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I get sleep paralysis and see people in my room

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posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 09:33 AM
I used to get it allot also. Once I had it there was a glowing yellow reddish orb above me. It was burning my right eye. Very weird. My eye still hurt the next day. Can any one explain that?

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 09:38 AM
I use to get a lot of sleep paralysis when i used to stay up a lot, till like 4-5am in the morning or improper sleeping schedule or stress.

First few times it was scary, one time i look back and there was a dwarfish human sitting on my back, he was dark and i could only see the outline, no facial features, but from the angle of his face he was staring at from while sitting on my back(i was sleeping face down).

I never dared to look back from then, i always jerk my self up, wiggling your fingers and toes is the best way for me to "wake up" faster.
edit on 7/23/2012 by luciddream because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 09:51 AM
Do you sleep alone? It finally stopped for me when I moved in with my boyfriend and had someone to sleep with at night. This happened to me often as a child and teenager. My eyes would open while sleeping and I would see my room, but then there was always this evil thing from the corner that was trying to get me. I couldn't directly see it because I wasn't able to turn my head to completely see it. I remember trying so hard to speak and move and couldn't. It was terrifying. I remember how glad I was when I moved in with my boyfriend at 19 because I finally felt safe sleeping with him and it never happened again. I sometimes still have nightmares but nothing like before.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 10:13 AM
Also thank you for posting this, I never knew there was even a name for this! I thought I was the only one. I'm so sorry your going through this still. I just research "sleep paralysis" and one website said in ancient times they believed it was an evil presence. There only explanation for it these days is that you are stuck between sleeping and being awake, that you're having problems adjusting through your sleep phases.
edit on 23-7-2012 by ladybug121 because: Mispelling

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 10:55 AM
I've been having this happen on and off since I was about 6. When I was young, I use to wake up and try to play with them. I wasn't scared of them. They looked like shadows of people. Not like a shadow on the wall, but more like a person standing in a shadow. As I got older, I became unable to move... When it happens now, I can't even move my eye balls side to side. I can only close them. So, I go back to sleep. There is no pain or discomfort involved. I don't feel like anything is messing with me. All I know is I can't move, and there is something in the room with me. It freaks my husband out pretty bad when i tell him the next morning, but he never sees or hears anything. He don't even wake up.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by biggmoneyme

Jerk yourself out of it?

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by lldd182

this is interesting, when i was young I used to wake up completely paralyzed with crazy vibrations running through me. I used to dream of black snarling dogs outside my house staring and growling at me.... I know this sounds crazy but im being totally serious, to be honest I have never told anyone about this. The dreams continued for ages I used to fear going to bed...I would lay on my bed for ages facing the wall completely petrified to turn around cuz it felt like something was behind me. then when i did fall asleep the dogs would come. after a while I got so fed up that one night in my dream I got up went to the front door, opened it with the intention of facing the dogs. I woke up and never dreamed of them again. All this happened when I was young about 5-7 ish. I spent the next 20 years completely trapped in the hypnosis of this system, completely denied myself of my spirituality, A few years ago I 'Woke Up' Lately the dreams have been coming again, only not dogs this time

If you are serious about what you are saying, google jinns, there is more to our reality that our five senses can detect and if my dreams are correct then we will be seeing them soon anyway.

also some good info here

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by lldd182

I have had sleep paralysis since i was a child, started when i was 6 years old still living in Siberia(russia)...
Everytime it happend i would see the so called (ghosts), i was always afraid when it happend.

But its been a long time since then i have learned some interesting things about it.

First off, dont be scared when it happens, if anything try to( not force) enjoy the feeling, the vibrations in the body and the sound u hear, because sleep paralysis is a natural ability in order to have an OBE (out of body experience)

The (ghosts) u see and the talking or noises you hear, is only ur memory trying to wake you up using a shock method, the only reason your body reacts to it that way is because like most people your body isn't used to it. Sometimes you would hear a humming noise that gets louder, and sometimes could hurt the year( not physically) or you would hear a dog barking, or someone saying ur name, that is only your memory trying to wake u up.

Also, if u do see someone, send them love, the illusion will leave since your body and mind will on longer see a threat. and always remember, they cannot harm you in anyway. As soon as u feel the vibrations, that is ur "soul" trying to adjust to the frequency of the astral plane. if u want to move when u are vibrating, do not try and move physically, think about moving ur hand for example, but dont be scared if u dont see the hand, cause its not you who is moving, but your soul.

