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Fighting back against the reptilian occupation of the planet

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posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 02:52 AM

After reading articles (such as the one above) about the reptilian ET species who are orientated towards service to self (selfishness), one get’s the full picture of the true situation here on this planet. However the public is pre-programmed to ridicule those who bring up mention of the reptilian menace – you can’t pull a “david icke” and claim that people are shape shifting reptilians.

Reject all notions in religion that claim power isn’t within you. Reject all religions that do not continually highlight the spirit of God is within. Reject all religions that give power to anything outside of the people, or yourself. Unfortunately this is how most religions are expressed.

All religions are fractured, distorted versions of spiritual reality. Understand that eastern philosophy/spirituality, cultivation of Qi energy in the human body, and understand that shen (translated to spirit /consciousness) is the spirit of God which Christ spoke of (the kingdom of God is within). We are all individualized branches of the one consciousness of God. Everyone is a unique expression of what God would be in the human form.
Furthermore meditation techniques protecting the energy body are required for protection against reptilian influence on the astral plane.

Normally I wouldn’t mention the last part, because most people who don’t have knowledge of the astral realm/other planes wouldn’t understand and are pre-programmed to reject that notion. Besides the fact that conspiracy/paranormal investigators are aware of “the astral realm”, the most credible evidence for the astral realm is your dreams and NDE’s.

With that understanding, one can realize that the STS (Service to self) reptilian species could easily traverse “unseen planes of existence” , because a species that can achieve intergalactic space travel obviously has the more highly evolved scientific and spiritual understanding to traverse these planes.

Realize that selfishness is the root of all evil. Everything evil is just an extension of selfishness. Especially look at western media and music. There is high abuse of the esoteric arts to program western society into all sorts of selfish behavior. All the selfish behavior promoted in western media eventually causes people to be robbed of their spiritual energy (Qi/Shen) through intoxication, lustful sexuality, and negative emotions. This is what reptilians feed on, within the unseen astral plane. All those negative expressions I mentioned (and others) expends your Qi/Shen so they can steal it from you. This concurrently keeps you in spiritual bondage and prevents you from having a higher awareness and even supernatural abilities.

However it’s like I said, we can’t go out there and say “reptilians are stealing your energy”. Instead we need to demand an end to media that simply doesn’t add any positive value to society. We need to demand an end to media which supresses and objectifies women. Western society needs to ask itself why we accept media that influences highly impressionable youth to be a bunch of drunken idiots who commit crime. Is this what freedom of expression has brought us? No , this is abuse of freedom of expression. With the rise of the internet, the people should demand that we control what we see in our media – we already do with the internet. Either that or we need tougher anti-trust laws to break up the power consolidation in western media (the “big six”)
I believe striking at media and religion is a vital blow to the reptilian control over this planet that can free humanity. The world of (selfish) finance looks like its going down with the continual LIBOR investigations, and other investigations. Obviously, the selfish greed in the financial industry is influenced by the STS reptilian species.

The military industrial complex (MIC) is another important STS reptilian controlled industry. The greys who exchange technology with those in the MIC, CIA and other secret organizations are ultimately controlled by the reptilians. They are the ones suppressing “free energy” and other important technology from the public that would easily free humanity from economic slavery.

Once again, we can’t make accusations “the reptilians control the MIC/CIA” , no one will believe you. Rather just do your best to expose free energy devices, and all the whistle-blowers of the CIA and MIC who are aware of energy technology, and other technological suppressions.

So in short, realize that all religions are fractured, distorted versions of the truth as I had mentioned. The media should be controlled by the people/enforce tougher anti-trust laws, shouldn’t target the youth, and have higher ethics. The corrupt MIC can be defeated with the release of suppressed technology.

Many people are fighting the good fight in all these areas, but it’s important to realize how they all tie together through the negative STS reptilian influence, which is difficult to explain to some people.

+4 more 
posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 03:09 AM

Originally posted by Utopia2012
However the public is pre-programmed to ridicule those who bring up mention of the reptilian menace

No, educated people will ridicule you because it's a ridiculous theory with no hint of evidence to back it up.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 03:25 AM
There's too many correlations between the articles that summarize the activities of STS reptilians and the corrupt nature of various aspects of our society, what I have previously mentioned in the above post. The truly educated individual takes everything into account, and looks for knowledge everywhere without discrimination.

