posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 09:32 PM
Read last week how the G4S are about to step forward and Privatise the Police Force. However I am getting sick and tired of hearing such a Word as
OLYMPIC. Not only has a wide spred row of traffic lanes been now setup with 24/7 Traffic lights being GREEN ---said to guarantee a free flowing of
transport speed for the so called Sportsman, but this now Stops Old Age Pensioners - such as me - from Crossing the Road.... I cannot go to our usual
Butcher's shop to purchase meat and yes I love Pork - But also slams the brakes on Family visiting.
London has become the Laughing stock of the world. BBC journalist, ramble on day and night about 'Olympics 2012', their reporter seen with a
stadium in the background. The flat being used by the BBC was someones home............the residents have one by one been kicked out to make room
for the so called BS delivering Media.
There are now more stacks of so called Military defence in London than there was during WW2. I wonder if all the arms on display are a buckshee
means of advertising for arms companies ??? After the so called Olymics, watch A fleet of foreign buyers float into London ........ to buy you know
what. I Have a relative now dying from Cancer - too expensive for the Hospital (NHS) to operate....yet whose paying for all this Sportsman junk
The large Olymic stadium is built on ground contaminated with Radioactive waste. They first covered the polluted ground with a large orange coloured
sheet of plastic. Then tipped 31 inches of soil onto such and then built the so called Stadium.
Best part is how one Cyclist won a ;Gold Medal' peddling across France, and now the 'Volleybal' games are to played on the Military ground where
Queens birthday celebrations are seen each year. A team of other sports Woman are to swim across the Serpentine - in Hyde Park, then run about 1500
metres and then jump on a bike.
So apart from the BBC B.S. what else is happening at the so called New Village in Stratford ???? Oh yes, thats where the so called opening ceremony
happens and a load of Flags are displayed. This will all blow over, G4S will get the credit for 'Such a Wonderful Event', and their next contract
will then be signed to run the uk police forces.......
Its all a Sadistic laugh.