The question of who set up James Holmes to be the mind controlled puppet he turned out to be, is one of the more important questions that any
investigative reporter should ask regarding this shooting incident.
In an effort to expand the discussion on this shooting incident and to encourage independent investigation into the matters I am about to discuss, it
would gladden me to see others pursue this line of discussion in other ways.
To understand why the question of who setup James Holmes is key to understanding what more lurks in the black operation behind this operation is to
begin to look where many will not want anyone to go snooping around. I warn you of this fact in advance, because I already know what my own
investigative studies have brought out of the woodwork and to say the least, I know I have set off some concerns in special areas.
If you like myself and others hold to the idea that James Holmes did not act alone and that he was under some type of mind control or altered state
due to some drug, then asking who his controller could be is the most important question anyone could ask at this juncture of the aftermath
surrounding this shooting incident.
If you will look into James Holmes life and begin to understand the dynamics that was in play, you would find that James Holmes had a mentor named
John Jacobson who was in the key position to effect change for James Holmes future. Jacobson was the PhD program mentor and so not only was Jacobson
in the right key position to be the controller, there are other clues that Jacobson was following a script dependent on timing with dates.
It was John Jacobson that stated to the LA Times recently after the shooting that he was never James Holmes mentor and yet, there is evidence that he
was. John Jacobson is the person who most influenced and was in position to begin the mind control programming and or used the proper codes and
triggers that James Holmes had been given to use in this mind control operation.
LA times Link to article
Not only is John Jacobson in key position, he is also in a key control position and this alone denotes a closer look at what was going on between
Jacobson and Holmes that by all appearances had Jacobson calling Holmes stubborn and perhaps not as intelligent as claimed.
Clearly there is an adversarial relationship that is created and it is that use of control over James Holmes educational matters that leads to a
failure on an oral exam that required of Jacobson to inform Holmes that he was not cutting it and would or could be dropped from the program.
While these are rumors that exist regarding their adversarial relationship, the only truth that matters in this is that Jacobson was in the key
controller position and it would then assume that it would have been Jacobson who would have in the final days leading up to the shooting incident
that would have activated James Holmes and would have provided the proper codes and triggers to induce the mind control state where James Holmes then
goes out and begins buying guns and other items to begin the mind control portion of the operation that leads to July 20th and the incident itself.
John Jacobson is also in a key position of being able to "Maintenance" his subject by calling for an office visit or any number of reasons that the
mentor could impose on James Holmes as his mentor in the program.
Only when one looks into John Jacobson will this matter then illuminate those so interested with more truth than you can bare.
Who he is, who he works for and even his age alone appears to me that Jacobson is most likely a CIA or Mossad operative agent working within the
framework of a government program in neuroscience and is part of a larger hierarchical organization that uses the neuroscience program as a cover to
advance secret and hidden programs into mind control.
Since Jacobson in all this is but a part of a larger group, it is that larger group that I have no doubt any good investigative reporter will find, if
researching what I have just discussed.
As I said in the intro, I already know what it got me for looking into it, I dare you to look and say there is nothing there. Just take a look for
yourself and then think about how events happen and if you can believe James Holmes was a mind control subject, then asking who was controlling him is
the most logical question one should ask to begin learning the larger truth about the Batman shooting incident
Since i will pursue this in a new way since the old way was quite troublesome I can assure you that even I will not drop this one in any way shape or
form, for the revelations behind the controller will answer a large part of what is going on beyond the controller and who controls the controller.
Expect lies and deception from all.
For those of you who dont care, you can go back to sleep now.
Thanks for the thread.