I previously mentioned in another thread concerning the reptilian theory that ET influence lies at the top of all secret societies, who are the STS reptilians that gain from the negativity caused by members of the elites. Just like anything else, you should investigate the issue before commenting on it.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 03:33 AM
I'm going to go around grabbing people by the cheeks with both hands, yanking as hard as possible. If these reptilians are among us, I'll eventually reveal one. Who's with me?

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 03:33 AM

Originally posted by Utopia2012
There's too many correlations between the articles that summarize the activities of STS reptilians and the corrupt nature of various aspects of our society, what I have previously mentioned in the above post. The truly educated individual takes everything into account, and looks for knowledge everywhere without discrimination.

I previously mentioned in another thread concerning the reptilian theory that ET influence lies at the top of all secret societies, who are the STS reptilians that gain from the negativity caused by members of the elites. Just like anything else, you should investigate the issue before commenting on it.

1. I could make up a story about purple unicorns invading earth and have it correlate with various aspects of our society.

2. There is no knowledge here to look for, because it all assumes alien reptiles are on our planet, an unproven concept.

3. How can I investigate the issue when there is no proof that it's even remotely true? All I would be investigating is stories created by other people. There's no proof that there's ET influence in any culture, that's an assumption.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 03:34 AM

Originally posted by Utopia2012
... Just like anything else, you should investigate the issue before commenting on it.

What exactly should I investigate? There's no proof
other than video glitches on youtube. There's nothing
more to 'investigate' than a bunch of stories.

I did read your post, just to make that clear.

edit on 23-7-2012 by snewpers because: taipo

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 03:39 AM
You ever wonder why reptillian Conspiracy Theories take traction. It's obviously in the interest of the ruling class to have the peons running around over fake bogey men like reptillians. While the real criminals get on with their work.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 03:40 AM

..Just like anything else, you should investigate the issue before commenting on it.

There's not a shread of evidence for this far-fetched and anti-scientific theory, so no reason to investigate. The people who champion this case are making money on a lie, try to investigate them instead.

Reptiles are just about the 'dumbest' animal species you'll find, suggesting that super-intelligent aliens should have bred with lizards only confounds the theory's core as being pure fantasy.

You might as well pick up where Don Quixote left off and start killing windmills.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 03:50 AM
I remember in the 1990s, there was a phase on the fringe where people claimed that if you used the EMBOSS filter on Photoshop on a picture of someone, you could tell who was a reptilian.

It was hilarious. Whatever happened to all those world leaders, and people in power that were accused of being reptilians back then?
I'll wager they progressed through their careers, as any normal human would, where the older ones retired, and have even since then died, just as expected of any other human, and none of the Doom Porn plots of fantasy alien invasions that were reported back then ever took place.

It's an old song and dance that's so utterly tired, but, new people just discovering the fringe topics for whatever reasons, are constantly filling the ranks of new gullible believer-ship, ignorant of all the fervent predictions and complete rubbish that never ever came about as predicted.

It's a hilarious cycle to watch. It's so funny how easily programmed some people are to believe in absolutely ridiculous lunacy without ever any real proof other than dodgy video glitches, and the silly stories charlatans make up to ensnare more believers.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 04:07 AM

1. I could make up a story about purple unicorns invading earth and have it correlate with various aspects of our society.

No you can't. There aren't reports concerning this. If you had read the very first link I provided you would of read that through hypnosis this was revealed by abductees of "the greys". The reports correlate with several articles concerning the STS reptilians.

2. There is no knowledge here to look for, because it all assumes alien reptiles are on our planet, an unproven concept.

It doesn't assume, it contains allegations by individuals. Read before you comment please.

3. How can I investigate the issue when there is no proof that it's even remotely true? All I would be investigating is stories created by other people. There's no proof that there's ET influence in any culture, that's an assumption.

These aren't stories, please refer to my response to number 1.

This response by the quoted poster is a prime example of how I mentioned that people are pre-programmed to discriminate against any mention of "reptilian ET's". They start becoming illogical and refuse to further investigate into the phenomenon.


There's nothing more to 'investigate' than a bunch of stories

Besides the hypnotic sessions which revealed the reptilians to be behind the grey ET abductions , there's plenty of other reports of the reptilian phenomenon through whistle blowers in the Military industrial complex and intelligence agencies. Then there's the correlations found in "the stories". With society's continual realization of the possibility of extra-terrestrial life , the existence of a reptilian ET species is logical.


It's obviously in the interest of the ruling class to have the peons running around over fake bogey men like reptillians. While the real criminals get on with their work

Fair point, which is why im trying to tie together the reptilian influence over humanity and the criminal behavior of the elites. The criminal behavior is all part of the selfish (service to self) ideology of the negative reptilian species, whom the elites within secret societies are connected to.

