Obama must think America has a short memory - or maybe he thought he wouldn't get caught.
He's fundraising off of Solyndra-connections in 2012 to the tune of $35,800-per-person. Can these connections look forward to the next $500,000
Obama couldn't give a rats arse what we think. He'll continue to do whatever he thinks will get him money to get him reelected. If that means
giving another boat load of our tax dollars to achieve that goal...so be it. That's the way he thinks.
We the People, are nothing more than monetary promises he makes to his crony buddies. We are the bottomless tax purse, he holds the strings of.
this is politics 101 he who gets the most money gets elected and the poster who said Obama does not care about us the bottom feeders is correct adolf
obama hitler is a nazi same attitude same speeches same conduct but this time around the maniacal leader with dreams of world domination has the
allied forces at his command oh and he will get re-elected not because I want him to (I don't) not because he earned it with all his great deeds
(things have gotten worse not better under him) not because he fixed the economy (he didn't) not because he got everyone back to work (more people
are out of work now than before he got into office) not because he disclosed the aliens that influence all our lives and the secret tech they have at
area 51 and other places (he did not disclose $h!t) he will get re-elected because it's in the plan NWO plan......................