seek to cultivate Love for Self.
^ And remember – “It’s Just a Ride”
Peace Out
* Ned
edit on 24-7-2012 by nimbinned because: just because