"There's not a shread of evidence"

Please refer to A.) and B.)

Reptiles are just about the 'dumbest' animal species you'll find, suggesting that super-intelligent aliens...

I believe the possibility that this reptilian ET species evolved to a space-traveling species on another planet, or possibly even this one during the mesozoic era , or another previous era before the development of the first anthropoids. This theory is the only one which has little evidence.
edit on 23-7-2012 by Utopia2012 because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-7-2012 by Utopia2012 because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-7-2012 by Utopia2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 04:21 AM

Originally posted by Druscilla

I remember in the 1990s, there was a phase on the fringe where people claimed that if you used the EMBOSS filter on Photoshop on a picture of someone, you could tell who was a reptilian.

It was hilarious. Whatever happened to all those world leaders, and people in power that were accused of being reptilians back then?
I'll wager they progressed through their careers, as any normal human would, where the older ones retired, and have even since then died, just as expected of any other human, and none of the Doom Porn plots of fantasy alien invasions that were reported back then ever took place.

It's an old song and dance that's so utterly tired, but, new people just discovering the fringe topics for whatever reasons, are constantly filling the ranks of new gullible believer-ship, ignorant of all the fervent predictions and complete rubbish that never ever came about as predicted.

It's a hilarious cycle to watch. It's so funny how easily programmed some people are to believe in absolutely ridiculous lunacy without ever any real proof other than dodgy video glitches, and the silly stories charlatans make up to ensnare more believers.

Agreed, I believe that the "glitchy videos" and "photoshop tricks" are the works of people who are desperately looking for proof of this reptilian threat that they read about, so psychologically speaking they will find it wherever they "see it". The problem is the lack of evidence with that sort of "proof". Disregard anything with little investigation or explanation. Youtube is a big time culprit of this.

Then again, all those videos could also be disinfo plants to discredit the reptilian theory with it's obviously faulty evidence. Regardless, what you're looking for is correlation in evidence from multiple sources which comes from

A.) Whistle-blowers in the military industrial complex and intelligence agencies
B.) Articles concerning the reptilian theory
C.) Accounts of abductees who undergo hypnosis sessions to reveal the reality of the ET situation

Plus the simple fact that the alleged service to self reptilians ideology correlates with the selfish corruption you see polluting today's capitalist economy and the selfish ideology promoted in western media. While people blame the elites and their greed, it makes sense that they (the elites who are aware of reptilian et's at the top of secret societies) are merely the tools of the selfish reptilians to promote selfish behavior, their ideology onto the whole planet.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 04:25 AM
Every time you use the word reptilian in the op insert the word 'psychopath' ' instead - then you'll at least know what you're dealing with in reality. All this reptilian rot only serves to disempower we plebeians - it makes the more susceptible and vulnerable among us feel all the more incapable of doing something about them. They're human beings - greedy, selfish to the core and with no capacity for empathy - but we can deal with them.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 04:28 AM
Do you think my chameleon is in on this? He DOES give me odd looks..

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 04:29 AM

Originally posted by Bodhi7
Do you think my chameleon is in on this? He DOES give me odd looks..

Kill it, just to be sure.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 04:33 AM

Every time you use the word reptilian in the op insert the word 'psychopath' ' instead - then you'll at least know what you're dealing with in reality. All this reptilian rot only serves to disempower we plebeians - it makes the more susceptible and vulnerable among us feel all the more incapable of doing something about them. They're human beings - greedy, selfish to the core and with no capacity for empathy - but we can deal with them.

Excellent point christina. This was more or less my message I was trying to get across on "how to fight back against the reptilian occupation of the planet", without actually mentioning "it's the reptilians" in mainstream society. As you can see, even on ATS there's a fair amount of push-back.

It's just as I had mentioned in the OP, you simply have to demand change in society's media, religion, economy, military industrial complex, almost all aspects of society. You don't have to say "its the reptilians!" , you're absolutely right, its psychopaths - it's selfishness which is the root of all evil.

Thanks for that insight Christina, I'll remember that.

As for the funny comments, this just further supports the theory that the media and attention of david icke has programmed most into rejecting the notion of this ET force. Even if you consider the fact of existence of ET life, it's logical to conclude the possibility of this selfish reptile based ET species. The way people react to discussions of the reptile ET species should be a revelation of this programmed behavior, further supporting the theory.

