reply to post by captiva
A question for you...
Do you really think everyone in the world is going to just rollover and allow some full on, one world government dictatorship to takeover in one
sweeping event?
I hate to be the one to break it to you (Naaa, I don't...I kind of like doing it, actually..), but contrary to popular belief, American patriots are
not the only people on Earth willing to put up a scrap...
There is a very large portion of Canadians that don't buy into it either...we just don't go around with our chests puffed out bleating about our
kick-assed-ness....I would guess that sentiment goes world wide.
I mean really, who is going to do it?
The American military?
After they are done getting destroyed by China and Russia in the middle east?
Yeah, that's right, I said it....Death by a thousand cuts in proxy wars for an ally who would, and is cutting your throat if it means an advantage to
them (I'll leave you to guess whom that might be..)...
That is of course if you actually buy into the snake oil that they are different factions, as opposed to all working together for the same end...
If you don't buy that, well, good morning to you, and glad you are finally awake!
Breakfast will be served in the Orwell Lounge...
It will never happen that way.
It WILL continue to happen the way it is, and has...
little by little, step by step.
There will be a one world government.
It will not look like Germany in 1936.
It will look more like Logan's Run (does that make me sound dated?)
If you are over 45, you will not see it.
If you are under 5 you will not only except it, but chastise those who are still around to remember the old ways as barbarians, insurgents, and
Because that's what they are teaching YOUR children (I don't have any), and you are too busy trying to put food on the table to give a flying
No blame, just fact.
Do I have an answer.
Violence on the scale that would be necessary is not only unachievable, but unlikely.
Giving peace a chance? driving a baby carriage down a one way street the wrong way...
We could try, like others have said, non compliance on all levels.
That would be great if everyone was on board.
But we are dealing with humans here...
Call me jaded, but I know maybe 2 people out of hundreds that wouldn't sell me, you, or their mother out, if it meant their own survival, and I
ain't to sure about them frankly.
So, not going to happen.