This happened to me for the first time last night. I do usually have vivid dreams anyway, they're not usually nightmares and completely random but
this one felt very different.
In real life I'm 22 years old, still live with my mother at home in a two bedroom terrace property and I am an only child so I have my own bedroom
that no one shares with me. My bedroom is at the front of the house looking down onto the road at the front of the property.
My dream was that I was in my bedroom (can't exactly remember what I was doing at the time but it was dark outside so it must have been late) and I
heard what was either a knock on the door or my mother answer the door. Turns out that the 'police' were at the door and wanted to take my laptop but
wouldn't tell me why. My mother must have let them in and at this point there were about 20 of them walking around downstairs in my house even after
the laptop was taken and I had no idea where my mum was. I will say here that although they were wearing black they were not wearing uniform and there
were about three cars and two black vans lined up on my street outside.
I discovered that the 'boss' was the one who actually took my laptop back outside and I went to ask what their purpose was, why they needed my laptop
and when I would get it back. He said that I would get it soon enough, but at that point I just knew that I wouldn't see it again. He was British
himself, and from what I remember he looked a bit like Ray Winstone after he has had a shave. He drove off in the van with the laptop presumably in
the back.
After that I went back inside my property and everyone was gone except my mother, except something just seemed different. She was sat on the settee in
the living room just having a casual chat with me afterwards about the events that had just unfolded, she seemed totally natural about it like it
happens all the time and I was very confused as to why.
Anyway just before I woke up I was sat right next to her talking and her face changed completely (a bit like a shapeshifter?). Her eyes changed, she
started to grow a moustache and her skin colour went darker. She's white but took on the looks of an Indian man for about ten or twenty seconds. After
this she (he) started to notice what was happening she shook her face right in front of me and it went back to normal. It was only normal for about
five seconds and then she took on the mans appearance straight away again. I stood up, started to walk away, slowly, backwards out of the room...
That was the end of the dream. Afterwards I woke up and was looking at the end of my bed and there was something stood there, right at the bottom of
my bed staring at me – like a shadow but a 3D figure of a man watching me. It was at that point I screamed for about ten seconds in absolute terror.
I probably hadn't woken up fully yet and was lucid dreaming at that point but my mother (who was in the next bedroom) asked if I was okay - so I was
definitely awake.
After that I was fine, like nothing happened, went to the bathroom and got back into bed. It was like I completely forgotten about the dream I just
had until this morning when I got up and realised my laptop wasn't where it usually is. Don't worry it hadn't actually gone it was in a different room
because my mother was using it. Even though I say that the laptop is mine, it's only mine because I bought it, I never use it and it may as well be
It was very vivid and I must have had about three or four dreams last night, one involving me winning £50 off a real-life game of battlefield,
another involving me falling down a four feet deep pothole in the road and the final one was my ex-girlfriend asking me who was better at playing
guitar, her brother or Slash - clearly slash in my opinion
These dreams as far as I know were all after the original, scary one and they are all my *usual* type of dream.
Anyway, that was, as far as I can remember the only dream I have ever had that has caused me to wake up screaming (I’ve been told I laugh in my
sleep a lot but never scream) – does this happen to any of you regularly and is it quite common? It's just never happened to me before and I know
it's quite common to happen to children (night terrors) but I have never heard of it happening to any adults I know, and I'm 22.
Or does the content of the dream prove that I have just been lurking this website a little too much?
I would like to hear your thoughts.
edit on 23-7-2012 by tomjo because: spelling mistakes