So basically what you're saying is, people have said they exist in the form of these reports and whatever else is available on the internet.

You disregarded the fact of whistle-blowers or anything else I mentioned besides what you just said.

Your whole argument is "It's true regardless of no evidence and anyone that disagrees is pre-programmed".

I can't confirm it's true, but the evidence piles up and suggests so. People arn't pre-programmed all the time. Sometimes people investigate and reject the theory just because they have bad evidence as I mentioned in a previous post (the glitchy videos, david icke, etc.). This argument is a lot more complex than one lined statements.

Well, it seems that in your case the phrase "pre-programmed" and "educated individual" and interchangeable.

Incorrect. As I had mentioned to you before, the truly educated don't discriminate the information they investigate. If it's garbage/bull , it will reveal itself. Pre-programmed are those who discriminate information and basically believe everything they see on TV, they blindly accept what is told to them in the media and education system. If you go to university/any school and blindly accept what is told to you without investigating other theories and other versions of what is taught to you, then you are not an educated individual. You're just being brainwashed to accept a certain perspective. The truly educated find all knowledge pertaining to whatever they study and investigate.

That's as bad....

That entire paragraph over-looked the evidence I had already mentioned in previous posts, please re-read what I have already posted. The proof of theory is in correlation. I cannot bring to you physical proof of a reptile ET, if that's what you want. The stories you refer to are non-fiction accounts of whistle blowers and abductee's who present info that correlates with other writing concerning the reptile ET phenomenon, and the selfish nature of corruption in all aspects of society (the economy, religion, the government, the media, etc.)

Calling people pre-programmed doesn't insult their intelligence, it merely points out they need to become aware of methods of manipulation. Only those who actually aren't intelligent are insulted when they are called pre-programmed. Please refer to the above paragraph concerning being truly educated. Thank you.

edit on 23-7-2012 by Utopia2012 because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-7-2012 by Utopia2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 04:35 AM
So basically what you're saying is, people have said they exist in the form of these reports and whatever else is available on the internet. Strange that there is no evidence other than these stories, but let's believe it anyway!

Your whole argument is "It's true regardless of no evidence and anyone that disagrees is pre-programmed".

Well, it seems that in your case the phrase "pre-programmed" and "educated individual" are interchangeable.

That's as bad as when people that disagree are called "shills" or "disinfo agents", it's a weak defence used to hide the fact that you have no proof, you do not know reptilians exist, face it, you have made yourself believe otherwise after reading stories on the internet. You can't deny the fact that you don't know and can't prove they exist, so don't insult people's intelligence by calling them "pre-programmed" when they don't believe you.
edit on 23-7-2012 by SpearMint because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 05:00 AM

Originally posted by Utopia2012

Then again, all those videos could also be disinfo plants to discredit the reptilian theory with it's obviously faulty evidence. Regardless, what you're looking for is correlation in evidence from multiple sources which comes from

A.) Whistle-blowers in the military industrial complex and intelligence agencies
B.) Articles concerning the reptilian theory
C.) Accounts of abductees who undergo hypnosis sessions to reveal the reality of the ET situation

Plus the simple fact that the alleged service to self reptilians ideology correlates with the selfish corruption you see polluting today's capitalist economy and the selfish ideology promoted in western media. While people blame the elites and their greed, it makes sense that they (the elites who are aware of reptilian et's at the top of secret societies) are merely the tools of the selfish reptilians to promote selfish behavior, their ideology onto the whole planet.

A - It's an old charlatan trick to claim employment credentials they don't or never had. If they feel they really need the credibility, they can get a job on the books as a janitor, or rent out their own valid identity to an illegal immigrant to work under their name just to have their name on the roster of company X.
Background checks to vet people's credentials typically on check to verify that person Y was employed at company X, but not really in what capacity. Thus, someone who have their name on the books as a janitor, could pass a background check where they make claims of having worked for company X in any capacity they want to fabricate for their story, just long as they don't go too overboard like claiming to be on board of directors, or other such upper management that hold a public face for the company.
In such a way, any charlatan can accurrately claim they worked for company X and then fabricate any sort of story they want about being a heroic whistle-blower.

B - For any sort of credibility or legitimacy, any articles on reptilian theory would need to come from the academic domain, and would necessarily need be far distant in origin from any fringe sources.

