Just for the record, I want to state openly that I can accept that James Holmes was a victim to some type of mind control. What I cannot accept or
continue to read is the repeated blather about only the simple things in the picture regarding this shooting incident.
Many will perhaps consider as I do, that James Holmes did not act alone, or that he was acting under the influence of some type of drug, but most will
also accept that perhaps he was a mind control subject, used in some false flag operation.
I mention this only to show how limited the thinking is in this regard, so let me get started with my discussion about what also needs to be
considered and discussed. To fail to mention this area of discussion in general discussion about the James Homes affair, is to me, to ignore what is
blatant to those that can see it.
I offer conspiracy in the forum of general conspiracy and I hope this gets some of the more critical thinkers, to thinking.
Item 1, is the fact that James Holmes was a highly intelligent student who earned his grades and honors and degrees consistent with that of a genius
type student who wanted to pursue an advanced degree and career in science.
Item 2, is the fact that in June of this year, James Holmes suddenly after a year in the program withdrew from the PHD program in Neuroscience.
Item 3, is the fact that at the age of 18, James Holmes was already theorizing or speculating about "Temporal Illusions: that could alter the past.
It was this unusual topic that eventually won him top honors in a government scholarship that provided him with a $26,000 dollar a year stipend for
expenses which explained why James Holmes lived where he lived based on economic factors. It also adds fuel to the fire about where did he get the
money for the gear and guns and ammo?
Item 4, is the fact that all the recent trouble in James Holmes life began when John Jacobson, PhD, mentor stated after a year of being in the program
that Holmes was stubborn and would not do what he was asked, the way it was asked. While this to me implies micromanagement by John Jacobson, and
that they did not get along. It is John Jacobson, who now states that James Holmes wasn't cutting it, and that he really wasn't that bright after
all. Imagine that.
I take issue to this statement, because James Holmes proved his academic successes and nothing was handed to him. All of a sudden, his mentor John
Jacobson claims he is stubborn. I dont think this is consistent with what we know about James Holmes, the introvert.
This situation with John Jacobson is a key clue people so pay attention. If you dont know who John Jacobson is and or who Terrence J. Sejnowski, PhD
is or what the SALK Institute is, then you are so far behind in this coverup that it sickens me to see so many confused people blather on about the
senseless items that do nothing to investigate or expand the reason why such a shooting incident occurred.
Now, let me finish this tale so you can see you all have a lot of homework to do.
The research is Temporal Illusions. While this alone is a specialized field of study that James Holmes at age 18 was speaking to the idea that a
temporal illusion could alter the past, there was and is research into this study as we speak. While this may be too cerebral for the masses,
research the topic and get with it. I will provide the link to the PDF that covers the research material.
OK, now lets get back to the shooting spree conducted by a mind controlled assassin. Since many will agree that James Holmes was a mind control
subject in this, ask yourself what was the motivation? What purpose would the killings have?
Most will agree to the incident being a distraction from the UN Gun Treaty on July 27th and the opening London Olympics, but this incident was for
much more than just political exploitation by anti-gun pundits. It is much more, so here is what needs to be considered.
I have stated for years that the NWO is in possession of time travel technologies that allows them to know the future. I have for years stated this
technology is being abused for greed, profit and for agendas needed by the NWO elite.
I now after reviewing all of the material I have read, I can state that I think those in the future who knew what eventual discoveries James Holmes
would make in the future, have elected to steal his discoveries by discrediting Holmes in the present as the shooter in this incident and thus
prevents James Holmes from discovering or ever publishing anything relative to the temporal illusion topic.
In such a way those with the secret technology can steal others discoveries and lay claim to it themselves, yrs before they are discovered. By
keeping Holmes alive and in prison, he can consult his own findings to help the govt in some future deal.