If u got more questions, just ask, i have a lot more to say to you since this is what im practicing.

I so far i can only leave my body for long enough to fly out the window, maybe turn around and see me sleeping (which in return pulls you right back, the first thought of ur physical body or ur self will throw u back in and you will wake up, very refreshed i might add)

edit on 23-7-2012 by XaniMatriX because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 02:23 PM
I got my SP while in low teens. I was reading and I felt asleep. Once I woke on sound I felt someone/something standing close to me, shadowy figure and it was going out trough open window. My room was on second level, and there was no balcony or anything.

At the time I had no idea about SP, so I thought that was just a bit more real dream, which really SP is, most likely enchanted by my reading.

For some reason I had urged feeling of danger once I sensed shadow, and I could not explain to my self why afterwords.

Well, next time it was a bit more scary, as room was in dark and I tried to call my parents. Simple opening of mount and trying to yell - while feeling urgent panic as I figure out that I could not do it.

All this happened while I was living in Europe.

I had it again here in states, last couple times while sleeping next to my wife.

As I am gamer, and I used to get bad sleeping habit and habitual sleep disorder that turns into insomnia, I never gave it a bigger thought.

I am sure that whole experience is product of my unconscious mind, but it still scares me.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by jhill76

Please also message me maybe it would help me understand what is going on with me.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 02:44 PM
I think sometimes the hallucinations are a product of your imagination , but i don't think
they're always illusions of the mind . I too sleep on my side cause laying on my back will for sure make me have sleep paralysis ,but i have gotten sleep paralysis on my side too some months ago i woke up on my side and i felt possessed my soul felt heavy it was really freaky. last December i had another episode this time a shadow guy was touching me physically , when i woke up i could feel where he had touched me . ive also heard demon voices scream in my head while have S.P. I think spirits take advantage while on that stage .
edit on 23-7-2012 by lostangel818 because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-7-2012 by lostangel818 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by lostangel818

False, when someone is touching u they are trying to adjust your frequency so that u can astal travel, any stories you hear of evil spirits coming or taking advantage of u is just fear mongering. Once you start feeling vibrations or hearing voices your already past the point of getting hurt, and once u leave you body there is nothing, and i mean NOTHING on this planet or another that can hurt you, how can u get hurt if u have no body right?

Like i said before, majority of the people are not used to it, so the mind tries to wake you up, because the first reaction like anyone else to something that you are not used to, is fear.

Also, u can ask your friends (AKA Ghosts that u see) to stop touching, or to help you through the transision(which might envolve touching) but dont talk physically, think it, imagine it.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by lldd182

Do not get polluted by the beliefs of others. It is all in your mind you can interpret the experience as you wish. The first time is the most frighting, you can shape the experiences freely as they have no real context. If you start to buy into this stuff about spirits and entities and you bring that as a context to the sleep paralysis you may be setting yourself to get a truly bad experience.

Never adopt the beliefs of others, ask for prof and make up your own mind about stuff, get informed and note the different view points....
edit on 23-7-2012 by Panic2k11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 04:51 AM
Sounds like standard sleep paralysis symptoms? Why is this considered paranormal? It's a relatively well understood medical phenomenon.

I've experienced sleep paralysis for about five years or so now and I feel the most important thing to remember when experiencing hallucinations is that they aren't real and always relatively short. Albeit, I've never experienced a visual hallucination. I have however had different sorts of auditory ones, ranging from buzzing and roaring to loud "whispery" sounds.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by Tetrarch42
Sounds like standard sleep paralysis symptoms? Why is this considered paranormal? It's a relatively well understood medical phenomenon.

With all due respect there is no such thing as a "well understood medical phenomenon". I believe theory would be appropriate in this case.

The reason that the poster might consider this a paranormal situation, is the fact that they experienced something paranormal in their state of lucid sleep paralysis. Something beyond what happens in the normal plane of existence is consider paranormal.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by Realtruth

Originally posted by Tetrarch42
Sounds like standard sleep paralysis symptoms? Why is this considered paranormal? It's a relatively well understood medical phenomenon.

With all due respect there is no such thing as a "well understood medical phenomenon". I believe theory would be appropriate in this case.

The reason that the poster might consider this a paranormal situation, is the fact that they experienced something paranormal in their state of lucid sleep paralysis. Something beyond what happens in the normal plane of existence is consider paranormal.