C - Hypnosis, or claimed hypnotic regression is a huge problem in ufology. Anyone that wants to sell a story can pretend to go under hypnosis, and act out any sort of crazy they feel like acting out, all the time conscious, and at no point actually under hypnosis.
Anyone can do this and just because a hypnotist is present, their story then get instant credibility.
Accounts under supposed hypnosis are thus suspect and shouldn't be taken into account at all any more so than any other word of mouth story.

As far as selfishness is concerned, it's not a reptilian trait.
In the wild, no reptilians hoard food, take up more territory than they need, or act in any many that could be considered any more selfish than any other animal.
Humans, however, are really quite expert at being selfish and greedy.
How many wives was King Solomon supposed to have had? 700? plus 300 concubines?

Greed and selfishness is nothing at all new to the modern world. It's a basic human trait.
Whatever "more" is, if someone can get it, they typically will, whether it's wealth, power, land, sex, or any other kind of decadence.
Some people curb this desire, sure, but, for the most part, it's still a part of human nature, with no help at all coming from supposed alien reptiles from any dimension, or any time in history, now, or in the past.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 05:02 AM
reply to post by Utopia2012

If you said the spirits of reptiles are moving into the container called man, you might have something. Man has wiped out most of the containers called reptile.... etc. Their spirits have to go somewhere.

Maybe you think this is rubbish, but If this is true , we would end up with what we have now. ?

This is why we should take care of the planet. You can still have fun.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 05:25 AM
Reject all ramblings from any person on ATS who thinks they are better than everybody else,
and tries to tell them how to live.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 05:30 AM

A - It's an old charlatan trick to claim employment credentials they don't or never had. If they feel they really need the credibility, they can get a job on the books as a janitor, or rent out their own valid identity to an illegal immigrant to work under their name just to have their name on the roster of company X.
Background checks to vet people's credentials typically on check to verify that person Y was employed at company X, but not really in what capacity. Thus, someone who have their name on the books as a janitor, could pass a background check where they make claims of having worked for company X in any capacity they want to fabricate for their story, just long as they don't go too overboard like claiming to be on board of directors, or other such upper management that hold a public face for the company.
In such a way, any charlatan can accurrately claim they worked for company X and then fabricate any sort of story they want about being a heroic whistle-blower.

These people are not janitors. They are credible sources such as Robert Dean a Sergeant major who served for 28 years. I agree, a small number of whistle blowers could possibly be out for fame , but the majority have had lengthly careers in the military.

B - For any sort of credibility or legitimacy, any articles on reptilian theory would need to come from the academic domain, and would necessarily need be far distant in origin from any fringe sources.

True. Rather the "fringe" articles merely highlight the correlation and support the theory. Also a note on academic sources, it's like I previously mentioned concerning the education system. Don't just blindly believe everything that you're taught in university or anywhere. The academic domain isn't so credible, theory evolves - and the so called laws of science are not actually laws but just theories. They are not so solid and continue to evolve as time progresses. So technically speaking, academic theory holds only slightly more ground than fringe theory. The only real difference is that fringe theory is unmoderated.

C - Hypnosis, or claimed hypnotic regression is a huge problem in ufology. Anyone that wants to sell a story can pretend to go under hypnosis, and act out any sort of crazy they feel like acting out, all the time conscious, and at no point actually under hypnosis.
Anyone can do this and just because a hypnotist is present, their story then get instant credibility.
Accounts under supposed hypnosis are thus suspect and shouldn't be taken into account at all any more so than any other word of mouth story.

Regardless, their accounts correlate with the above mentioned theory of the service to self reptile species. I agree that some accounts of abductees could be made up, but the mere mention of the STS reptile species provides the vital theoretical link regardless.

As far as selfishness is concerned, it's not a reptilian trait.
In the wild, no reptilians hoard food, take up more territory than they need, or act in any many that could be considered any more selfish than any other animal.
Humans, however, are really quite expert at being selfish and greedy.

I'm not suggesting that all reptile ET species are "selfish" / STS. It's just like humanity - not all humans are selfish. just the greedy ignorant ones. Considering the possibility of reptile evolution into a society like ours, I believe that just some reptile ET's are selfish, just like some humans are selfish and ignorant.

Reject all ramblings from any person on ATS who thinks they are better than everybody else,
and tries to tell them how to live

Agreed. We're all equals here. we all have the same potential. It's as I highlighted, religion, the government and even the education system will tell you how to live, but only you can make the choice on how you live. The education system, religion, even ATS merely provides information that is yours to do with as you wish. Only you can tell yourself how to live. The outside world can influence you, but the power always comes from within.
edit on 23-7-2012 by Utopia2012 because: (no reason given)

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