Hi everyone, I know this isn't the best place to ask this sort of thing....but there are many people on here that are on the same wave length as
me...so your opinions are important.
Here it goes in a nutshell,
I'm a 25 year old guy (just so that you know)...and my entire life I've struggled with forming a close male friendship. I've pushed them away,
I've created CONSTANT excuses not to make plans, I was afraid of having a close partnership.
Because of this, my development differed slightly to the other guys of my age....I never got that sensation of 'belonging' with my fellow friends,
my growth lacked that important bit of communion. There was that empty, confused hole in my brain. Since this had gone on since I was only a small
child, by the time I was in high school...those emotional needs (that I never fulfilled) became distorted and developed into sexual desires.
I'll spare you all the chaos this created...but basically, this point in time, I've come to understand myself far better. It came with self
acceptance...it was an amazing feeling of release and understanding.
Since that discovery, so many of my past personal problems have been resolved and understood.
I told this information to a (recently) close male peer...he was hugely happy for me, and because of that, we've been close.
Question: What are the limits of male bonding? Where does one draw the line? I'm saying this because I don't want to inappropriately touch him in a
way that will offend him (especially since he knows my situation)
Also, I'm never sure how to react when playing rough with another guy (strictly playing around)...I try to watch other males interacting...and it
leaves me confused.
I've created this...persona, a persona that doesn't know how to create a normal male friendship...I destroy it by overanalyzing it. How does one get
close to another guy without making a mess of things? How do other males perceive relationships with one another? I know that they're important, but
I've become lost in thought with this issue.
Because of my...personal discoveries, its been easier to make friends...but I still don't know how to deal with my male friendships...because I
haven't had much practice in the past with this.
If you can figure out what I've been trying to get out, (had no idea how I was going to write this
) a personal story or words of wisdom will
Thanks for listening.