posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 05:50 PM
The problem comes from being conditioned to be "sure" about things; being uncomfortable with uncertainty. Though uncertainty is the only thing we
have, people are much more comfortable with lies and self-deceptions. It's the same mechanism that makes people claim to have perfect knowledge of
the afterlife or god or whatever, just on a smaller scale.
I've lived my whole life with uncertainty. It's the fundamental underpinning of my worldview. Every perception, every interpretation, every story
and measurement, ALL are tentative and always will be. The key is to become comfortable with the idea of "making bets".
At first you may find yourself paralyzed with indecision, as the OP describes. But that comes not from the uncertainty itself, but rather from the
reflex of seeking certainty before making a decision. Once you really internalize the fact that any such certainty is a lie you're telling yourself,
you become MUCH more decisive than those who fool themselves into thinking they KNOW The TRUTH because you've changed the meaning of the word
"decision". It no longer means "I accept this as being True." but, rather, "I am assigning an approximately 75% chance of this likely being the
case, baring further evidence."
Congratulations, OP! You're finally adopting a mature viewpoint that most of the children on this world have never begun to perceive. Once you get
through the adolescence of chapel perilous (to mix metaphors), you'll understand SO MUCH MORE than you ever did before.