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Academic research: Why the internet is a more credible source of news than the mainstream media cont

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posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 06:27 AM
Academic research: Why the internet is a more credible source of news than the mainstream media controlled by the elites & economic slavery explained

In celebration of Murdoch resigning from multiple positions in his media corporation, I decided to present you with some academic research highlighting the main reasons why the internet is a more credible source of news and information than mainstream media. While the internet features much disinformation and skethy claims, it requires a truly educated mind to investigate claims and discern false claims from credible information. In any event, even at that level the internet offers more truth than the corrupt mainstream media will ever offer you, based on the following academic findings. The findings here have effectively explained "crony capitalism" , and beyond. It explains how the government, mainstream media corporations and other major corporations keep society in economic slavery by working together.

The first page highlights the re-occurring theme of the battle over news control between the elites and the rest of society. The first and second pages highlight how the ”alternative press” of the 19th century controlled by the majority of citizens threatened the elites control over society. The elites essentially responded by making it a requirement to have a large investment to print newspapers.

This has continued on to this day and has evolved into control over television, print media and the radio. However once again we the people have an alternative press called the internet. Once again, we can not only threaten the control of media, we must take it back through the internet. We must control all video (television) , audio (radio) and literature media (blogs, websites, forums, etc.) through the internet. This is the ultimate message of pages (1) and (2).

Page (3) and (4) reflect media control in 1986, and we all know this control has consolidated since then into the big 6. What’s more important to realize is that these guys are still at the top, and the immense profiteering continues on to this day. These guys are the 1% elites who care a lot more about making money than improving society. We all know that is corporate nature, to prioritize shareholders and profits.

Page (5) essentially predicted the consolidation of media control and the close ties that the media has with the rest of the corporate world. Its easy to see that GE (owners of NBC/CBS) especially has an interest in promoting war in our media, we all know they create weapons.

Page (6) highlights the influence which the government has on these media corporations. It also highlights the influential nature that media corporations have with the government (going soft on anti-trust laws). This emphasizes the quid-pro-pro nature of the media corporations and the government.

Segment (6)(a) summarizes these findings in short. The sharp constraints by owners who are highly interconnected in the highest echelons of the capitalist economy (they are friends of big oil, GE, etc.) will of course always prevent anything being released in their news concerning “free energy”, or any other technologies that threatens their monopolies. This is why we must make the internet the new mainstream media. We have to make the internet a reliable source of information backed by independent experts in the academic, scientific, political realm and other realms which pertains to news and information released on the internet.

Segment (6)(b) further highlights how the corporate world and big oil has more influence than the pentagon and other government bodies. This results in naturally biased agendas in the media, and ultimately the suppression of “free energy” technologies that would kill the big oil empire.

How the news media deceives you

Pages (7) (8) (9) and (10)explain the methods that the media uses to manipulate perspective on issues. These methods are

1. Omission and suppression
2. Repetitive lies
3. Labeling
4. Face value transmission
5. False balancing
6. Framing

These methods are used in whatever agenda that the elites wish to accomplish. Remember it’s the elites who control the major media corporations, who closely operate with the corporate world’s biggest players such as major oil corporations. Often corporate officers of these media corporations hold positions with other major corporations, banks, and other wealthy private corporations. They are closely knit together, they protect each others corporations and the money they make. This is just the nature of corporations as well all know, this is corporate philosophy – to make profit. Naturally it’s in their best interest to use these methods of manipulation to:

A.) Promote war, because it’s highly profitable
B.) Suppress “free energy technology” because it would eliminate the profitability/monopoly of the non-renewable energy industry.
C.) Suppress anything that threatens their control over the economy, and their immense profit. That is just corporate mandate.

One proposed solution is simple. We need to create regulation in the corporate world which prevents corporate officers/executive members from holding positions in multiple corporations. However there are a number of issues which could still result in power consolidation of the elites. We ultimately need to put ethical, moral, unselfish, humanitarian behavior above the corporate philosophy of “prioritizing shareholders and profit”. Prioritizing shareholders and profit will ultimately results in depletion of all natural resources through the profitability of planned obsolescence (things are planned to break so you have to purchase them again), and prevents the technological advancement of humanity. Furthermore it promotes unnecessary war which results in unnecessary death of those involved in war.

This is what your television supports, your radio, and your literature in all its forms. This is what all western media supports. The Internet is the only media which will present you with unbiased perspective free of the above mentioned corruption. Mind you, always do your background research concerning everything you read on the internet. Naturally there’s lot’s of disinformation and sketchy claims. You must sort out the truth from lies yourself through investigation. I believe the re-occurring suppression of “free energy” technologies which has been revealed on the internet, from tesla to keshe is an excellent example of how the government, media, and big oil work together to protect their monopolies and economic control of the people. This inherently results in the economic slavery you see today.