With all do respect there is such a thing as a well understood medical phenomenon, that's the outcome of science and research. Look at this page on influenza: And that's just a cursory overview. What do you define as "well understood" if not comprehending a phenomenon in complete, or near-complete entirety?

Using the word "theory" as a qualifier does nothing. A scientific theory is "A set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena, especially one that has Something beyond what happens in the normal plane of existence is consider paranormal.." -Free Dictionary by Farlex. My emphasis bolded.

That sounds pretty conclusive to me. Perhaps the word you're looking for hypothesis.

I agree that "something beyond what happens in the normal plane of existence is considered paranormal" as you said, in a broad sense. But hallucinations(a very common symptom of sleep paralysis) are not beyond the normal plane of existence. They're due to dysfunctional/abnormal brain activity and are, again, well understood.

Claiming that hallucinations are paranormal in nature is either ignorant or dishonest. Please stop spewing ignorant declarative statements, they won't help this individual with his/her medical problem and they just perpetuate fear and stupidity.
edit on 24-7-2012 by Tetrarch42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by Tetrarch42

Claiming that hallucinations are paranormal in nature is either ignorant or dishonest. Please stop spewing ignorant declarative statements, they won't help this individual with his/her medical problem and they just perpetuate fear and stupidity.

Using the word "theory" as a qualifier does nothing. A scientific theory is

Perhaps it's you that is ignorant, the forum is "Paranormal Studies" which means just that.

And I did not say "Scientific Theory", but rather "Theory"

Theory is a contemplative and rational type of abstract or generalizing thinking, or the results of such thinking. Depending on the context, the results might for example include generalized explanations of how nature works, or even how divine or metaphysical matters are thought to work.

Many times people that have not experienced paranormal things personally, spew ignorant claims that are pulled from internet to try to prove their limited personal position.

I understand that many people are fearful themselves, and do not have the capacity to delve into anything other than what they are spoon fed, in school since birth, but there are many people that have a greater understanding than what is in books, and will explore outside of the box that they live in.

If you have not had paranormal experiences then maybe trying to assist an individual here on this forum is a moot point.


edit on 24-7-2012 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by Realtruth

Originally posted by Tetrarch42

Claiming that hallucinations are paranormal in nature is either ignorant or dishonest. Please stop spewing ignorant declarative statements, they won't help this individual with his/her medical problem and they just perpetuate fear and stupidity.

Perhaps it's you that is ignorant, the forum is "Paranormal Studies" which means just that.

Many times people that have not experienced paranormal things personally, spew ignorant claims that are pulled from internet to try to prove their limited personal position.

I understand that many people are fearful themselves, and do not have the capacity to delve into anything other than what they are spoon fed, in school since birth, but there are many people that have a greater understanding than what is in books, and will explore outside of the box that they live in.

If you have not had paranormal experiences then maybe trying to assist an individual here on this forum is a moot point.



Here come the veiled insults, eh? I'm aware the board is "paranormal studies" That doesn't mean that anything posted in here automatically becomes a legitimate paranormal phenomenon. That would be ridiculous.

I really don't even know how to address your post because so much of it is inane, veiled ad hominem attacks rife with condescension.

I guess it's possible to address your final contention, that "If you have not had paranormal experiences then maybe trying to assist an individual here on this forum is a moot point."

Well that's just plain wrong, because as I've already demonstrated there's no reason to believe that there is any paranormal phenomenon at play. I'm a layman, albeit, but what the individual posted is completely consistent with sleep paralysis, again, there's no reason to believe this is paranormal.

Edit: Your link leads to a page with no content. May I ask how you intended to use the word "theory" if not in the context I described?
edit on 24-7-2012 by Tetrarch42 because: Added content.

edit on 24-7-2012 by Tetrarch42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 12:53 AM
reply to post by ladybug121

yes, i do sleep alone

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 12:57 AM
reply to post by ladybug121

Nice that you know what its called now. It's crazy, though, how everyone that gets sleep paralysis feels/sees/hears scary stuff. I would think that if you're just dreaming and you wake up while still dreaming, then you might also see cool, positive stuff. But that doesn't happen, at least not that I've heard. But it's probably because your body has no idea how to deal with sleep paralysis so it freaks out, thus the bad visions and stuff.

But maybe its something else, and thats what intrigues me

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