posted on Aug, 3 2012 @ 11:36 PM
Cool to see a topic about my discovery of the "obelisk."
I found the spike maybe a year ago, and recently a friend suggested I make video of it and put it on YouTube.
So I did and not without reward 8~)
Someone know by the YouTube username Rapture402602 pointed out that (nearly) exactly on the other side of the planet are the pyramids at Giza, Egypt.
19900km, that is about 300km less distance than the official half way around the earth length measured around the equator, which is slightly longer
that an other route as the earth is a bit thicker around the equator.
Inspired but his discovery I checked the distance from the sea obelisk to the pyramids in Xi'an in China. The distance to there is 12732 km, measured
in Google earth, if I remember correctly. That is about 300km deviation to the official diameter of the earth. The distance to Stonehenge is about
24km more that exactly 16666,66 km.
Also when you draw a line from the obelisk to Xi'an you can extend it in a straight line to Giza.
Also the line from the obelisk to Stonehenge can be extended and you get to Giza again.
Also it is a bit less taller then I first thought. About 4100m from the seabed and 1200m below sea level. But the hole is a lot deeper than I
initially thought. It is 12000m deep from sea level, sea bottom is at 5100m so the hole goes about 7000m in the ground.
I made a new video showing all the distances and alignments. Uploading it now.