My fellow brothers and sisters in the struggle, it is as it was in the early 19th century – a new form of news medium has emerged which is controlled by the people. This news medium, the internet – threatens the ruling elites. As it was mentioned in page (1) , the internet unifies the masses fostering an alternative value system and framework to look at the world. It promotes a greater collective consciousness and confidence by repeatedly emphasizing the potential power of the masses to effect social change through the force of organized action. The internet must be used to organize action to free ourselves from the economic slavery of the elites, promoted by the elitist controlled media
edit on 24-7-2012 by Utopia2012 because: added title

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 06:31 AM
Great book, lots of information in it. By the time I'd finished reading I think I highlighted about a a quarter of the book

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 06:46 AM
I'm not sure if this offers an explanation as to why the internet is credible, so much as why main stream media isn't.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of MSM, but at the same time I'm not a fan of so called "alternative news" either. Alex Jones et al.

I am a fan of ATS, because it takes stories from both and hammers them from both believers and skeptics (if you want to call them that).

Note: some people believe different things for different subjects, leaving no one person's opinion the absolute word.

edit on 24-7-2012 by boncho because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 07:02 AM
reply to post by boncho

The Internet is the only media which will present you with unbiased perspective free of the above mentioned corruption. Mind you, always do your background research concerning everything you read on the internet. Naturally there’s lot’s of disinformation and sketchy claims. You must sort out the truth from lies yourself through investigation.

In the case of Alex Jones, you obviously have to treat him as a sensationalist. If you believe his claims, do your research. If you don't, ignore him. The internet the only news and information media that is yours to control. You can change the channel on TV, but it's all owned by elites creating bias and only a certain perspective.
edit on 24-7-2012 by Utopia2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 10:31 AM
Starred and flagged. Really important information and one I will be passing on to those who stay glued to the televised news. Yes, pretty much know this and the way to get print out to people is through newletters and advertiser papers.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 11:19 AM
One thing that I've questioned for years is this. First of all, printing presses are expensive, and always planned on buying a couple second hand ones, if I ever won a lottery, and donating use of them for many different papers, being like a newspaper publishing house promoting new alternative news, and journals, and even having rewards and some grants for notable startups.

In other words, I always thought that a good Canadian, but any country its own, counscil awarding diversity and excellence in grass rats media, national one, run by councils of citizens would be excellent.

But aside from actual printing press, and aside from online presence, since many need print to believe it, newsletters and advertisers, we had one advertiser one that went to everyone's house door to door in the interior, with more grass roots alternative news, that was paid for by the local advertising.

And for the news letter variety, very very popular alternative health type low cost printer magazine serving the valley, the Juicy Carrot, was excellent for years and could be picked up free anywhere, stores, doctors office, out and about.

Now, one of the biggest questions I've had about the news media is this:

WHY is it that, disgruntled new reporters and journalists, don't band up together and form alternative papers.

When I was a child/teen I wrote a bit in the paper and my dream was journalism, also my dad's for me, and it didn't work, ended up in his business instead. But, many would be journalists are IDEALISTS.

So the state of their work and curtailing truth must horrify them.

Why, dont they get alternative papers going and newsletters too?

And they really don't. In every area. Again, they don't. Why?

What is threatening them? Something is threatening them? What kind of contracts do they make journalists sign? I've wondered this for years.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
Why, dont they get alternative papers going and newsletters too?

And they really don't. In every area. Again, they don't. Why?

What is threatening them? Something is threatening them? What kind of contracts do they make journalists sign? I've wondered this for years.

Although there is always danger in speaking truth to power, in my opinion the greatest threat to independent journalists is not physical, it is financial. Even the best of them seem to be struggling.

There are lots of news providers which operate more or less independent. Here are a few examples:

There are also some journalists like Glenn Greenwald who only work under the condition that they may write what they want without editorial restrictions.

Independence is no guarantee for authentic truthful news, but it makes it more likely. With the internet it has become easier for the reader to evaluate the information by himself and decide whom he can trust.

Here is a good lecture by John Pilger who exposes the corruption of the media

John Pilger - Freedom Next Time

Here is an interesting podcast in which some independent investigative journalists discuss the role of the media in suppressing vital stories.

One of the journalists is Kristina Borjesson. She has published the book "Into the Buzzsaw". This book is a collection of essays which are written by serious journalists. Journalists who haven been excommunicated from the media establishment for tackling subjects which were a threat to the establishment. I found it was a very interesting read.

But like others have said. You must make your own decisions which sources you can trust. You must do your own research and, if you want good, independent investigative journalism you should perhaps also monetary support independent journalism.

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