posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by gortex
Thank god I'm not the only one noticing a slow summer for the UFO scene.
-The first pic is a celebration... they throw their hats up in the air because they are happy... not because they have no food 0o?
-They simply cannot blow another tower down lol... it would be too suss. other countries wont stand for it.
-I can see a pyramid almost anywhere mate... doesn't mean that its a hidden symbol.. just triangles are awesome.
-The crop circle pic is a joke... OH they drew some rings interlinking... how long did it take them? remembering of course that they CUT it into the
grass. Where as the other crop circles appearing constantly with OH so much more detail are obviously done overnight by an old man with a plank and 2
bits of rope -.-
Thanks OP for the somewhat interesting thread. However i must agree with my fellow ATS members and say you read a bit too much into this. BUT that is
coming from someone who does not believe in the Illuminati as it is described today... so maybe your onto something but its simply not for me.